Hey guys, just got a used dfx. I believe it has a dtech 10" DD coil. I have only been able to put in a few hours on it so far mostly using the stock coin mode with ratchet disabled and vco enabled. My question is this. I have dug up tons of rusty squashed bottle caps from just under the surface. They are so close to the surface that my autotrac pinpointer picks it up before I dig. This is a very trashy park site. It always rings in with a vid in the mid 80's, a quarter icon, a nice signograph with one or at most two large bars right next to each other, and a nice unbroken audio signal. Adjusting bottle cap reject doesn't seem to make any difference. First off, I didn't think bottle caps were supposed to hit in the 80 's. Am I doing anything wrong or is this just the nature of the beast? Other than this,I am loving the machine. Any comments or suggestions?