Update: S O L D ! $100,000 1869 Baseball Card Found - Offered on eBay for $10

Old Bookaroo

Silver Member
Dec 4, 2008
Feb. 12th Update: Card sold for $75K! OK, so it wasn't a "$100,000 Card" Still a great story!


This lady went through a box of stuff, found a baseball "card" - and put it up for eBay auction with a starting price of $10.

The immediate inquiries about it from collectors told her she may have undervalued it a bit...

It's a great story!


A personal note: The world's first professional baseball game between this 1869 Cinncinnati Redstocks and the local Antioch College Nine was not played in my hometown of Yellow Springs, Ohio. "Rained out."

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Re: $100,000 1869 Baseball Card Found - Offered on eBay for $10

That was truly a great story. I didn't know the history myself!

Re: $100,000 1869 Baseball Card Found - Offered on eBay for $10

where did you get this ? means --(ie is there more like this at where you got it from? if so tell me where ) :wink:

thats like asking a miner with a huge nugget , just exactly where did you find that at? :D

Re: $100,000 1869 Baseball Card Found - Offered on eBay for $10


Sorry to report that I don't have more stories such as this one - although I certainly wish that I did (do?)!

I found this while cruising the 'net - one of those "odd news" stories that various websites like to feature.

It caught my eye because there was a time when I was quite a Reds' fan. I grew up listening to Waite Hoyt broadcast their games, and thoroughly enjoyed the run of the Big Red Machine. I'd also done a very little research into that first professional baseball game ever - or, as it turned out, never - played.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Re: $100,000 1869 Baseball Card Found - Offered on eBay for $10

the big red machine * was my team too when I lived in dayton,ohio years ago. -- pete rose was my man -- broke my heart when he admited gambling on the games recently (even though it was for them to win --thus he was in no way throwing the games ) since I know that as long as he lives they will never let him in the hall of fame now -- pity --wife beaters --dopers -- rasist --- ok in the hall but a guy with a betting habit (even though he bet for the team to win) nope.

I loved going to cincy in the mid 70's and watching them play-- what a group --still got a few pete rose cards about here somewhere.

Re: $100,000 1869 Baseball Card Found - Offered on eBay for $10

cool story never know what you find in a storage container

read once where a bank robber who was caught without the 2 million plus he stole , convicted and died in prison, the authorites were gathering up his personal effects to send to next of kin In the stuff was a key, which a young cop quessed was to a storage unit, investigators found the place and yes he had a unit rented back then of the robbery But it had long been opened and sold off due to non payment The owner thought for a bit and said this foot locker that I keep in my waiting area for a coffee table to put magazines on was in there if I remember right They took the towel off it, broke open the locks and wala inside was the lost stolen bank roll cash

Case solved, best part of story is owner of the storage unit saying figures my luck to be strapped for cash at times and have that kind money within arms length of me lol

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