Using a shovel to dig for pay dirt in New Hampshire. * Not Allowed* ???


Aug 29, 2013
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All Treasure Hunting
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Ive read that using a shovel to dig for dirt to pan is not allowed in New Hampshire. I understand that people leave holes but if you fill the holes then what is the big deal. How are you supposed to get down to the hard bedrock??? Dig by hand or with a pan? Geesh. Guess I'll bring a heavy duty metal pan to dig the beds.
"in streams or their banks"
PANNING FOR GOLD IN NEW HAMPSHIRE’S STREAMS Obtaining permission from landowners is more than simple courtesy; you are extracting minerals that are part of their property. Panners may not use a shovel to dig into the stream bottom or stream banks. Scooping gravel up with the gold pan is allowed. Mineral seekers in the White Mountain National Forest (WMNF) need to check out WMNF regulations at: White Mountain National Forest - Home. New Hampshire state lands, such as state parks, geologic and historic sites, etc., have rules regarding mineral collecting. See: administrative Rule Res 7301.19 – Res 7301.21 at Department of Resources and Economic Development

That's where I read it. Guess that pertains to just streams and stream banks.

Cant dig the stream banks either.Welcome to Agenda 21,where youre only allowed to be in the forest - wilderness, but dont touch anything.

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"Scooping gravel up with the gold pan is allowed."

Wow. The Game Wardens right these rules? Great way to turn citizens into criminals..

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Go to a dollar store and buy a couple cheap metal garden trowels.
Only take one with you. If someone shows up,or is getting close,toss it,throw it,put it under your feet,have a hole dug already in the stream next to you,to put it into,then cover it up with the dirt from you pan,ect.
You have no shovel,or anything,just a pan.

What an unbelievably stupid rule!

Maybe better to go spend your vacation $$ in a different state! ...only way they'll learn.

Go to a dollar store and buy a couple cheap metal garden trowels.
Only take one with you. If someone shows up,or is getting close,toss it,throw it,put it under your feet,have a hole dug already in the stream next to you,to put it into,then cover it up with the dirt from you pan,ect.
You have no shovel,or anything,just a pan.

They do allow trowels just not actual shovels. To get anything good you need a shovel but with a lot of effort im sure you can dig deep enough to find the paydirt with a metal trowel.

They do allow trowels just not actual shovels. To get anything good you need a shovel but with a lot of effort im sure you can dig deep enough to find the paydirt with a metal trowel.

How about the military trenching tool,it has a shovel head,but it actually called a trenching tool if I remember right.
Or will that fall under the category that he is deliberately trying to bend the rule.

NH lame like CA

According to the rules scooping gravel with a gold pan is allowed.

AND there is no rule against customising your metal gold pan --

-- hammering one side flat and welding a handle onto the opposite side.


This rule is dumb. I see hundreds of people dig with shovels in the WMNF with no issues. I do as well!!!! If i get stopped by someone i will tell them to take my shovel. I will go to my car. Get 5 wedges and my 3 pry bars. Go to my secrete bedrock stack and progressively crack as many 1-10ton slabs into the river as i can. I will cause more damage with wedges and my 10# slammer than you can imagine. TRY ME!!!!

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