Unknown Yellow "egg" mass on tree

Don in SJ

Silver Member
May 20, 2005
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Unknown Yellow "egg" mass on tree

This is a bit different post for me, but this morning I looked out my dining room window and saw a yellow blob on a dead pine tree located on my adjacent property. I went out and took these photos. After seeing them close up I have to assume it is the egg mass of some type of moth, basing that assumption on similiar but smaller Gypsy Moth egg masses I have seen by the thousands in years past. But this is much larger and such a bright yellow in color. Whatever layed the eggs did so since yesterday, since I cut all the property yesterday and would have surely seen this if it was there yesterday.



  • YellowEggMass.webp
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  • YellowEggMass1.webp
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  • YellowEggMassSideView.webp
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Re: Unknown Yellow "egg" mass on tree

Fungal infection, possibly were a diseased spot is on the tree...

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Re: Unknown Yellow "egg" mass on tree

Mackaydon is correct! (Like you needed independent confirmation.)

Fuligo septica is a type of fungus called a slime mold. Normally it lives quietly in leaf litter gathering energy. But when the time is ripe and conditions are appropriate, this fungus becomes mobile, and starts climbing the nearest point as fast as its plasmodium can carry it. Thus the appearance on your tree.

BTW, this is not infectious or bad. While the are just as likely to be on a stump or higher branch on the ground as on a tree trunk, they always attempt to get to the highest-possible point to begin spore-production.

Slime molds are closely related to animals. And that's one reason why human life is more closely related to fungi than to plants.

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Re: Unknown Yellow "egg" mass on tree

Mackaydon said:
Guessing: Fuligo septica, aka dog vomit fungus
Yep looking at pics.It looks good to me.
Take Care,
Pete, :hello:

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Re: Unknown Yellow "egg" mass on tree

Yep, definetly slime mold.

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