Updated---Old Casino & Hotel atop Mountain


Bronze Member
Aug 2, 2004
Updated---Old Casino & Hotel atop Mountain

"tomorrow's finds?..."

"Submerged" and I are hiking 3-4 miles each way to the top of this mountain along the Hudson tomorrow to search an old resort and casino site from the early 1900s (photo link below). Hundreds of thousands of people went there during the early part of the century to vacation and they traveled up a steep 'incline railroad' (tracks you can still see going up). During the Rev. War the same mountain was a post where soldiers lit signal beacon fires to alert Gen. Washington about various actions--he was stationed directly across the Hudson and closed out the war there (his home now a National Hist. landmark building you can tour). So, possible we could find Rev. War stuff. Not sure how much this has been detected, but sure that some have made the trek before. Will update you tomorrow evening.

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Re: Old Casino & Hotel atop Mountain

Can't wait to hear.......All the best and good luck..... :)

GL & HH,

Upstate NY

Re: Old Casino & Hotel atop Mountain

Best of luck and the best of finds,You know the stuff is there if its not been covered to deep.Has the site been leveled or is it standing?

Re: Old Casino & Hotel atop Mountain

Sounds like a great place!!!! Hope you find us lots and lots of good stuff to drool over!!! ;D

Nana ;)

Re: Old Casino & Hotel atop Mountain

Good to hear from you bergie.Good luck on your hunt.Am looking forward to see how it went.-diggummup

Re: Old Casino & Hotel atop Mountain

I hear there are foundations anf the site is pretty much as it was. It's way up a mountain and there has been no further construction up there. I'm sure it's been detected, though it's a lot of work to get up there, so hopefully not too much detecting. It's the time of year with lots of high grass and stuff, so we'll see how much of the site can be detected vs. having to come back in the Fall. We'll see how it goes. Lots of stuff must have been lost up there, but just a question of how much of it has been found.

Re: Old Casino & Hotel atop Mountain

wow that looks like an exellent spot!! i cant wait to see what you find.

Re: Old Casino & Hotel atop Mountain

OMG! What a great looking spot! I can't wait to see what you find!


Updated-- Old Casino & Hotel atop Mountain

Ok, so we made the big climb today to the 1500 ft mountain and it was a ton of work and painful on these 41 year old legs and Submerged's 47 year old self too. We get up to the top and there are spectacular views and foundations from the hotel and casino and metal junk strewn everywhere from both the structures that were torn down and visitors over the past many decades. It was very tough searching and I'm sure it's been detected given we didn't find any old coins. However, we did have some good finds. Mostly they were old bottles everywhere over the mountain. The old thick kind, several colors, not many fully intact but we did find some clear ones that were. I'm talking hundreds of bottles and bottle fragments over a very large area of land and probably many more in areas we didn't search. Submerged found an old button that appears to be 1700s era to us (no markings though). Only coin was a 1996 dime I found right on top of the ground. We did find several old building foundations and things like the head of a sledge hammer, an old motor, old bedframes, pots, kettles and sinks. Also, one junked car filled with rocks and larger boulders. The best part about the hiking was the way down, nice and easy on the legs. Too bad we couldn't report more exciting finds, but it was a good day overall. Oh, we also saw some very large ant hills (one was waist high). Anyone in the Hudson Valley Region who wants a challenging climb should go for it, especially if you are a bottle hunter.

Re: Updated---Old Casino & Hotel atop Mountain

A site like that will take much more than a one day hike to really detect it. In spite of the hard climb, he who perserveres will probably succeed. Instead of giving up, I suggest that next time you take a small tent and some provisions and plan on staying 3 or 4 days, grid off promising looking areas and work them together with your partner, knocking off the shallow "junk" and then looking deeper for the really good stuff. I would love to be able to go on an adventure like that. Good luck and let us know if you go back. JIM

Re: Updated---Old Casino & Hotel atop Mountain

I would guess that view alone was worth the climb!!! Sounds like you had a great time anyway!!!! ;)

Nana ;)

Re: Updated---Old Casino & Hotel atop Mountain

What a great day. I was wondering is the Rail road track still there and which way did you hike up. ? HH

Re: Updated---Old Casino & Hotel atop Mountain

jimmileo said:
A site like that will take much more than a one day hike to really detect it. In spite of the hard climb, he who perserveres will probably succeed. Instead of giving up, I suggest that next time you take a small tent and some provisions and plan on staying 3 or 4 days, grid off promising looking areas and work them together with your partner, knocking off the shallow "junk" and then looking deeper for the really good stuff. I would love to be able to go on an adventure like that. Good luck and let us know if you go back. JIM

Sounds like an outstanding site! Keep in mind - if it's a pain to detect due to all the junk, it's been a pain to every other detectorist who's been there before you. So heed jimmileo's advice and you will find the old coins that no one else wanted to work for.

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