UFOs OR USOs are possibly looting the 1715 fleet wrecks


Bronze Member
Feb 27, 2004
lake mary florida
Detector(s) used
Chasing Dory ROV,Swellpro Splash 2 pro waterproof drone,Swellpro Spry+ wa,Wesmar SHD700SS Side Scan Sonar,U/W Mac 1 Turbo Aquasound by American Electronics,Fisher 1280x,Aquasound UW md,Aqua pulse AQ1B
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
UFO's OR USO's are possibly looting the 1715 fleet wrecks


A Sebastian couple reported encountering a UFO while sitting at the end of their dock, looking toward the ocean.

"Within (seconds) it came out of the water. The egg-shaped rather large ship with amber lights appeared about midnight, looking north to the Sebastian Inlet ... and disappeared rising to the clouds. If anyone else has seen something to this effect please let us know. We are believers!"

Has anyone else here seen any UFO's or USO's off the coast?
I have seen several UFO's in florida and one USO the size of a football field at Jekyll island, georgia in 1963.My dad was with me when it came out of the water.My dad was in the Air Force at hunter AFB.His Job was with Operation Blue Book.He left me an my mom on the island and went back to the base.They tracked the UFO on radar all the way to close to jacksonville then it left the radar screen at a high rate of speed,faster than any jet or rocket at the time.At the time we saw it my dad said it was a new silent helicopter the air force was testing.30 years later after it was declassified he told me it was really a UFO but i knew that when i saw it in 1963.It came close to shore,it was less than a block away.Id give my left prop off my boat to find one of these sunk in the ocean offshore.Would be better than treasure!

The TCpalm article:

Re: UFO's OR USO's are possibly looting the 1715 fleet wrecks

A good friend of mine used to be a crew member on a luxury yacht out of Boca Raton and each summer they would take the yacht up to Rhode Island. He told me that one time about 5 years ago they were approx. 30 miles off the coast near Stuart, FL in the middle of the night and a large area of ocean to their west near the horizon suddenly became brightly illuminated. He said the ocean looked almost like a swimming pool at night with the pool light on was the best way to describe what they were seeing. The water became brighter and brighter over a period of about 2 minutes and then went back to total darkness almost instantly. They radioed the Coast Guard to report the light in case it were some sort of ship explosion but nothing was showing on the radar between their vessel and the coast.


Re: UFO's OR USO's are possibly looting the 1715 fleet wrecks

Just more proof that Atlantis is somewere within the Bermuda Triangle.

Re: UFO's OR USO's are possibly looting the 1715 fleet wrecks

Hi wreck dver, you posted -------

Just more proof that Atlantis is somewere within the Bermuda Triangle

Nah, we already have mutually discovered it here in TN. It lies exactly where it is supposed to be, just north of the Azores.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: UFO's OR USO's are possibly looting the 1715 fleet wrecks

Hi guys,

I do not now where Atlantis really lies (my bet would be or for Bimini Road or for the place close to Cuba discovered couple of years ago by Canadian ocean company.....) but we have plenty of USO´s also here in the Caribbean. I have spoken to relatively many local fishermen during last almost ten years who while spear fishing in the night often reported bright balls or discs leaving from the ocean and plunging to the water, together with strage lights on the sky. The "favorite spots" of USO encounters are close to Montecristi and in Samana Bay, it means the spots littered with old shipwrecks..... I do not believe that there could be something that would unite shipwrecks with these encounters but it is interesting anyway. About three years ago I personally saw strange lights, yellow and blue, circling the night sky in irregular speed and directions for at least three minutes, where we were enjoying beer with my fellow diver after day´s diving on the roof of the hotel in Montecristi Bay.

Regards to all,

Re: UFO's OR USO's are possibly looting the 1715 fleet wrecks

I, for one, welcome our new treasure hunting alien overlords.
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Re: UFO's OR USO's are possibly looting the 1715 fleet wrecks

Greetings...We welcome you
Your post is most interesting earthling...
Ahh! I remember when primate and I would view ignaray formations under the azog pools on Remulak.
MEPPS, let us consume mass quantities of beer and discuss this more...MEEPS !



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Re: UFO's OR USO's are possibly looting the 1715 fleet wrecks

I saw a weird thing 2 times pertaining to USOs. One was in 1992, me and 4 other guys were coming up to Marathon from the Marquesa on the Atlantic side of the Keys. We were about 4-5 miles from shore, and about 1/2 mile off the reef, in about 150-200' of water. We were about 1/2 way from Key West to Marathon. We were in a 40' boat going about 10 knots. We saw a dolphin straight in front of us coming straight at us. The water right behind it was very light blue/turqoiuze not the dark blue of the ocean. I was in the main cabin, not the flybridge, next to the depth finder/fishfinder. As we came up to the dolphin, it dove right under the boat, and the light area did too, it was moveing about as fast as we were, but in the opposite direction. I looked at the fishfinder and it showed a large area of dense such as rock showed, about 20' down. As I went out back, a guy(Ricky) yelled, "it went off to the left". I said what did? He said we almost hit it as we ran over it and it went off to the left and took off fast and went down" I said "the dolphin?" and he said "no that thing that was white" The dolphin was off to the rear and now just kind of zig zagging. There was no light area. I asked what he(Ricky) saw and he told me it was perfectly round about 100' across and it was light colored, maybe white. The dolphin was swimming right in front of it like on a boat, in its pressure wave. he asked me what it was and I kind of thought it might have been a UFO, but I said i dont know, but it registered as hard bottom, like a wreck or rock would have. The other time was the last week in July 2004. My family-me, my wife, and 2 kids one my son, and one a friend of his both about 14, had spent the day on a freinds boat, down past Big Pine Key in the Keys, we had dove and got a couple grouper and had dinner with them. It was about 10 PM, dark moonless night, clear sky. We were driving-by car back to Marathon. When we were just past the top of the 7 mile bridge, going down toward Marathon, I saw a bright flash, which at first looked like a flourescent light bulb, all across the horizon. I started thinking it was the guardrail of the bridge, then I remember there was none. About then it was gone. Everyone said what was that. I said did you just see a bright light all acroos the horizon? They all said yes. Weird, it was like a band of light all across the horizon, which from where we were would have been 10 or so miles away. It was miles long, as far as we could see. Those are 2 weird water related things. I have seen weird lights at night both on land and at sea way up in the sky. The only time I know it was flying saucer was when I was 16 and recently started to drive. I guess that would have been 1971. Myself and 3 other friends were in Venice, Florida where I lived, and we went to the beach at a little rock outcropping to see how clear the water was, as I was going diving the next day. It was just about sunset. Right before we walked down to edge of the water, one guy said Look at that! We all turned and about a football field away and about 1/4 mile or so away were 2 flying saucers. It was just like on the movies, huge, about 200-300' feet across, not making a sound, kind of wobbling along. They looked to be metal silver colored, with a dome at top that had a white light, and windows all around, that were tall and thin, and there was lights rotating around inside the windows-orange, dark yellow, light yellow and white, orange , dark yellow, light yellow and so on. The top and bottom were convex. Sides where the windows were was straight up and down, maybe 25 feet tall. The saucers were slowly turning, and the lights were turning a little faster. There were maybe 50 windows. No doors or anything could be seen. No sound at all. We watched and a small crowd gathered. I would say there was 15 people right where we were. We watched for maybe 15-20 minutes, as they went to the South, and slowly rose up in the air together. They went up maybe 2 miles, We could still see the circular shape of the windows going round, towards what we thought was a star, and they went to it and dissappeared. Then the 'star" shot out into space. We all could not believe what we saw.

Re: UFO's OR USO's are possibly looting the 1715 fleet wrecks

I have been reading things that the folks in this thread have posted for years.....and I have no reason to doubt them, which makes this thread kinda scary.
I've never seen anything I can't explain, but it seems they have. I believe what they say, but.....you know,
It's a big 'ol universe, and for sure, we don't know it all, not by a longshot. I hope ( I think) we have a connection with "Others" sometime in my lifetime.
Unless of course they regard us as cattle to feed on hahaha.
oh, also, I have a vivid memory of skinny-dipping off Key West with my girlfriend in 1983 and whenever she swam or either of us moved we "excited" some kind of phosphorescent sea life...it was so cool, like she was lit up by a spotlight. I'll never forget THAT night.

Re: UFO's OR USO's are possibly looting the 1715 fleet wrecks

Skimmer, I don't believe anything you say about the Key West incident without pictures.....................

Bioluminescence may explain some of the observed phenomenon, but the accounts from legitimate observers are intriguing. Too many varied accounts to dismiss them as hoaxes.

Personally, I'm fascinated by the discovery of "rods" that have been observed with the advent of camcorders. There is indeed alot we don't know and understand.

Re: UFO's OR USO's are possibly looting the 1715 fleet wrecks

If I had pictures........I swear, I'd post "em....everybody should have memories like that. I'm a lucky boy.
Anyway, I was just proposing a theory of mine that phosphorescent plankton (well known) could be responsible for some of these sightings of lit up ocean water. Maybe, maybe not, I havn't seen it and if I did
I bet I'd be amazed and telling everyone about it like some of our friends above have done.
I worked with Edie Witter (a fine lady) at Harbor Branch Oceanographic during the 90's...she specialized in bioluminesce. She and I nevr sorta "hit it off"...I remember one time out off the Tongue of the Ocean off the Bahamas..I was running a crane on deck of the 208' Seward Johnson, at 2:00 in the morning, pulling a fine net up from 300' full of (presumably) bioluminescent critters...and I went "too FAST!!!!!" She screamed at me for 20 minutes......we never got along well since. Oh well, so it goes.
OH, and the "Rods" thing.........WOW....that was so cool, I saw it on PBS, and I was astounded. Whats up with that? I hope to see some intlligent comment soon about that subject. The coverage I saw really left me hanging. Surely this is not just a "video blooper" sort of thing. There were way too many varied and unusuall
circumstances involved for it to be just a glitch of the lens, in my uninformed opinion.

Re: UFO's OR USO's are possibly looting the 1715 fleet wrecks


Those bioluminescent critters cant handle the rapid accent from down deep.But they are best broiled on a open flame :thumbsup:

Re: UFO's OR USO's are possibly looting the 1715 fleet wrecks

Well this explains where the Queen's jewels are.I want to know if these aliens are giving
Florida it's cut.And how about their lease.These guys are in big trouble :D.Probably
don't post there numbers on their craft.Oh well.Great post Fisheye.Thanks Joe

Re: UFO's OR USO's are possibly looting the 1715 fleet wrecks

Aliens Dont need a permit or a lease from the state of florida.And they only work at night.So heres what we do,that is the ones who own boats.Get 100 feet of green neon lights.Suspend it 5 feet below the surface of the water around your boat in a perfect circle.Add lots of round lights different colors around the sides of your boat that light up in a sequence.Anyone on deck wears a mask,no not a scuba mask.A mask like the photo below.Move the boat around alot.Turn off off all the light then move to another spot then turn them back on.Blow lots of holes.Find lots of treasure.Have someone on shore get pics an video,sell them to news stations and news papers for lots of money to pay for treasure hunting.Im sure no one will bother you out there.Who wants to meet a alien and have your boat disapear never to be seen or herd of again.


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Re: UFO's OR USO's are possibly looting the 1715 fleet wrecks

whet reassons do tha aliens hav to look fer spaniesh shipwracks????????????

whet else were tha spaniesh ships carrieng frem Mexico and othar locatiens?

tha alians are not lookin fer gold booty!

tha shipps were takin othar valuaebles that tha alians want.

ancieant civilezations were livin here befor tha aztecs and mayens. these shipps went down with more secreats then gold doublouns! :wink:


Re: UFO's OR USO's are possibly looting the 1715 fleet wrecks

The aliens must be looking for the crystal skulls that spain stole from the aztecs and mayans.Once they get all 13 skulls together in one location atlantis will rise to rule the world!

These skulls, found near the ancient ruins of Mayan and Aztec civilizations (with some evidence linking the skulls with past civilization in Peru) are a mystery as profound as the Pyramids of Egypt, the Nazca Lines of Peru, or Stonehenge. Some of the skulls are believed to be between 5,000 and 36,000 years old.

Many indigenous people speak of their remarkable magical and healing properties, but nobody really knows where they came from or what they were used for.
Were they left behind after the destruction of a previous world, such as Atlantis? Are they simply ingenious modern fakes or can they really enable us to see deeply into the past and predict the future?

Much research is currently being done on the skulls. However, their origin is still a baffling mystery. They seem to defy logic. Everything that is known about lapidary work indicates that the skulls should have been shattered fractured, or fallen apart when carved.

The ancient Crystal Skulls are the computers of the ancients, they contain important information that help humanity to pass through it current series of challenges to take us into a Golden Age.

They were a powerful tool for healing [Body Mind Spirit] by ancient civilizations such as the Mayans or the Atlanteans.

Today, we have witnessed so many peoples lives profoundly affected when they have had an opportunity to be in the presence of an crystal skull (healing of all types of illness, expansion of ones spiritual awareness, bringing to a head emotional or mental blocks, being a catalyst for a positive change in a person�s life and the list goes on) or even now, this phenomena is beginning to happen around the crystal skulls.


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Re: UFO's OR USO's are possibly looting the 1715 fleet wrecks

Hi Fisheye,

Very interesting topic about the crystal skulls! I am not sure but I think that six or seven of them have been found so far and they are still looking for the missing ones. Somebody told that humanity is not ready yet for revealing the secrets when these 13 skulls will be together....Do you know something about it? Thanks.


Re: UFO's OR USO's are possibly looting the 1715 fleet wrecks

Could it be?

Distance 12.83 Miles 11.14 Nautical Miles 20.65 kilometers
Heading NE 41°
Type Submerged Obstruction
Latitude 28.33373° 28° 20.01' N 28° 20' 1" N
Longitude -80.19932° 80° 11.95' W 80° 11' 57" W
Chart # 11476 AWOIS 10406 Accuracy: High

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