Union Camp yeilds some goodies ,and some bad news at a good site !


Saving the past one find at a time !
Dec 5, 2007
Lancaster ,VA
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
Whites Spectrum Xlt ,Fisher 1270, Fisher F5 ,Fisher F2, , Ctx 3030 ,Nokta Anfibio,Minelab Safari
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Meet up with DHD , we decided this weekend lets venture to a new county . We arrived at the Civil War rich area about 10 am . Our first site we aimed for was a good site , but DHD got no answer. While the radio was only picking up christian music we noticed a church across the street person in the parking lot so DHD got us permission to hit it . After about 45 minutes and only one bullet between the two of us I found half and DHD found the other half "ha ha". We noticed the owner across the street at the good site came home. So we cruized right over and struck up conversation , so when we asked for permission he said well im sorry but I have to say NO so he began to explain that he had caught a guy from P.A tresspassing on his land one night who left holes everywhere and even then the old guy allowed a few other people to detect who ended up doing the same thing leaving holes openned and making a mess. So off we went to the next site I hit the door and of course the owners husband is into metal detecting , next place no answer, and finally I hit pay dirt with a peice of land where the corner of a Union Camp was . And the old gent said sure go ahead as we started me and DHD noticed holes everywhere, so we informed the owner so we didnt get blamed and decided to take some time and do right by the owner and our hobby and we cleaned up holes and filled them back in properly . Apparently someone had trespassed on his land at night as well. So once we got to swinging DHD was scoring bullets left and right while I was hitting penny's at the same rate. And after scoring a nice little MUSKET BALL I moved to the front yard after about 10 minutes I scored a sweet NEW YORK EXCELSIOR OFFICERS BUTTON in perfect shape . DHD worked his way up front and scored a .57 CAL and then I scored a pushed EAGLE A button and a .57 cal .So I worked my way around back to give DHD a shot at the front and within about 45 minutes here he came with a big ole grin on his face holding not one but two Nice EAGLE buttons in his hand . So we both headed back to the front and I scored a nice dropped sharps bullet and then a blown out bullet and then DHD scored another EAGLE button . So he finally made it to the C.W button realm with those three being his first buttons ! So after a few more bullets and some peices of copper, im not certain but possible scabbard tips we decided to call it a day . So congradulations DHD on his first C.W buttons ! And thanks for looking !


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That's an excellent and well formatted post and some great finds. VA is apparently full of night hunters so I'm told. Somebody would get shot detecting at night around here. HH and congrats on your Bud's NY button, Quindy.

great finds made by both of you! Too bad about the ones that ruin it for the rest of us....nice set up with the pics!

I like the way you displayed your finds here. Great job! HH

How lazy can people get - if you are in the woods or even a farm field - no one expects you to fill a hole
perfect like you would a lawn or park - but guys can not even take the 1 second and swipe of a foot to push the dirt back in
I was on a few big hunts where I came across holes like that - and all it took was a swipe with my boot to get the dirt mostly back in - so at least you cant see it from 30 yards away
I feel for you dude - I have lost spots because of guys like that too

BTW - Nice finds :icon_thumright:

hey ifoundit69, feel free to put these pics up top with the rest.
all thee buttons were found within a foot of each other. i gave the area a good work over after the second button, but after thirty minutes i could only find a third and decided to move on. im glad i did, the cleaner came last and put a cap on the day.
the old owner was a good man as he let us continue to hunt when he left to make a trip to the dump. after showing him my finds before he drove away, he was pleased when i tossed him the best lookin dropped three ringer out of the bunch. karma :whip2: rewarded me with a few buttons in the afternoon..
i really like that field expedient tool in photo 7. seems to be made from a cut nail.


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Such ashame. As Ron White would say you just can't fix stupid! Great finds and it makes them even better you didn't have to get them at night looking over your shoulder.


WOW Awesome finds guys keep it up!

Nice finds and great post. Congrats to the fellow on his first buttons! I actually had a fellow in a RED truck once drive by me several times while detecting a farm I had hunted for 10 years! Great stuff and awesome landowner. Well, I noticed a bunch of open wholes one day and I told the landowner that I had a hunch. So one evening we sat out in his pasture after a day of digging and noticed this same RED truck drive by slowly so we decided to to sit tight. As night fell a set of headlights drove down the road but quickly turned off. We heard two voices by the road and could make their outline as they headed over the fence and into his fields. Well, he was ready to ring their neck but I held him back just long enough for those two idiots to get within 20 yards. Boy did we have fun! We yelled screamed and chased them over the fence. We were laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes. So to all those RED TRUCK BOYS out there...get a life!

I just may have to start using my deer hunting trail cameras this spring! Wouldn't you like to see those pictures!

Man, what a score on CW brass! Outstanding hunt! :thumbsup:

Great story and finds, filling the holes in is just the right thing to do but idiots will be idiots.

Congrats on some great fines and sorry you lost a good spot because someone else couldn't take the time to fill in their holes, losers :angry5:

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