This coin appears to be copper because it is badly corroded. On the front it reads Georgivs III. King George has a wreath around his head and has a uniform with a sun shaped medal with a cross in the middle. In the center of the back of the crown there is a lion with a crown on the left, and a horse on the right. In the center of the two animals is a flore di les (spelling?). On the outer edge of the top of the coin (reading to the right) reads: Quebec crown point unknown word, lagos mineen quadaloupe niagara. The coin has a lot of numbers but none seem to represent a year for instance, Nov 20, Aug 4, Jul 25, and two more August dates that the numbers are not legible. Most of the writing is in Latin so I am unsure what it means. Under the words Crown Point it says Amherst.
If you could please help me to find a date of when this may have been issued, and how much it is worth and what type of coin it is.
I found this coin relic hunting 15 years ago in New Kent County, Virginia but have never known exactly what type of coin it is other than that it is English.
If you could please help me to find a date of when this may have been issued, and how much it is worth and what type of coin it is.
I found this coin relic hunting 15 years ago in New Kent County, Virginia but have never known exactly what type of coin it is other than that it is English.