disagree, If you located a large object worth a lot of money you stand to make more money by doing it by the law. Think about it , we did and we could get up to 50% reward

on anything at the appraised value . If someone found gold bars and tried to sell them on the black market , how much do you think you would get if they paid you at all, and who could you call if they didn't.

Then if you melted it down and sold it , the Feds and IRS will wonder how you got your money

They will keep track of your bank account to see if you are into drugs or laundering money.
NOT WORTH IT O ya you plan to keep the money at home

a stupid thought. Now if we do this by the law we get movie and book rights, TV shows and we get a reward but not just on the price of the gold but also the collectors price and if the gold has a history behind it , that will drive the price way up. A historical find should end up in a Museum and not melted down. I will report all of our finds and we will sleep at nights and not worry about the IRS or Feds breaking down the door and going to jail. If all Treasure hunters would follow this rule I am sure the states would open more land . Think about it, what would you do