UN Treaty UPDATE :


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MILLER: U.N. threatens to override Second Amendment

Arms Trade Treaty puts American gun owners in peril

By Emily Miller


The Washington Times

Thursday, March 21, 2013

While President Obama lost a round this week on his gun-control agenda in Congress, he’s making up for lost ground by pursuing a broader gun grab at the United Nations.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said there was not enough support to give Sen. Dianne Feinstein the stand-alone vote she demands on the “assault weapon” ban, but the upper chamber may soon be the deciding factor in whether the United States ratifies an international treaty that could strip Americans of their Second Amendment rights.


SPECIAL COVERAGE: Second Amendment and Gun Control


On Monday, the United States joined in the nine day conference in New York to finalize negotiations of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). The treaty is intended to regulate the global trade of conventional weapons, but depending how the final document is worded, it could put at risk Americans’ right to keep and bear arms.

The countries were negotiating the draft last July, but stopped when the U.S. asked for a delay. Many believe Mr. Obama pushed the issue past Election Day in order not to further alienate gun owners. Now that he has more “flexibility” in his second term, the U.S. is back at the table.

Secretary of State John Kerry has encouraged reaching consensus by March 28. “The United States is steadfast in its commitment to achieve a strong and effective Arms Trade Treaty that helps address the adverse effects of the international arms trade on global peace and stability,” he wrote in a statement Friday.

Mr. Kerry only modified his enthusiasm with a nod to public disapproval by stating that, “We will not support any treaty that would be inconsistent with U.S. law and the rights of American citizens under our Constitution, including the Second Amendment.”

The National Rifle Association (NRA) strongly opposes the treaty because the draft includes civilian firearms under what is called the “scope” provision of the draft. NRA representatives in New York are finding strong resistance from non-government organizations and leftist states to removing the civilian firearm provision.

“The U.N. treaty draft under consideration in New York this week could be vastly improved by exempting civilian owned firearms — as has been suggested and rejected from the beginning of the negotiations,” NRA President David Keene told me. “Such an exemption would satisfy U.S. gun owners, but the sad fact is that the treaty as written probably cannot be fixed.”

Mr. Keene concluded that, “It is in the U.S. national interest to oppose it — on a whole host of grounds that should concern every American — not just those of us dedicated to protecting Second Amendment rights.”

There are other major problems with the current treaty draft. The U.S. opposes including ammunition in the export regulations because it is totally impractical to try to control billions or rounds that circle the world each day. Also, Mexico is trying to get what is called “diversion” — which is code for blaming the U.S. for its drug problems — and chairing a working group on this issue.

There are just a few days left for the Obama administration to realize that just taking out the regulation of citizens’ own guns would make this treaty palatable. It seems unlikely to do so.

In that case, Mr. Obama will likely go ahead and sign the treaty as it is. Then the only thing standing in the way of the U.N. stripping Americans of their Second Amendment rights is if he can get two-thirds of the Senate to ratify.

Read more: MILLER: U.N. threatens to override Second Amendment - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Seems to be a lot more people are worried about the wording in the treaty affecting US citizens Constitutional rights .

$#$#^%$ %^%%&^^%%*5%E&R*77.
I hope everyone can translate that.

I hear ya, I have been following all this stuff for atleast 2 years. This UN bill will mess with us financially as well. All the ammo manufacturers will suffer because they wont beable to export or atleast not unless the UN santions it. This is crap, I am sick of my rights trying to be taken away.


Neither congress, the President or the UN has the right or the authority to negate or destroy the 2nd Amendment...............

Write your US reps now...........

you are damn right T_H!

Democrats Seek To Ban Guns Through U.N. Treaty – Conservatives Block Their Efforts

March 23, 2013

While Americans have been worrying about their own federal and state governments seizing their guns, Sen. James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) stopped the Obama administration from attempting to invalidate the Second Amendment entirely by entering in the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. Even many Senate Democrats realized the grave risks associated with the UN treaty, siding 53-46 with Sen. Inhofe to pass his amendment. After all, the U.N has pushed an agenda aimed at “crashing the world economy in order to save the environment.”

Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) tried to soften the Inhofe ban against entering into the Arms Trade Treaty by floating an amendment stating only that America would not allow the UN Treaty to trump the Constitution. His amendment passed by voice vote, but otherwise quickly faded from view.

President Obama had indicated that he was intrigued by the UN Treaty, although he promised that he would not sign anything that compromises the Second Amendment. Republican Senators, however, did not feel that they could rely on this promise, in light of the fact that President Obama, his administration team, and Democrat politicians throughout America have been working overtime to destroy the Second Amendment’s guarantee that the people’s right to keep and bear arms cannot be infringed.

To hide the fact that he’s aiming for an end-run around the Constitution, President Obama keeps repeating that “These ideas shouldn’t be controversial – they’re common sense.” Saying that, however, does not make it so.

Even though Senate Dianne Feinstein’s extreme assault weapon ban died in the Senate, Barack Obama said in his weekly address that he would still like to see that bill go forward, along with bills that limit magazine size. As always when Obama speaks of limiting individual freedoms and increasing government control over American lives, it’s “for our kids.

Whether the Senate attempts to resurrect the “assault weapon” ban or copy New York’s cosmetic and inconvenient mandate decreasing magazine sizes, Harry Reid has made it clear that he’ll push forward with his bill to expand the existing “background check” requirement to private sales. Or as Reid said, “I want to be clear: In order to be effective, any bill that passes the Senate must include background checks.” If Reid is thinking along those lines, he might also want to force private citizens selling used cars to pay for a detailed background check to ensure that the car’s buyer doesn’t drink.

Given the Democrats’ maddened drive to block every aspect of gun ownership, from sale, to type of gun, to gun functionality, it’s small wonder that Senate Republicans didn’t want to let President Obama anywhere near a United Nations treaty that might give the United Nations a foothold in America when it comes to our un-infringeable right to keep and bear arms.

Democrats Seek To Ban Guns Through U.N. Treaty ? Conservatives Block Their Efforts // Mr. Conservative

I watched that happen live.

p.s.@#*& the un.

All I can say is I hope all those that voted for President Obama are very proud! Such a shame...

MILLER: U.N. threatens to override Second Amendment

Arms Trade Treaty puts American gun owners in peril

By Emily Miller


The Washington Times

Thursday, March 21, 2013

While President Obama lost a round this week on his gun-control agenda in Congress, he’s making up for lost ground by pursuing a broader gun grab at the United Nations.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said there was not enough support to give Sen. Dianne Feinstein the stand-alone vote she demands on the “assault weapon” ban, but the upper chamber may soon be the deciding factor in whether the United States ratifies an international treaty that could strip Americans of their Second Amendment rights.


SPECIAL COVERAGE: Second Amendment and Gun Control


On Monday, the United States joined in the nine day conference in New York to finalize negotiations of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). The treaty is intended to regulate the global trade of conventional weapons, but depending how the final document is worded, it could put at risk Americans’ right to keep and bear arms.

The countries were negotiating the draft last July, but stopped when the U.S. asked for a delay. Many believe Mr. Obama pushed the issue past Election Day in order not to further alienate gun owners. Now that he has more “flexibility” in his second term, the U.S. is back at the table.

Secretary of State John Kerry has encouraged reaching consensus by March 28. “The United States is steadfast in its commitment to achieve a strong and effective Arms Trade Treaty that helps address the adverse effects of the international arms trade on global peace and stability,” he wrote in a statement Friday.

Mr. Kerry only modified his enthusiasm with a nod to public disapproval by stating that, “We will not support any treaty that would be inconsistent with U.S. law and the rights of American citizens under our Constitution, including the Second Amendment.”

The National Rifle Association (NRA) strongly opposes the treaty because the draft includes civilian firearms under what is called the “scope” provision of the draft. NRA representatives in New York are finding strong resistance from non-government organizations and leftist states to removing the civilian firearm provision.

“The U.N. treaty draft under consideration in New York this week could be vastly improved by exempting civilian owned firearms — as has been suggested and rejected from the beginning of the negotiations,” NRA President David Keene told me. “Such an exemption would satisfy U.S. gun owners, but the sad fact is that the treaty as written probably cannot be fixed.”

Mr. Keene concluded that, “It is in the U.S. national interest to oppose it — on a whole host of grounds that should concern every American — not just those of us dedicated to protecting Second Amendment rights.”

There are other major problems with the current treaty draft. The U.S. opposes including ammunition in the export regulations because it is totally impractical to try to control billions or rounds that circle the world each day. Also, Mexico is trying to get what is called “diversion” — which is code for blaming the U.S. for its drug problems — and chairing a working group on this issue.

There are just a few days left for the Obama administration to realize that just taking out the regulation of citizens’ own guns would make this treaty palatable. It seems unlikely to do so.

In that case, Mr. Obama will likely go ahead and sign the treaty as it is. Then the only thing standing in the way of the U.N. stripping Americans of their Second Amendment rights is if he can get two-thirds of the Senate to ratify.

Read more: MILLER: U.N. threatens to override Second Amendment - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Hi Did the UN make the issue or did some your own put this before the UN ?


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UN...? LOL! Will NEVER happen; TOO much American $$$$$$$$$$$ invested. Let 'em "bite" the hand that feeds them. COULD be why Mayor of NYC is "concerned"; I "see" UN building "burning"...

Hi Did the UN make the issue or did some your own put this before the UN ?


Tinpan, are you asking who authored the treaty, if so it is NOT a US sponsored proposal...

On October 18, 2006, UK Ambassador John Duncan formally introduced the resolution in First Committee, with co-authors Argentina, Australia, Costa Rica, Finland, Japan, and Kenya.....

Get America out of the UN and the UN out of America.........

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