Twin Falls, South Carolina


Jan 2, 2018
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Can anyone give me any information on panning rights at Twin Falls, South Carolina? In one area, there is a sign that states that a certain area is private property. Is it ALL private property? I visited twice over the summer, and couldn't keep my eyes off the black dirt in the creeks there. I mean, literally everything around me was jet black. Gravel pits, great curvature in the roll of the stream. I want to gather some dirt and bring home for panning, but don't want to get into any legal troubles either. Can anyone help on this? Know anything about the area? Thanks in advance.

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The county assessor website can show you who owns the land. Contact the owner (mailing address will be in the assessor website most likely) and ask for permission to sample pan it :)

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