Wax seal pendant, pin with jewel, tombac


Full Member
Jan 1, 2016
western MA
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Had a hunt this evening in a field that has been producing very well. Tonight I found some really cool relics and would love some input as to age.

First and most simple (but still cool) is this awesome tombac button. ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1494378460.933092.jpgImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1494378474.099787.jpg

Next is this broken jewelry piece that still has a jewel in it. Not sure if its glass. I dont want to assume its a diamond so if anyone has any insight that would be great! ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1494378525.952366.jpgImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1494378536.045468.jpg

Finally is this really neat, what I think is a wax seal pendant. Still has some gold gilt on it! Looks like it would have gone on a necklace perhaps. Also the top looks etched out of glass so maybe its just a pendant and not for a wax seal. Again any insight would be appreciated. ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1494378615.700631.jpgImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1494378649.643876.jpgImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1494378673.007902.jpgImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1494378681.136960.jpg

Thanks for looking!

Upvote 20
Thanks for bumping this, Art, that seal is spectacular. Nice recovery DanS.! If memory serves you've already had a great year.

A useable matrix seal is second only to US Rev button on my relic wish list...I can't wait to drive my friends and relatives crazy with old school sealed letters. 🤓

Thanks for bumping this, Art, that seal is spectacular. Nice recovery DanS.! If memory serves you've already had a great year.

A useable matrix seal is second only to US Rev button on my relic wish list...I can't wait to drive my friends and relatives crazy with old school sealed letters. 🤓

Haha!!! Thats a great comment thanks! I am pretty excited about it because my first name initial is D so it matches. I was nervous to try to use it but I may just have to! Thanks for looking

Haha!!! Thats a great comment thanks! I am pretty excited about it because my first name initial is D so it matches. I was nervous to try to use it but I may just have to! Thanks for looking

You know, the odds of pulling a matrix seal with a matching first or last initial are so incredibly slim (I've seen for more with motifs than letters)...please, tell me what you did to make the detecting gods so happy with you!

I figure most of the good stuff we recover has spent so long in the ground we shouldn't be too careful if we can enjoy using it. Life is short, and wax seals have a lot more class than a licked envelope. ✉️ Bleah

Haha!!! Thats a great comment thanks! I am pretty excited about it because my first name initial is D so it matches. I was nervous to try to use it but I may just have to! Thanks for looking

That could last another 50 years of use! Very nice seal Dan. Congrats.

Awesome wax seal. I'd love to find one of those one day and yours is in great shape. :icon_thumright:

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yeah man! love that wax seal!

every one that I've seen posted on here in a decade and I have never once seen the same one twice, awesome find!

You know, the odds of pulling a matrix seal with a matching first or last initial are so incredibly slim (I've seen for more with motifs than letters)...please, tell me what you did to make the detecting gods so happy with you!

I figure most of the good stuff we recover has spent so long in the ground we shouldn't be too careful if we can enjoy using it. Life is short, and wax seals have a lot more class than a licked envelope. [emoji394]️ Bleah

Great point! I should try it out!! My wife will soon be annoyed haha!

And to appease the detecting gods i simply made a sacrifice of 10 9v batteries ;-)

Nice recovery on the seal, one of the nicest relics one can dig as they're so personal. It's still up there on the most wanted list, a find that eludes my coil after all these years.

Killer seal, congrats on the sweet little find.

Best of luck to you!

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