Video: Why Would FEMA Release This Commercial Now?

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Video: Why Would FEMA Release This Commercial Now?

truther October 11, 2013

Mort Amsel

To me this gives that whole FEMA region 3 hype some legs. Why would they release this commercial now? what do they know that we don’t yet.



So when they take over Region III nobody will be alarmed. They'll figure something bad was going down and FEMA came to save them...

I don't know but I liked this Scene & know the girl on the Lefts Twin


Video: Why Would FEMA Release This Commercial Now?

It is called a scare tactic, same reason they call Conservatives terrorists................... I grew up in an America where being patriotic was looked up to, where the Constitution and American history was taught in school in every grade............ Now it is looked down on by many....

The America I grew up in people were proud to work, took very little from the government and were proud of what they did for a living no matter how poor they were...... Now many look for handouts, have no desire to work. (Note I did not say all, I said many.)

I got my first gun a Daisy BB gun at age 11, first shot gun at 13, and my first pistol at 22 when I got out of service.....

In the America I grew up in I could understand Liberals, they were different but not fanatical about wanting to control everything a citizen does. I had great respect for John F. Kennedy, in fact when he was assassinated in 1963 I got into a fight with a kid at school that day who was telling a group of kids he was glad he was killed. I was still a conservative, but respected his ideals...

No offense to any one here but liberals of yesterday are not like today, today Now it is control everything, they think the government knows best about everything, no matter what it is rather than individuals, they think the government should take care of "me", no personal responsibility, they think the government should control our economy in every aspect and decisions between supply and demand rather than letting the free market do that and a liberal today will aggressively defend any policy or statement the president says, today's “liberal” you either agree with me in all things or you are an immoral, heretic, racist outcast.

Liberals of the 60's saw no issue in protesting the president's policies, the wars, the government, or government policies, today if you do that your considered a right wing racist terrorist........

I agree with most of that T_H, but you must admit that the conservatives have changed as well. For example the claim is they want the gov to stay out of our lives.
But remember when the GOP congress got involved in the family in FL when the lady was dying a few years ago? How is that congress' business?

face it my friend, the whole world is changed from when we were young

Terrorism still doesn't work on me.

I'm one in 7,000,000,000 Plus people

I can't even beat the odds on winning the Powerball Lottery.

What are the odds a terrorist knows me & is out to get me ? :laughing9:

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It is called a scare tactic, same reason they call Conservatives terrorists................... I grew up in an America where being patriotic was looked up to, where the Constitution and American history was taught in school in every grade............ Now it is looked down on by many.... The America I grew up in people were proud to work, took very little from the government and were proud of what they did for a living no matter how poor they were...... Now many look for handouts, have no desire to work. (Note I did not say all, I said many.) I got my first gun a Daisy BB gun at age 11, first shot gun at 13, and my first pistol at 22 when I got out of service..... In the America I grew up in I could understand Liberals, they were different but not fanatical about wanting to control everything a citizen does. I had great respect for John F. Kennedy, in fact when he was assassinated in 1963 I got into a fight with a kid at school that day who was telling a group of kids he was glad he was killed. I was still a conservative, but respected his ideals... No offense to any one here but liberals of yesterday are not like today, today Now it is control everything, they think the government knows best about everything, no matter what it is rather than individuals, they think the government should take care of "me", no personal responsibility, they think the government should control our economy in every aspect and decisions between supply and demand rather than letting the free market do that and a liberal today will aggressively defend any policy or statement the president says, today's “liberal” you either agree with me in all things or you are an immoral, heretic, racist outcast. Liberals of the 60's saw no issue in protesting the president's policies, the wars, the government, or government policies, today if you do that your considered a right wing racist terrorist........
Heck yeah!! Wish I grew up in a time like that.... No patriotism and everyone wants the government to control everything today, and the open handed " take care of me" makes me sick.

I look at this way. It's telling the Lib's to get off their A$$ because the other side already understands what being prepared means.

It's a way to waste government money, so they get more in their budget for next year.

Terrorism still doesn't work on me.

I'm one in 7,000,000,000 Plus people

I can't even beat the odds on winning the Powerball Lottery.

What are the odds a terrorist knows me & is out to get me ? :laughing9:

would you like me to help you advertise?

Tomorrow's the day!!?? >:(
I've been going by BuffolaBobs' timeframe!! :BangHead:


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