Cache Hunter in NY
Jr. Member
Well the first time I went out I got two pull tabs but my husband lost the first one no real loss lol then I went out the next day I got a small piece of foil and a few old nails. I am thinking there is nothing all that great in the watertown park. This weekend I am going to my parents me and my husband are leaving tonight
I checked the weather out there and it will be sunny and in the 60's
In case anyone doesn't know my parents live in a small town called Westerlo NY in the Catskill mountains. I think there may be more there to find because eventhough it was all wooded when they moved there in the 80's it is a known Indian burrial ground and the land was also used during the civil war so maybe I can find something from then. The only thing I am worried about out there is the wild animals but I don't think I will come in contact with any. Maybe I will get into searching the abandoned house near my parents house too. I am pretty convinced there is something there. I look forward to posting all my new finds when I return 
