digger dad
Full Member
I have an up date on the class ring I found a few days ago. The ring had a partial first name in it and a full last name . I Googled the the class of 1983 for the school that was on the ring . The search brought up the schools yearbook for that year . I got an instant match on the last name but the first name wasn't even close .So after a Google search of the name that was in the yearbook it turns out that person lives in the same town where the Highschool is also I should add that that town and school is about 150 miles from where I found the ring. So I thought maybe the letters in the ring may have been a nickname or at least this person may know who owned the ring . A few searches later of the first name gave me a phone # and an address. I made the phone call and after a few mins of small talk I ask the guy on the phone if he in fact graduated from that school in 1983 and that I had found a class ring while metal detecting. I told him the that the last name in the ring matched his but the first name did not . I told him I could only make out the first two letters of the first name it looked like "Bo" or Be". The guys voice instantly changed and began crack . He told me the was not his he said " that would be my brother Ben" . He explained to me that BEn had suffered a massive stroke 3 years ago and and had passed away . He also explained that his parents had a summer home about 15 miles from where I live . So his brother may have lost it on one of there family vacations . He offered to drive the 150 mile to pick up the ring . And I told him there was no need to do that I would drop in the mail and that I was sorry for his family's loss and I was glad that I could return the ring back to the family ..