Treasure Signs and Symbols 101

Texas Jay

Bronze Member
Feb 11, 2006
Brownwood, Texas
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT Pro, Garrett Scorpion Gold Stinger, Garrett Ace 350, Garrett Ace 250, vintage D-Tex SK 70, Tesoro Mojave, Dowsing Rods
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I regularly receive emails requesting my assistance in teaching newbies to the KGC field about the treasure signs and symbols they need to look for when searching for clues to KGC depositories and caches. I usually invite them to join our BBAM group where we have many experienced and knowledgeable KGC hunters because teaching someone what to look for can't be done adequately through a few emails. Sometimes they join but most of the time, I never hear from them again. Those who don't bother to accept my invitation obviously don't have what it takes to be successful at finding KGC treasure. I've been at this game for over 11 years now and I'm still learning and expect to continue learning about the KGC until I go to my grave.
When I first found this yesterday, I posted the link and following to my Facebook page as I felt I just had to share the excitement I felt with someone.

I found this amazing article about treasure signs today. I nearly fell out of my chair when I read a portion of it that provided the final piece of the puzzle that my late best friend and KGC research and field work partner Colin Eby and I were working on shortly before his death! I sure wished that he had been here today so I could share this amazing find with him but I believe Colin felt the excitement I experienced from his place in Heaven. :)

Home - Knights of the Golden Circle

I regularly receive emails requesting my assistance in teaching newbies to the KGC field about the treasure signs and symbols they need to look for when searching for clues to KGC depositories and caches. I usually invite them to join our BBAM group where we have many experienced and knowledgeable KGC hunters because teaching someone what to look for can't be done adequately through a few emails. Sometimes they join but most of the time, I never hear from them again. Those who don't bother to accept my invitation obviously don't have what it takes to be successful at finding KGC treasure. I've been at this game for over 11 years now and I'm still learning and expect to continue learning about the KGC until I go to my grave.
When I first found this yesterday, I posted the link and following to my Facebook page as I felt I just had to share the excitement I felt with someone.

I found this amazing article about treasure signs today. I nearly fell out of my chair when I read a portion of it that provided the final piece of the puzzle that my late best friend and KGC research and field work partner Colin Eby and I were working on shortly before his death! I sure wished that he had been here today so I could share this amazing find with him but I believe Colin felt the excitement I experienced from his place in Heaven. :)

Home - Knights of the Golden Circle

That was an interesting read Jay. It is neat to hear about the same letters found elsewhere that were given to us in a numbered cipher. The meanings ring true on some but as you know there are multiple meanings and uses for the same symbols by different groups. The M and H were two three digit numbers on a lead map in our case, but the meaning remains the same for sure! Great stuff!


After reading the article which did have good info,
just remember to keep it simple! You are making it to hard on yourself!

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