Hero Member
Hello again seems we have two old places on the property, one having some of the old house place on it and another I was unaware of which is now just a few rocks in the ground which was part of the foundation (app. 10'x10'). So anyway I decide to go back to it and look around. After an eternity of iron pulled out of the ground, I hit on a signal which was not as all the others had been and proceeded to dig. At about 3" under I pulled up the pictured indian head dated 1887......YAHOO......looks like I can officially be inducted into the pre 1900 Its only been almost 4 years but then its all where you look, I guess. I have started research on a couple of places, one of which was a girls camp established in 1917 and another which was some rock bluffs know as a picnic area. Hope all has a good day and thanks for looking............HH....gregd573