TX woman shoots wanted serial robber, possible rapist; ignored by Main Stream Media


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Jul 27, 2006
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Texas woman shoots wanted serial robber, possible rapist; Story ignored by Main Stream Media

Early Sunday morning, April 7, in Lumberton, Texas three robbers kidnapped and robbed one woman, but when they moved on to rob two more women they were met with an unexpected surprise. According to a report by 12 News Now, one of the would-be victims brought their robbing spree to a halt when she shot one of them.

The three robbers, identified as 21-year-old Scott Willis, Jr., 21-year-old Malik Washington, and 21-year-old Ariel Malveaux, all of Beaumont, have apparently been targeting women as victims of robberies since last month
In the first robbery which happened on Sunday morning, the three abducted a woman at gunpoint, and forced her to drive to an ATM to withdraw cash. There has also been an unconfirmed report that she was sexually assaulted.

In the second robbery attempt, the three approached two women and demanded money. One of the women was able to retrieve her handgun and shot Willis in the abdomen, reportedly puncturing his liver.

Willis is being held in the intensive care unit at Christus St. Elizabeth hospital where he is being treated for the gunshot wound. Upon his release, Willis will be charged with aggravated robbery. Washington and Malveaux are both being held by Lumberton police on aggravated robbery charges. Washington also faces a kidnapping charge. The three are likely to face additional robbery charges, pending an ongoing investigation.

One would think that a story of this woman’s courage and quick thinking which ultimately led to the capture of three violent serial robbers would be a big story that would catch the attention of mainstream media. However, it has not. At the time this article was published, there were only eight reports of this incident, all which include local media outlets, local conservative political websites, a forum, a blog and an individual’s Facebook page, who happens to be the brother-in-law of the first woman who was robbed.

However, when a 4-year-old accidentally shoots a 6-year-old, the media is sure to exploit it everywhere, with more than 17 pages of stories covering the incident, including many mainstream media outlets.

In addition, the big story reported by local media seems to be that the police caught these criminals, giving very little, if any, credit to the woman who actually shot one of them, which ultimately resulted in the apprehension of all three.

Is there bias in media reporting which compliments an anti-gun agenda?

©2013 Jennifer L. Cruz. All rights reserved.

Texas woman shoots wanted serial robber, possible rapist; Story ignored by MSM - Little Rock gun rights | Examiner.com


there still on there anti gun kick ...dont need any stories like this getting out

Those 3 poor fellows..... To have these vicious right wing revolutionary militant women attack them for no reason.....

Those poor fellows need to stick with the flash mobs to keep themselves safer!


A punctured liver will cut down on his drinking .................

How come no mocking from our anti-gun folks? I'd think they'd be screaming about the rights of the criminals being violated.
Good post TH.

Heaven forbid someone doing the right thing would be covered in the main stream news!

She could have just blown a whistle or wet her pants and avoided all of the senseless gun crap. She must have some sort of gun fixation and should probably be investigated. She might even have a pack of MRE's or two indicating she is anti-government.

By ignoring the story, the media is saying that it is a story about doing good. The bad ones are the ones they exploit. That is why I don't watch the news. All reports of the bad stuff. No good news.

WHAT!!!! she only used a single shot?? Obama must have got to her no magazines here:laughing7: one story to many.

You know i wouldnt doubt for a minute they prolly did try charging or are charging her with something ...i found out the hard way if you defend yourself they lock you up and let you spend thousands of dollars proving your innocent

With the cost of ammunition these days, There Was NO Warning Shot! It is the current Governments Fault for causing the ammunition shortage so what will they do about that?

The whole Main Stream Media not covering the story is a one sided attempt to keep the truth from the people and that is why big money should not have been allowed to consolidate as it is not good "for the people"...................63bkpkr

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