I picked these up at a garage sale a week ago. They came in a collection of coins from all over the world, but I can't ID them. Based on the prices on the holders, the previous owner thought they were valuable.
They look to be genuine Roman coins. The first appears to one of the Gordians, most likely either Gordian II or III. You should be able to nail it down with some more research.
Indigo Knight,
Digging deeper, the letters on the "SC" coin mean: C(aius) Plotius Rufus, magistrate in charge of preparing blanks and minting gold, silver and bronze coins / with the consent of the Senate ("SC"). Magistrate, in this case meant 'moneyer'; a private individual who is officially permitted to mint money.
In Latin, his title was: "tresviri auro argento aere flando feriundo" and that corresponds to the letters on the coin: VIRAAAFF.