Under Obama, the IRS Chief Was a White House Regular


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Jul 27, 2006
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Under Obama, the IRS Chief Was a White House Regular

The Washington Examiner
reports that the IRS chief visited the White House more than once a week under President Obama, after having visited less than once a year under President Bush. The IRS chief came to the White House a reported 118 times from 2010 to 2011 under Obama, compared to only once from 2003 to 2007 under Bush — a 236-fold increase per day. Under Bush, a White House appearance from the taxman came as frequently as the opening of the Olympic Games; under Obama it came more frequently than Sports Illustrated.

Aside from perhaps being there to discuss targeting efforts, the only plausible reason for the IRS chief to have visited the Obama White House so regularly was to discuss the IRS’s significant expansion in power and scope under Obamacare. In the wake of the revelations that the IRS has used its power during the Obama administration to target Obama’s political opponents, surely both parties can now agree that the IRS should be removed from any role in Obamacare implementation. Is this really the time to give the IRS a promotion?

Now it would seem to me that is an alful lot of visits......... I guess they were just having coffee and donuts....

Nothing could possibly have been political about this.......:BangHead:


Of course they were only talking about the IRS role in Obummercare.

And then of course about how they could roll the targeting of conservatives into the targeting of conservatives....

Oh, wait! That's the same darned thing!

Only this time it wouldn't be about denial of tax free status, but would be about the denial of healthcare.....

I think some deep throat (minds out of gutters) will provide the smoking gun on this one. I wonder how much a doc tying the big o to the scandal would be worth. What do you think the Koch brothers would pay?? Or the trumpster - or does he just do birther stuff?

Cant be doing dirty corrupt dealings over the phone now can we:laughing7:

Barrack Hussein Obama is Kenyan for "I bet you I can screw everybody and become King in America"...

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putting this IRS in charge of our national medical program is like putting the Gestapo in charge of amending the constitution. I don't know who coined the term "Obamacare" but, if I were Obama I'd try to get myself unassociated with the program. It's just more freebie stuff to hand out to his followers at the expense of the working taxpayer. We will soon be taxed so much that the scum of this country will be getting all of the free stuff and the working class won't be able to afford to go to the doctor. We will be paying for free phones, free housing, free food, free medical, free education, free everything and then they'll just keep popping out future welfare scum to suck even more from society until it is all gone. Then what?

putting this IRS in charge of our national medical program is like putting the Gestapo in charge of amending the constitution. I don't know who coined the term "Obamacare" but, if I were Obama I'd try to get myself unassociated with the program. It's just more freebie stuff to hand out to his followers at the expense of the working taxpayer. We will soon be taxed so much that the scum of this country will be getting all of the free stuff and the working class won't be able to afford to go to the doctor. We will be paying for free phones, free housing, free food, free medical, free education, free everything and then they'll just keep popping out future welfare scum to suck even more from society until it is all gone. Then what?

Would you rather an entire new bureaucracy created to do it?? No thanks.

Would you rather an entire new bureaucracy created to do it?? No thanks.

No repeal it!!!!!!!!! IRS overseeing any healthcare is like placing the SS in charge of immigration..........Government has no business overseeing or dictating our healthcare.. :BangHead:

No repeal it!!!!!!!!! IRS overseeing any healthcare is like placing the SS in charge of immigration..........Government has no business overseeing or dictating our healthcare.. :BangHead:

Funny, you don't seem to be complaining about or forgoing your government run Medicare and bush free drug give away?? It's ok for you but not for some young family working their ass off but without healthcare benefits?? Seems to be very hypocritical??

Funny, you don't seem to be complaining about or forgoing your government run Medicare and bush free drug give away?? It's ok for you but not for some young family working their ass off but without healthcare benefits?? Seems to be very hypocritical??

I suggest you not call me a hypocrite.............I have been paying into Medicare since the moment it became law, and have been paying into SS since June of 1960.....

I suggest you not call me a hypocrite.............I have been paying into Medicare since the moment it became law, and have been paying into SS since June of 1960.....

You are an active participant in a government run health care program - Medicare. Yet you do not believe the government should be in the healthcare biz?? So it's just fine for you to get your healthcare from the gov yet others should not?? Are you flip flopping?

WE all have paid into the medicare and social security system since they were mandated LAW, it is not my choice to have that 15+% of my earnings taken from me to fund the Govt's pyramid program of social welfare. Bush may have been inadequate in many areas, but he at least saw that these programs should be voluntary. I pay for me, I pay for you, and I have to continue to pay at higher rates, since I choose to work for myself. Where is the justice. I, alone want to be the reason I succeed or fail, I do not need any Govt. assistance!

As a side light, being a White House regular is not something I'd want the public to know!

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