Unique Park Hunt



I came across a park, nothing out of the ordinary just a regular park. Got to talking with one of the city guys and he told me this particular park was a dump site up until about 30 years ago when they cleaned it off and made the park out of it.? I must say I got a little excited about the possibilities of what may still be in the ground. He showed me exactly where the dump was located etc. I marked off a 20' X 20' section and proceeded to work it. Here are the results:

64 smashed Beer cans
189 pull tabs
1 heart shaped charm
1 smashed thimble(from insurance give aways, best I can tell is back in the 30" "I THINK")
18 nails
49 smashed cans of some sort
183 pieces of aluminum foil in different shapes and sizes.
1 silver dime
49 pennies, NO wheaties
16 clad nickles
1 clad quarter

Now with all of that, mostly junk, I am wondering IF it is worth it to pursue any more of it. The area is about 2 acres total, and lots of beautiful grass to trear up ;D

Any suggestions on how I can do this effectively?

I thought about using the discrimnate button but was afraid if I did that I would miss something good? ;D So I just dug everything!!!!!!? I spent 5 hours on this one section!!!!!!!!

Any help would be appreciated, since I am new to this I want to this thing right ;D

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If you dug that many nickels, you are doing it right and I'd vote to continue hunting it but not to the point of burnout. Sounds like you have a virgin site and one that will continue to pay dividends for a long time. I have a few spots like the one you describe. I hit them once or twice a month mainly to just keep cleaning them up...eventually the trash is gone.

Gosh, i don't know. You've made a couple of nice finds. But it seems to me that in time, you'll just be digging up what they tried to bury. I would be inclined to look for a little better and perhaps older place. And come back to this one occasionally if i have no other site at the time. HH

With some research you can find a better site I'm not saying that you wont find a ring or something good like that at that park but I think that you would do better with a old farm house or old one room school house that will give you old coins & relics. Hay it is good just get out like you are doing keep it up you will do better & better as you go out more & more . SASQUASH

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