Unexpected outing hit!


Sr. Member
Nov 16, 2018
South East Alabama
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Began with Bounty Hunter, Now have AT Pro and AT Max.
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Upvote 18

That's a big spill. Congrats

Thats how we do it good job

Awesome...love spills! :icon_thumleft:


Congrats. Looks like an old school ashtray dump. Had one last year for eighty eight modern cents. Folks throw the cents in the ashtray or a cup to keep them out of the pocket, it gets full and they chuck them.

That's a big spill. Congrats

Looks more like a dump to me! Whatever you call it, I call it lucky and a good find! Shoot, I bend over and pick up pennies when I eyeball 'em. If I do it a hundred times I'm about one fifteenth away from buying an ounce of Ag.


Congrats. Looks like an old school ashtray dump. Had one last year for eighty eight modern cents. Folks throw the cents in the ashtray or a cup to keep them out of the pocket, it gets full and they chuck them.


I was thinking also maybe a break in loot chuck

Anything old?

Haven't had a chance to clean any of it up yet. But I did see one Canadian penny.

I never argue, I just pick them up and add them to the pile

Turns out to be ninety cents. Total weekend haul 1.7020181123_151754.jpg correction found 3 more dimes. I won't be able to get any dates until I tumble the pennies. Oldest dime was 66.

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Find a penny pick it up and all day long you’ll have good luck. That’s what I was told when I was a kid. Good luck to you.

Well I went out and got a tumbler today. Checked Hobby Lobby first. $119.00 for a 2lb tumbler. Uh..no. Went to Harbor freight they have several different types. I chose the 3lb single tumbler. $49.99. Double 3lb barrel tumbler...59.99. Got the pennies rolling now. Oh and got the rocks fr it from walmart craft isle$ 3.49

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