Virginia Election for Governor is Tuesday November 5 - WE NEED TO BE THERE


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Mar 3, 2013
SW, VA - Bull Mountain
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Note that I did a little "editing" of this article out of pure pleasure. I didn't change what it said, just added appropriately :)

» Gov. Candidate McAuliffe Disowns Virginia Gun Owners, Flouts NRA?s ?F? Rating Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Virginia Election for Governor is Tuesday November 5 - WE NEED TO BE THERE

Gubernatorial candidate has told Old Dominion’s constitutionalists who to vote for.. anyone but him

Adan Salazar
October 25, 2013

Virginia governor candidate Fast Terry McAuliffe, a former DNC chairman, has pledged to wage a full-scale assault against the Bill of Rights should he be elected to office in November.

Fast Terry McAuliffe made anti-gun remarks yesterday at Virginia Tech University during the final debate against Republican opponent Ken Cuccinelli.

When Cuccinelli stated that increased gun restrictions would have done nothing to prevent the shooting that took place at the campus in 2007, in which a senior student launched a pre-meditated attack on unarmed and unsuspecting peers, killing 32 people, Fast Terry McAuliffe toed the party line that more gun control equals less gun crime.

“Some people should not own guns,” Fast Terry McAuliffe audaciously responded, adding “I don’t care what grade I got from the NRA. I never want to see another Newtown or Aurora or Virginia Tech again.”

Fast Terry McAuliffe, the former head of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign and co-chair of husband Bill’s 1996 campaign, was referring to grades handed out by the NRA Political Victory Fund, an educational tool for voting gun owners which measures whether a candidate is pro or anti-gun rights.

Fast Terry McAuliffe received an “F” rating, meaning he is a “True enemy of gun owners’ rights. A consistent anti-gun candidate who always opposes gun owners’ rights and/or actively leads anti-gun legislative efforts, or sponsors anti-gun legislation.”

On the other hand, Cuccinell received an “A,” signifying he is a “Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues,” according to the NRA-PVF.

Fast Terry McAuliffe might do well to consider the state’s statistical facts.

The Richmond Times Dispatch, when comparing state crime data with state records of gun sales, found increased gun ownership actually correlated with a decline in violent crime:

Gun-related violent crime in Virginia has dropped steadily over the past six years as the sale of firearms has soared to a new record, according to an analysis of state crime data with state records of gun sales.

The total number of firearms purchased in Virginia increased 73 percent from 2006 to 2011. When state population increases are factored in, gun purchases per 100,000 Virginians rose 63 percent.

But the total number of gun-related violent crimes fell 24 percent over that period, and when adjusted for population, gun-related offenses dropped more than 27 percent, from 79 crimes per 100,000 in 2006 to 57 crimes in 2011.

The NRA’s rating properly reflects the Democrat operative’s consistently awful track record on gun issues.

In Fast Terry McAuliffe’s 2008 book What a Party!, he wrote that Bill Clinton’s signing of the Brady Bill – the gun bill that instituted background checks for firearm purchases conducted by federally licensed dealers, manufacturers or importers – was “the right thing to do.”

A section on Fast Terry McAuliffe’s campaign website also reads,

Support common sense gun control measures

As Governor, Fast Terry will support mainstream and majority supported gun control measures like universal background checks, limiting the size of magazines, and a return to the 1-gun-per-month rule. These measures respect Virginians’ right to bear arms while reducing gun violence.

Fast Terry McAuliffe has already told Virginia gun owners, and anyone who values the Constitution, who to vote for.. anyone but him, but he’s not going down without a fight. In his book, he also boasts of his superior fundraising abilities. (Yeah - Commie Bloomberg gave him $250,000,000 just for this race)

Note that McAuliffe was given the name Fast Terry because of his money harvesting scams in Mississippi and Franklin, Virginia where he swindled residents and governments out of millions. There has been a video circulating about his scams for over 6 months -BUT YOU'LL NEVER HEAR ABOUT IT ON MAIN STREAM MEDIA...

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McAuliffe to Supporters: Tell TV Stations Not to Air 'Fast Terry' Documentary

McAuliffe to Supporters: Tell TV Stations Not to Air 'Fast Terry' Documentary

by Tony Lee 5 Aug 2013

On Monday, Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe's campaign launched an online campaign to pressure television stations across Virginia to not air "Fast Terry,"a documentary Citizens United has said was the "movie Terry McAuliffe does not want you to see."

As Breitbart News reported, progressives in Virginia, in addition to state Democrats who already rejected McAuliffe once as their party's standard bearer in 2009, are worried that the film will permanently define McAuliffe as a heartless plutocrat who stiffed working class Virginians of all races. The film, which details McAuliffe's questionable business dealings and how he promised to build an electric car manufacturing factory in Virginia only to move it later to Mississippi, also threatens to paint McAuliffe as the Democrat's version of Mitt Romney (a person who lacks empathy for working class Virginians), albeit a much more unsuccessful one in the private sector. In fact, Jason Meath, the film's director, made the "King of Bain" movie about Romney's business dealings.

McAuliffe's campaign writes, "Like other 'documentaries' Citizens United has produced in the past — including the anti-Obama The Hope and The Change — their new film about Terry is nothing more than a thinly-veiled attack ad designed to con viewers into believing it's presenting an objective take on this election."

Yet, even the most mainstream news outlets in Virginia--like NBC 12 Richmond, a station that prides itself on its objectivity--noted the film was "damning."

The McAuliffe campaign frets that "three local television stations are actually going to air" the documentary "as many as 20 times each before the election."

"That's basically the equivalent of 3,600 free commercials all tearing down Terry McAuliffe and propping up Ken Cuccinelli," the campaign writes. "If you don't think it's right for these television stations to be airing this 'documentary,' let them know by signing our petition right now."

GreenTech, one of McAuliffe's ventures "Fast Terry" explores, is now under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission for allegedly "guaranteeing" investors a return on their investment. The company, along with Gulf Coast Management, has also been accused of pressuring officials in the Department of Homeland Security to award visas to Chinese nationals who invested $500,000. McAuliffe's tried to obtain visas for foreign investors by using Gulf Coast Management, a "cash for green cards" financing company run by Hillary Clinton's brother, Tony Rodham.

I would say get busy! Mark your calendar, know your area polling station, talk to your neighbors and like-minded friends, make sure everyone is registered to vote and has proper ID, organize the car pools or bus pools to get folks to these polls to vote!
If there is any type voter harassment by anyone, have camera and back-up ready, so everyone can be escorted inside to cast their vote.
Do not allow intimidation of anyone, even if there needs to be posts appointed, to assist with that!

YOU GUYS PLEASE COME OUT OF THE WOODWORK! The rest of us are behind you!
Deep, have you heard any of the messages, that Dr. Ben Carson has been speaking of? I don't know a whole lot about him yet, but I like his demeanor and what I have heard from him so far. Perhaps he would be a worthy ally, discussion for another time/thread.

Also post your notices under your state section, get folks preparing now and good luck!
Call on me, if I can be any help, from here in Florida!

Ben Carson has impressed me quite a bit. But we need time with him. Remember who else came out of no where and charmed a nation....

As for posting the Governor race in the Virgina "area", I thought about that, but figured they would see it here too.

I wanted EVERYONE to be aware of Fast Terry - he won't be going away soon. He's not a Virginian - from New York or some slime pit elsewhere.

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