Vote the Incumbents Out !!

Ignorance Denied

Full Member
Aug 20, 2013
Primary Interest:
Cache Hunting
I have dedicated a portion of my website solely for the purpose of this important issue.

It is time to vote thes bums out!

Vote the Incumbents Out !! Time to clean out Congress.

Citizens of America.

Take notice. Your Congress representatives do not care if they sink the ship US America.

I am not taking part in partisan politics.
I am just tired of our Congress made up of political lifers that have never had a real job working for a wage.
I am tired of banks and corporations and PAC's running our government.

And this issue that we have before us is by far beyond simple embarrassment.

They are destroying the very fabric of our establishment and government.

They are demonstrating that it isn't about the people of our great country, it is only about partisan politics.

The Republicans are holding our countries stability hostage for the simple fact of trying a last-ditch effort to dismantle Obamacare.

I have dedicated a portion of my website solely for the purpose of this important issue.

It is time to vote thes bums out!

Vote the Incumbents Out !! Time to clean out Congress.

Yeah, and the dems are keeping the parks hostage in a last ditch effort to steal your money. Yep, we are in a pickle!
How many kids realize that even though you never had to have insurance you will be required to have it now! And it will cost you more than it would have. And your deductible will be so high that you, as a healthy youngster will probably not meet your out of pocket.

Oh the good times are starting now , huh?

Yeah, and the dems are keeping the parks hostage in a last ditch effort to steal your money. Yep, we are in a pickle!
How many kids realize that even though you never had to have insurance you will be required to have it now! And it will cost you more than it would have. And your deductible will be so high that you, as a healthy youngster will probably not meet your out of pocket.

Oh the good times are starting now , huh?
Now Dave, don't go injecting logic into's that going to help?...LOL

Very strange Ignorance - You say:

I am not taking part in partisan politics. -

The Republicans are holding our countries stability hostage for the simple fact of trying a last-ditch effort to dismantle Obamacare.

I would say:

The Repubicans have offered to fund EVERY bit of our Government except for exemptions for the afforable care act - The Democrats in the Senate refused all funding because of the affordable care act.

So who's really to blame here?

Ring Finder - It is hard for me even to remain non partisan, obviously.

But I am very frustrated with this turn of events. I believe that it is time to clean out Congress and install some individuals that do care, and will not hold our country hostage over differences that can be resolved in other more productive ways. Congress sported an 8% approval rating before this fiasco. I am sure it hasnt gone up because of it.

And they (all of them) are not doing this now.

Why doesnt Congress work for free while we are at this impass?
Why does Boehner need to require attaching the Canadian pipeline to get his vote for the budget? (along with delaying or dismantling Obamacare?)

Many Americans are out of work.
Many working Americans that have government jobs are now out of work.
Early this year many government workers were sent home on Fridays due to the sequester.
Now they are just sitting at home waiting for this issue to be resolved, unpaid. Again.

This is unfair to those that work for the government and yet have to juggle their budgets to make ends meet, because the government cant, or wont.

This is unfair to citizens that have to put their faith and trust in a government to do the right by their constituants.

What is going on is just plain wrong on so many levels.

It is only harming everyone.

The only forum that can contain any political threads is 2nd and then related to 2 admen in some fashion.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

You know, why don't everyone just inundate our elected rep's with their suggestions?
While searching for our elected officials "wealth reposts", I ran across this link, and it may be useful.
A little further look into politics, banking, wallstreet, pardons, walks, fundraisers, etc........ who won, who lost,
not hard to see who is the preyed upon and who profited. Quit feeding the beast!

WHO do YOU depend on to run your life?

Contact Elected Officials |

ets: tell 'em to stay off your 2nd, also!

You know, why don't everyone just inundate our elected rep's with their suggestions?
While searching for our elected officials "wealth reposts", I ran across this link, and it may be useful.
A little further look into politics, banking, wallstreet, pardons, walks, fundraisers, etc........ who won, who lost,
not hard to see who is the preyed upon and who profited. Quit feeding the beast!

WHO do YOU depend on to run your life?

Contact Elected Officials |

ets: tell 'em to stay off your 2nd, also!

Pat, we have. Yeah we need to keep pounding them. At least they listened to us a little bit. But they inspire to to their own dreams of wealth and benefits, and not ours.

Pat, you and I know this will NOT end well.

Before we vote anybody out, we better see who is next. I think voting out any republican would be a mistake because they held the line on gun control and are trying to save us from Obamacare. As for democrats, better start with California and New York and meet in the middle. I know this is political, but who better than a shamed liberal to say it. Remember, "better the devil you know, than the devil you don't know" or something like that...

We could eliminate a large part of the politcal mess if you we get term limits in place. The biggest problem is the egos of the ones who have been there for their entire life. Take it back to the founding fathers' intention: you serve your country as a representative and then return to your normal life and live under the laws you enacted.

Obamacare: Illegitimate ?law Of The Land? | Tea Party

This is how you post your links Pip! Needs a little more than just the headline.
"Liberal talking heads keep chanting the mantra that ObamaCare is the “law of the land”, passed by the two houses of Congress and upheld by the Supreme Court. They tell us we need to stop fighting and just accept it.

Let’s take a look at how legitimately this “law of the land” was made and upheld. When HR3200 was passed by the House, Nancy Pelosi was Speaker and both houses had a Democrat majority. The Senate had a super majority of 60. Conservatives did a remarkable thing, in one of the bluest states in the country we elected Republican Scott Brown in Ted Kennedy’s seat to break the Senate super majority. As we high fived and celebrated our win, Harry Reid changed the rules. ObamaCare needed to be passed by a super majority and Reid wasn’t even sure he could get 60 Democrats to vote for it. Polls showed more than 60% of the population didn’t want it. So Reid changed the rules to make ObamaCare a reconcilition bill that can’t be filibustered and only needs a simple majority (51 votes) to pass.

Liberal talking heads keep chanting the mantra that ObamaCare is the “law of the land”, passed by the two houses of Congress and upheld by the Supreme Court. They tell us we need to stop fighting and just accept it.
Let’s take a look at how legitimately this “law of the land” was made and upheld. When HR3200 was passed by the House, Nancy Pelosi was Speaker and both houses had a Democrat majority. The Senate had a super majority of 60. Conservatives did a remarkable thing, in one of the bluest states in the country we elected Republican Scott Brown in Ted Kennedy’s seat to break the Senate super majority. As we high fived and celebrated our win, Harry Reid changed the rules. ObamaCare needed to be passed by a super majority and Reid wasn’t even sure he could get 60 Democrats to vote for it. Polls showed more than 60% of the population didn’t want it. So Reid changed the rules to make ObamaCare a reconcilition bill that can’t be filibustered and only needs a simple majority (51 votes) to pass.
..........." Aides tipped us off to what was going on. Senators weren’t just being bribed, Chicago thug tactics were being used. Their children and their families futures were being threatened. Any secrets they had were known and threatened to be revealed. Remember this was necessary to even get a simple majority. Well, they succeeded…..without a single Republican vote. No entitlement bill, no bill with such far reaching consequences has ever been passed under these circumstances. Never in our history has a bill with public opinion against it and not a single partisan vote been passed. Saul Alinsky would be so proud."

Thank you for posting this, but you do realize that the title implied something other than the actual article?
Here is an excerpt for you.
To make his case, Wurzelbacher re-posted an excerpt of a blog by conservative blogger Kevin Jackson on his own website, Joe For America, on Oct. 10. In the post, Jackson writes, "Wanting a white Republican president doesn't make you racist, it just makes you American." The post was not attributed to Jackson, and Wurzelbacher only included a link to Jackson's original post at the bottom of the page.
Jackson, who is black, referred to the time prior to President Barack Obama's election to the presidency as the "pre-black president era," saying at that time, criticizing the president "meant that you didn't like his policies."

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