Very Old Shool Grounds


Full Member
Oct 6, 2012
Detector(s) used
MXT Pro, Fisher Gold Bug, Garretts ACE-350 and Garrett's pinpointer pro.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Most of you that are familiar with me at this point know that I am just getting back into detecting. Have done any Since the early 90's. I have decided to purchasing the Whites V3I. But I wanted to tell you about my hunting location that I plan to hunt out. I am 59 years old and the grammar school where I went was shut down in the mid 1960. 67 or 68 I believe it was. After it was closed it was taken over by some devil worshiping cults that came into this area and eventually the old school was burnt down. it sat on about 15 acres of land and housed at the time it was closed about 175 kids that had always been bused to school from all over the county. This was the only county school around and any one outside the city limit ares had to go to this school. It had a soft ball field, a base ball field, an area where we played basket ball. An are we had set up with boards to pitch penny's or coins what ever we had in our pocket if we were lucky enough to have money. One area where we played aintly over . Which was a game that we would take our socks off and fill them with marbles or coins or any think else we had in our pockets to give weight to the socks. Tie the top of the socks and toss them across this old building and holler ain't ly over when we tossed and the kids on the other side of the building would catch the sock. Had another area where we plied marbles and then of course some of the bigger kids played in other ares where they could hid and play with the girls. One area had huge maple trees that we climbed and set under. Then there was other areas that we just did what ever in. But my point is that this old school grounds is out in the sticks still a at this time and now has a small building where there is a county fire department that no one stay at unles there is a fire and they go pick up the equipment to go fight county fires. Most of these areas that had activity going on no one would know unless they went to school there befor it was shut down. Some of the old ball field stands and bleachers are still there and the one that are there had been relocated toward the last part of the years just before closing and the old bleachers were torn down. Again you wouldn't know these ares unless you went to school there at that time. I am frequently by there and have never seen any one metal detecting as there seem to be very few around here that metal detect. I don't think this old school grounds has been hit vey hard with any detecting or not any serious detecting any way. I can't wait to get the V3I and try it out on these grounds as any coins would mostly be prior to 1965 or so. The school was built in 1888 and as I said was on about 15 acres of land. There were always a lot of activity there because it was the only county elementary school in the county. I wish I had some one close to go and help me detect this area because I know its going to be a blast and I know all the location where the kids played. Where all the ball fields were. Where all the swing sets were with monkey bars and see saw and merry go rounds ect were located. There is no way this has been hunted out and the land is still owned by the county and it still out in the sticks and no houses very close as it is a very remote area of the county. Once I get going on it I will report back. if at that time any one that may wont to come hunt with me is more than welcome. O e thing I do know is that most of the kids alway had extra milk money or money to get a pop sickle every day. I know how they went into the cafeteria and know the route they had to take out the back door stuffing change in their pockets as the went. I also know that more ended up loosing half there money each week because of holes in there pockets. Most of the people from this area was poor but still usually had 25 or 50 cents in there pockets. I just wanted to share this story as it is true and hope it becomes a great place to hunt.

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You havent been hunting that place yet with the ace350?...i know its not the best of machines i swing 1 for now ...but they do find coins if you dig enough bottle caps and junk its no cherry picking unit thats for sure.....i found a small town virgin park there was never more then 150 people in town and its only gotten smaller over the years but the park has been there since 1905 and i hit 13 silver my first day and 30 more over the next few hunts...can hardly get a foil hit in there now but i still get lucky and find something from time to time and id guess this park is less then 2 acres so a place like that you could hunt a life time and not find it all

You havent been hunting that place yet with the ace350?...i know its not the best of machines i swing 1 for now ...but they do find coins if you dig enough bottle caps and junk its no cherry picking unit thats for sure.....i found a small town virgin park there was never more then 150 people in town and its only gotten smaller over the years but the park has been there since 1905 and i hit 13 silver my first day and 30 more over the next few hunts...can hardly get a foil hit in there now but i still get lucky and find something from time to time and id guess this park is less then 2 acres so a place like that you could hunt a life time and not find it all

Lol. No I haven't yet I got to find someone to go with me. I don't like going alone with my health. But I am soon to get there. I know that it's not full of pop tops and metals trash because the ice creme and all candy wrappers at that time were paper. Probable lots so silver and copper pennies. Maybe some large cent and flying cent and barber, walker Kennedy halves and Franklin. Halfs and maybe some dollars.
but I will get there.

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Lol. No I haven't yet I got to find someone to go with me. I don't like going alone with my health. But I am soon to get there. I know that it's not full of pop tops and metals trash because the ice creme and all candy wrappers at that time were paper. Probable lots so silver and copper pennies. Maybe some large cent and flying cent and barber, walker Kennedy halves and Franklin. Halfs and maybe some dollars.
but I will get there.

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I went back around 1985 for about an hour and the first thing I pulled was a mercury but didn't stay but for a few minutes.

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I went back around 1985 for about an hour and the first thing I pulled was a mercury but didn't stay but for a few minutes.

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The good thing is unles you went to school there at that time you would not know where on that 15 the kids playd or what they played. I do!

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The good thing is unles you went to school there at that time you would not know where on that 15 acres the kids playd or what they played. I do!

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Phil these are the kind of stories dreams are made of. One of my old grade schools was just demo'd and it was originally built back in the late 1800's. I'm not that old but not far behind you actually rather close. This school was on a quarter block in town, didn't have much property around the school. Under the contract for demo the company also cut down the original grade, as it was several feet from street level. They took the top 18"to 24" of gravel and soil, Tried to hunt it a little before this happened and found a rosie a merc and some wheats. Can only imagine what was hauled off. Since work is now complete I have worked the edges near original grade and still finding wheats and two good silver dime a barber and a seated. I gotta find out where they took the good stuff it's full of over a hundred years of history and coins. If that's Englewood IL I live in NW IN. give me a shout if you get close.

Wow, I'll come help you and monitor your health too! I know how to dial 911, may be a little delayed if I'm on a coin spill, but.... :)

Theres alot of guys in chicago that would go maybe make a post about seaking some out

I wasn't gonna be the first to say it but since Bryans started it....I'd be all over assisting you and I'm an X Volunteer Fireman/EMT I can keep you alive till the Ambulance gest there and promise I will share what ever I find after they get you to the Hospital. "You know I'm just kidding about the detecting after the hospital thing" But not kidding about assisting you with your dream hunt. Heck I'll even pick you up and buy lunch. :hello2:

I live in Englewood Tennessee just out side of Athens. Would welcome any of you to come and go with me. I know it would be a blast even for me being slow. I had a heart attack a few years back and it let me kinda winded. But I sure would enjoy seeing some one else that could really get into it getting excited.

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Phil these are the kind of stories dreams are made of. One of my old grade schools was just demo'd and it was originally built back in the late 1800's. I'm not that old but not far behind you actually rather close. This school was on a quarter block in town, didn't have much property around the school. Under the contract for demo the company also cut down the original grade, as it was several feet from street level. They took the top 18"to 24" of gravel and soil, Tried to hunt it a little before this happened and found a rosie a merc and some wheats. Can only imagine what was hauled off. Since work is now complete I have worked the edges near original grade and still finding wheats and two good silver dime a barber and a seated. I gotta find out where they took the good stuff it's full of over a hundred years of history and coins. If that's Englewood IL I live in NW IN. give me a shout if you get close.

They did a little excavation there over an area of about 3000 square feet but it mostly has been untouched. They build a small community fire department on the grounds. But there are areas there that I know have never probably been searched. There are some trees there that I my self planted when I was in the 4H club in the 5 th grade. My memory of all the activity there when I was a child is better than my memory of what happened yesterday. The old back stop fences of the old ball field still stand and the remains of the congestion stands are still there. The closest major town is about 16 miles away with everything else around just being small community's. I can just about count how many feet from certain doors of the old school to the various places on the grounds such as where swing sets ect stood.

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Well I have no medical training ... And kinda suck in an emergency .... So we'd need back up.. Lol. I say , RoadTrip! Somebody scooch a cheek over , cause I'm coming along for a trip to Tennessee;)

When I get the V3i which will be a couple months yet I will plan doing some searching there and Jimmie you are welcome to come. I haven't check with any one to see if it is ok to hunt there but I know it is still county property so I probably not going to ask. I figure if some one doesn't like it they will let me know. One more reason to have some one with me. Lol. Ask to many question and you get to many answers you don't want. Lol

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When I get the V3i which will be a couple months yet I will plan doing some searching there and Jimmie you are welcome to come. I haven't check with any one to see if it is ok to hunt there but I know it is still county property so I probably not going to ask. I figure if some one doesn't like it they will let me know. One more reason to have some one with me. Lol. Ask to many question and you get to many answers you don't want. Lol

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I have stop at the fire department there several times over the recent years and have never yet found anyone around. It's always locked. The whole place is so fresh in my mind that I could draw a map of the layout of every thing that use to be there and tell so many stories of things that took place over the years there. Had lots of hiding place there as I like girls a lot when I was a boy. Got my first kiss ect there. Hahaha we use to have events there such as school fairs etc at night that caused a lot of mischief. I played spin the bottle there many time if you all know what that is. We had an old basket ball gym inside the building that also had a stage with dressing room or what was used as coat rooms during the day. Always had Christmas plays going on at Christmas. It was uses as a community center for a lot of things over the years for the whole county. And this is just my memories of the years that I was there. No telling what all went on all the years back to late 1800s took place there. When John Glen first circled the earth we were all gathered in the gym listening to the radio. The day that President Kennedy was assaniated When the news came I was playing on the swings and they called every one inside to tell them the bad news.

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Well Phil I have to tell ya we'd make a pair. I too had a heart attack n 2x3 bypass surgery three years ago. 2x3 bypass is when all three of your main arteries are blocked twice. Dr. said no way should I be alive. Took a 18' fall in 2001 and broke my back, crawled a half a mile out of the woods to the closest farm house to get help. Dr. said it's a miracle I'm not paralyzed or worse. I figure I beat meetin my maker twice now. Pretty much do what I want when I want cause ya never know when strike three's coming. So if your real serious about wanting or needing some help, I could be up for an adventure. Your about nine hours from where I live and it'd take some planning. I'm sure there's lots of things we'd have to talk about, so you think on it for a while, since your waiting on your new detector anyway. You can PM me anytime.

Well Phil I have to tell ya we'd make a pair. I too had a heart attack n 2x3 bypass surgery three years ago. 2x3 bypass is when all three of your main arteries are blocked twice. Dr. said no way should I be alive. Took a 18' fall in 2001 and broke my back, crawled a half a mile out of the woods to the closest farm house to get help. Dr. said it's a miracle I'm not paralyzed or worse. I figure I beat meetin my maker twice now. Pretty much do what I want when I want cause ya never know when strike three's coming. So if your real serious about wanting or needing some help, I could be up for an adventure. Your about nine hours from where I live and it'd take some planning. I'm sure there's lots of things we'd have to talk about, so you think on it for a while, since your waiting on your new detector anyway. You can PM me anytime.

hunter. I will sure keep you in mind when I get the new detector. If you have seen any of my other pos you know I am mostly deaf and wear cochlear implants but I can still hear and communicate well enough to have a lot of fun. I will be hanging around here for sure and may do a little searching with the ACE 350 I bought a while back. But before I get serious I have to get the detector that has some visual on it before I can do a lot. Trying to get may brother to get interested so I got some one to go with to the old school grounds as he's is 7 years older than myself and went to the same school so he knows his way around there too. But I think it would be great to have some of you that are experienced in this hobby to do some searching of this old school yard. I know that there has to be lots of silver and wheats and a few Indian cents there. I don't know what was there before the school but do know that this are had a lot of movement from Indian times and civil war time as the Battle fields around Chattanooga are not far away from this area . I can really say what all one might find here but I am sure that there is enough to keep you interested. I do know that this particular community where this old schools is one of the earliest areas settled in this area as the Hiwassie
(spelling wrong but) river is just a short distance away.

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Any one that is serious about maybe hunting this area PM me and I will tell you the name of the community and a near by small town that has some pretty interesting early history. As there is also an old school in this small near by town that is no longer being used that I want to see if I can do some searching on.

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Damn Phil your really starting to scare me. Hearing problems run in my family and mines not the best either. Thank God for head phones. Oh and please don't think I'm any kind of expert cause I've only been doing this in earnest for about 6 months.

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Craig. Don't worry about loosing your hearing as its just another thing in life that you have to work around. Where there is a will there is a way. Lol I have ear buds that I have a little box mad up that clips on to my belt loop and then I have a 1/4 inch coiled cable that plugs into my detector where it hangs from my belt instead of hanging from my ear buds. I also have an adapter that I can plug into my receiver of my cochlear implant if I choose to do so. Biggest thing is you got to have the want to to do what you want to do. Lol

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