Video: Government Creating Phony Crisis So They Can Pretend To Save Us

It's been coming for a long time now !
I was always under the impression that I would be long dead when the
U.S. economy collapses. Really feel sorry for my children, who don't have
a clue whats going on. I have a feeling that my 'golden years', which I'm
into now; will be full of doubt & conflict.
Where can you go, where can you hide, NO WHERE !!!

They better rescue themselves first(talking bout the politicians, not you(rs) goldenray, lol), and
learn to make those "painful cuts", while they can!
We, the American ppl can rescue ourselves and this country, but it will more than likely
be a very ugly and painful process! They've almost turned us into a nation of victims(not all of us).

Make the choice, suffer some now or suffer a whole lot later! Only reason everyone so nice about it all,
is because "right now" everyone is comfortable, start moving ppl outta their comfort zones.......
Oh the first world problems..........

Better have priorities about what is truly important in life, that very much goes for our "elected" folks!
Better start rewarding and doing right by the ppl that hold up and support this country, not the criminals,
who have THEIR senses of entitlement, that are no where near the norms.
Funny, the ppl we praise, reward, and lavish with patronization, and the ones we turn or backs on.

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