Proof that most water lost rings are lost with in the first 15 meters. Doesn't mean they stay there of course, but just backing up Clive Clynicks studies. [good pal of mine]
Excal 1000, Excal II, Sovereign GT, CZ-20, Tiger Shark, Tejon, GTI 1500, Surfmaster Pulse, CZ6a, DFX, AT PRO, Fisher 1235, Surf PI Pro, 1280-X, many more because I enjoy learning them. New Garrett Ca
Clive Clynicks was the main reason I stopped work on my book about beach hunting with the excel. Everything he wrote about was true an it seemed like my manuscript copied his words. There are only so many ways to describe the use of detectors when you think about it. The only chapter Clive didn't touch on was eye candy.