Vaccine manufacturers

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No, they are slightly different. Phizer's has one of the elements used in antifreeze and dead baby embryo dna in it. I wonder why people had the bad allergic reactions. BTW the MSDS sheets are on the net, so anyone can look at the gobble-de-gook. And then copy and paste each thing into google and look them up. I tried that last night but it exploded my head.

No, they are slightly different. Phizer's has one of the elements used in antifreeze and dead baby embryo dna in it. I wonder why people had the bad allergic reactions. BTW the MSDS sheets are on the net, so anyone can look at the gobble-de-gook. And then copy and paste each thing into google and look them up. I tried that last night but it exploded my head.

Slightly different,hmmm,which one should be trusted?

You won't be able to get it for a few months, by then any short term effects will be well known. I won't be able to get it early either. It will be a wait and see thing. In Maryland, the second "peak" it seems has been reached, and the numbers are slightly declining. As I once said, these type of epidemics generally burn themselves out in about 15 months. The 1918 pandemic did just that. March will be about 15 months. By then the viruses generally mutate into "oh, you had covid, who cares" and mutates into something like a flu or cold, or will just kill everyone on earth, but don't bet on the 2nd scenario. They generally mutate into something less deadly so they can survive, the virus can survive, that is. The fatality rate in my county is just over 1%. Per the entire population in the county it is statistically insignificant. I know a lot of people who flat out said they are not getting the vaccine.

Some because it contains dna from aborted fetuses, and others because of the antifreeze ingredient in it and others because they just don't trust the government anymore and see this as a big money maker for the drug companies.

The latest stall says it will not be available until June. Considering that other credible news reports say millions of Pfizer doses are being left in warehouses to rot because the gov't refuses to tell them where to ship, I still do not expect availability in 2021. But politicians, their friends and families, hospital stay-at-home administrators and CEOs go to the front of the line.

Had I interviewed this sycophant, I would have asked him "June of which year?"

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Keep in mind medical staff will be first to get it, if vaccine is flawed or bad there want be anyone to take care of patients. When vaccine is available I and wife will take it. Way I see it, it has to be safer for me than missiles being shot at B52 I was on, or the 100,000+ miles I have driven when I was on the road.

Keep in mind medical staff will be first to get it, if vaccine is flawed or bad there want be anyone to take care of patients. When vaccine is available I and wife will take it. Way I see it, it has to be safer for me than missiles being shot at B52 I was on, or the 100,000+ miles I have driven when I was on the road.

Not necessarily. The states are determining in-state distributions and they are receiving far less than promised. And some entire counties have been left out of the distribution. My own county of 92K people, its hospital and all medical centers, nursing homes, etc., will not receive any doses. Perhaps some day that may change. Medical staff do not have the option to travel to a different county or hospital for the vaccine because they will not be on the list of those chosen for vaccination.

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Pfizer should ship product without any direction from from anybody. It's not like there is no demand for vaccine. Is there some clause in their vaccine approval dependant on federal allocation?

The vaccine has not been approved. It has received emergency authorization to get it out more quickly than waiting years for approval. In addition to this authorization, the manufacturers have contracts with the federal gov't which then decides how much to allow the states. The contract requires Pfizer to ship where the fed gov't specifies. When the gov't refuses to indicate where to ship, millions of doses sit in warehouses. It is unclear how long they can sit in warehouses before they go bad.

Or as they say down home, it all goes down to $$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Not necessarily. The states are determining in-state distributions and they are receiving far less than promised. And some entire counties have been left out of the distribution. My own county of 92K people, its hospital and all medical centers, nursing homes, etc., will not receive any doses. Perhaps some day that may change. Medical staff do not have the option to travel to a different county or hospital for the vaccine because they will not be on the list of those chosen for vaccination.

Only because it is just starting the vaccine rollout.

The vaccine has not been approved. It has received emergency authorization to get it out more quickly than waiting years for approval. In addition to this authorization, the manufacturers have contracts with the federal gov't which then decides how much to allow the states. The contract requires Pfizer to ship where the fed gov't specifies. When the gov't refuses to indicate where to ship, millions of doses sit in warehouses. It is unclear how long they can sit in warehouses before they go bad.

So even if you want to buy vaccine you gotta wait till the government gives you permission. :tard:

if what you say is correct then maybe Pfizer should simply halt production. Why manufacture product if you can't get it market?

Keep in mind medical staff will be first to get it, if vaccine is flawed or bad there want be anyone to take care of patients. When vaccine is available I and wife will take it. Way I see it, it has to be safer for me than missiles being shot at B52 I was on, or the 100,000+ miles I have driven when I was on the road.

I learnt something today and that is your VP is part of the health/medical staff.
Gee who knew:icon_scratch:
Unless the news wires are wrong-he rolled it up-got stuck.
Ahead of the line.....:thumbsup:

So even if you want to buy vaccine you gotta wait till the government gives you permission. :tard:

if what you say is correct then maybe Pfizer should simply halt production. Why manufacture product if you can't get it market?

The vaccine itself is supposed to be free - but its not clear if the administration of the vaccine will also be free. Pfizer will continue to manufacture product because their customer under contract is the US gov't. If an auto manufacturer sells to its distributors and dealers, its then up to the distributors and dealers to make them available to the final retail consumers. If they choose to sit on them, they are not available.

At 66 in six weeks, I don't expect to have the option to get a vaccine in 2021. I hope to be proved wrong. I am more concerned about my son, a first responder in a county with the highest rates of infection and death, who has treated and transported many positive cases, some of whom have died in his ambulance, and his wife, a PA who has also treated many cases. I think they should get it before I do. But after all the bungling and gov't corruption with the PPE and the testing, I have no confidence in the fed gov't. I wish they had no role in the roll-out of the vaccine.

No, it does not come down to money. If it came down to money Pfizer would be charging $25,000 a dose until competition drives down prices. It ain't about the money at all.

It's about who gets the money.

I have no objection to companies making a profit on drugs. Like you say, competition should control and limit pricing. IMO the companies should be rewarded for the work of their scientists who worked 24/7 to make the vaccines reality. Nothing good can come from a grifter gov't with a history of obstruction and self-serving.

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