uknown coins


Full Member
Dec 3, 2006
new hampshire
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a cheap $75.00 ebay one
coin i need help to identify ok so details

the roman type is basicly the size of us quarter but thicker
the arabian type coin about the size of a us nickel
the hammered type is a little bit larger than a us quarter

all appear to be copper
the arabian type coin the back is basicly flat so i did not add picture to hard to show what is left .

so any help that you guys might be able to give me that would be great .


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roman style coin can find anywhere


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hammered coin i think


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the one arabic coin's date is 01875 or 1875 --- the dot is 0 the l mark is 1 the downward < is the number 8 the upward > is the number 7 and the heart shape is the number 5 in eastern arabic style arabic -- (this is persian style arabic from iran / persia) the 0,1,8,and 7 are similar in both the eastern arabic and regular arabic style of writing --- however the number 5 in the "regular arabic" (based out of iraq) ---is a more rounded ovalish O shape rather than the "heart" shape used in the eastern style of arabic used by the iranians and those who use the eastern arabic --- hope this helps --- Ivan

oh a tip
often american coin dealers just chuck arabic coins into their 10 cent "junk" box rather than mess with them --- by getting to know the arabic numbers (which is easy really--- to do -- you can print out a sheet that will give you a translation sheet from the net --just type in "arabic numbers" --bingo and it'll come up -- now gee wasn't that was not so hard was it? ) with the sheet in hand and learning a few "country markings" like the old shah of irans "loin with a sword in hand with a crown on the coin" and other symbols (via looking at a world coin book availible for free at many public librarys --- by looking thru it you can find out which arabic counties coins were made of silver--- their dates of manufacture and value amounts ) that way you can make a "cherry picking list" of coins to look for in coin shops bargin bins ( no I will not "print me up a tip sheet" or basically do it for you --- since you need to learn how to do it for yourself --your teachers at school didn't give you a sheet with the test answers on it did they? no of course not ---- however just like them--- I'll share my knowledge on how it is done however but you must do it "to pass the test" -- since thats how you learn --- I already know how to do it ) --- often you can find some rather nice silver coins very cheaply this way --- think of it as the "reward" for learning ---- silver coins for next to nothing (10 cents often times)--- later the arabic countries used coppra nickle mix which looks and feels alot like silver --- so knowing how to "read" the dates is the "key" as to knowing which is which ---- ;) ---hope this helps some ---remember --- knowledge is power --- Ivan

thats where that arabian coin came from about 10 years or so ago i bought it a flea market in the at the time 15 for $1 .
love picking coins out of there , found many silver and just plain really old coins

i found 10 v nickels worn but can read date on 9 of 10
so many nazi coins not super valueable but a graet peice of history to save (i think )
a few poor indians too but good space holders

by the way i am also trying to learn how to figure out japan coins for the date found a page that tell you how to do it but i messed up somewhere . my 10 yen coin was started in 1951 and i came up with 1942 lol hmmm unless the page is wrong

well thanks again

yes jim thats the "regular arabic" number set and most of the symbols are the same as the "eastern arabic" style --the 0,1,2,3,7,8,and 9 are the same design is both types of arabic --however the symbols for 4,5, and 6 are differant ---if you note the more heart shape rather than "round" O shape on the 5 --it would be the only major differance visible on this coin to tip you off that its "eastern style" arabic -- or iranian style arabic--- knowing this might assist in tracking down the coin to its country of origin --- the only easily noticible differance on this coin between the regular arabic (out or iraq) and the eastern style arabic (out of iran) would be the "heart" shaped symbol for "5" --- but it is these types "fine points" that help in tracking down who made the coin --- so its a 1875 copper based coin using "eastern or iranian style arabic "--- it import to note that their using 1875 or the "normal outside world date" ---often arabic coinage is dated 580 years off (behind) offset from the rest of the world -- they use the birth of mohammand much like we use the birth of christ for a time marker -- thus 580 is the start for them--- I have a modern saudi arabian coin that has 1400 (translated from arabic) that would be 1980 in our time frame --- keep this "fact" in mind when lookig at arabic coins if the numbers seem odd to you ---some arabic countries use both the normal "world" date and the muslim date on their coins while others do not --- Ivan

it must be the learning since my hurts all the time -- oh, the pain of thinking make it stop --- ;) --- thanks jim for showing the "arabic numbers chart" chart -- since a visual aid never hurts for folks to learn from--- Ivan

thanks alot ivan i am haveing fun labeling my world coin collection that had no date lol

Also i have dated most of my japanese coins now too

thanks again
hope that this post may also help others too

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