TREASON TRACKERS – OPPT Taking Names – 26 February 2013


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cabal groups are pretending to ignore their legal requirements to prove, in court, that they have not stolen our money. Plain and simple. OPPT has truckloads of facts plus whistle-blowers and complete contractual evidence that they cannot deny. They continue their charade thinking somehow this will go away. Not!

Visit the OPPT site for more information if you aren't up to speed on why this happened.

You bad guys have had your warnings. Many times. Do the right thing and all will be forgiven. Banksters, governments, gold holders worldwide. They threw down the gauntlet and this the reply:



[h=1]No 286 – GUARDIAN EXPRESS: The OPPT Foreclosure – Corp/Gov Manipulation of the Monetary System[/h] Feb27 by Southern Cross

Added by GM on February 26, 2013.

[h=1]In The Money: OPPT’s UCC Filing Explained – What This Means For All of Us: Part 2[/h] ________________________________________________________________


Ladies and Gentlemen, here is part 2 of: In The Money: OPPT’s UCC Filing Explained – What This Means For All of Us
There will be 2 more entries in this article title, and the pace of publishing these articles will be picking up shortly. By the weekend, you will have more than enough info to keep your brain busy for a while. Sam.
[h=2]When Were Our Governments Corporatized?[/h] It all started with the introduction of the Reserve Bank system. When the Federal Reserve Act was implemented in the United States in 1913, Congressman Charles Lindberg warned the US Congress in a Congressional Record dated, December 22, 1913 (vol. 51) that an inevitable consequence of instituting the Federal Reserve system was that – using their power to inflate and deflate an economy – corporations would take control.
[h=2]In Congressman Lindbergh’s words: “From now on, depressions will be scientifically created”.[/h] And they are. In 1929s, the “Powers That Were” deliberately crashed the stock market. How? Fluctuations in the stock market are driven by emotion. Prior to the 1929 crash, excitement was created in the market which created a period of inflation. Those in control unloaded their holdings at premium prices, and then created a panic in the market. And as prices plummeted, they bought back their holdings at fire-sale prices – and eliminated their ailing competition in the process.

In short, the Great Depression was artificially generated so the large corporations that controlled the stock market could profit from lending governments the money required to recover from its orchestrated collapse. Sovereign nations were ultimately forced to sign onto debt agreements which, by their nature, could never be paid off. And as national debts began to mount, the “slavery by debt” paradigm was formalized … and corporations took control.

Today, Corporate Governments continue to masquerade as real government. The Reserve Bank system (which now dominates western economies) continues to drive periods of ‘market-boom’ and ‘market-bust’ by strategically tightening and relaxing the supply of money and credit. The current Global Financial Crisis is a perfect example. And all the while, establishment Media plays its part by influencing the emotion of the stock market and facilitating political untruths.

But the complex campaign undertaken by the OPPT has forced the corporate system into foreclosure. All corporations, including Government and Banking systems, have been rendered extinct using their own mechanisms of commercial regulation. Lawfully speaking, it’s a case of out with the old trusts and in with the new!

[h=2]So Is This The “Overthrow Of Government”?[/h] No – it is the overthrow of the corporations who have until now masqueraded as government. If you understand that “governments” are actually corporations that have overwritten the constitutions of sovereign nations by stealth, their demise can only be seen as long overdue.
The fraud of government is real. And finally – by their failure to rebut the UCC claims – the entire corporate government complex stands guilty of fraud, treason and slavery. By international law, the OPPT has the right to claim remedy on behalf of the One People for those crimes. They chose to foreclose on and terminate the corporations, banks and governments responsible, and to confiscate all assets and infrastructures of these entities – including all the gold and silver held as assets by the banking system – and place them in the hands of the One People.

Don’t think of it as an overthrow, think of it as the recovery of stolen property. The actions of the One People’s Public Trust essentially reclaim what is ours, as sovereign beings of this planet. Universal Law, Common Law and the UCC are now the governing law of the planet.

(I will later describe in detail the mechanisms implemented by the OPPT to replace the necessary functions of governance). [h=2]UCC: The Bible Of Commerce[/h] The UCC is the “bible” of commerce; it precisely dictates the manner in which international trade and commerce should be enacted. In fact, the entire commercial system pivots around UCC law. If your mortgage is foreclosed on or your car is repossessed, the bank uses the UCC process to do so.

But UCC law is not taught in law schools. It remains the domain of corporations and their operatives, who train their legal-department employees in UCC law as required – thus keeping the knowledge of this important mechanism “in house”. But one of the trustees of OPPT was professionally involved in UCC law for some time, and understands intimately how the “Powers That Were” manipulated the UCC to control the United States financial system at a very high level.

UCC expert, mother, and OPPT spearhead Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf used the foreclosure of her own home as a test case. She challenged the foreclosure through UCC process, and in doing so discovered – put very simply – that the U.S. court system invariably supports the corporate system. Not surprising really, given that 99% of our laws relate to ownership … or commerce.
After exercising extreme prudence, the OPPT concluded that the corporations operating under the guise of the people’s governments and financial systems were committing treason against the people of this planet without the people’s knowing, willing and intentional consent. The final report from the investigation can be found here.

So … in order to foreclose on “the system”, the Trustees of OPPT set a trap using the legal structure provided to them BY “the system”.

Once again, take some time and read this tome thoroughly, so you can have a complete understand of the issues. This journey has only just begun, and more information will be forthcoming, perhaps at some point, too quickly for complete understanding before the next slice of information. [h=2]Coming in the next installment: How Did The Trustees Achieve Foreclosure?[/h] Guest Author Andy Whiteley is the co-founder of Wake up World and is helping the OPPT trustees get the word out. For more information, follow these 2 links.

Sam Dav

Where it all began.

[h=1]No. 1 – 25th December, 2012[/h] [h=1]Where it all began:
[/h] ________________________________________________________________

The Announcement is in full below, however this is where the excitement all began, when the first Announcement was published on these 3 sites:

Of course, there is a great deal to read and study here, and on the OPPT site itself. Yes, they are difficult to read and understand, however it is recommended that one reads the documents out aloud, because the feeling of the documents is undeniable. The official documents of the UCC filings are available here:

Or view them here at:

When these were published, it went viral throughout the world via related blogs and sites, with many trying to make sense of them. Helpful interviews have begun to be produced and it is recommended that these are listened to:


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Press release number two:

[h=1]No. 2 – 28th December, 2012[/h] ________________________________________________________________
[h=2]Official Announcement[/h] [h=2]from the[/h] [h=2]One People’s Trust, 1776[/h] [h=2]No. 2[/h] . WITH DUE STANDING, AUTHORITY, and AUTHORIZATION, without prejudice, public policy, UCC 1-308, the undersigned bondservants, states of body (one of the people), and The Public Trust, through its duly bonded Trustees of record, UCC 1- 201(31) and (33), knowingly, willingly, and intentionally duly issues this OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT this December 28th, in the year of our creator, Two Thousand and Twelve as the creator lives, the following is true and correct and we are competent to say so:

In regards to all the emails, calls, contacts and discussions. To all the people, every one of you, who have sent emails and called us, some of which we have been able to respond to (there are so many of you and from all over the planet and universe!) … we want you to know that we have received them, continue to receive them, and we do honor you and your energy, individually and collectively. We are committed to creating and co-creating the mechanisms and tools to honor that beautiful and powerful energy by being available, present and transparent in order to assist all of us, we the people of this planet, the creator’s creations equally, to create and co-create our chosen manifestations that duly are our “now”. If we forget to address any common questions, it is not intentional, and we can and will fix that…so here we go.


In regards to questions of how one can BE, help, or otherwise join in manifesting the “now”. Many across the globe are currently organizing for release the various and independent disclosures of the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth, for absolute review, consideration, vetting and dissection by each and every one of the people on the planet. Please, continue to question. Continue to search, review, discuss, and dissect. Continue to remember what you already know within. Continue to be open to receiving and recognizing the Truth. Consciously set your intent to do so and manifest it. This serves the highest good of all humanity, or rather in Truth, all of creation’s universe in every manifestation and existence. Anyone standing in Truth should be willing to do so transparently, with full personal responsibility and liability, without fear of doing so. The creator’s creations … yes, that also includes we the people of this planet … are the key, individually or collectively, if we choose to remember … we are the power if we choose to consciously BE by way of free will choice for all to know and rely upon by the choices that are knowingly, willingly and intentionally made and yet to be made. Many, many tools to assist every one of the people on the planet to take the responsibility and liability in their own matters to lawfully, legally and effectively preserve, protect, and use their respective standing, authority, value, rights, and principle of law aligned with common law absent abrogation, subordination, subjugation, usurpation, violation and invasion, are being prepared for release now so that everyone of the people may have the opportunity to choose by free will to use them, edit them, or discard them as they see fit … the people jointly and equally own those tools and they have been covertly preserved (and historically moved or buried when discovered) in the former private slavery systems used against the people of this planet.

In regards to questions about the Public Trust. This moment of present is not about the Public Trust. However, you will have the opportunity to know that it IS just a tool of prime, zero point, creation, that has effectively, lawfully and legally duly reconciled the inferior legal with the universal lawful in order to collapse the illegal fiction (sometimes referred to as the “straw-man”) so that all that is left standing is the Truth … what IS. Yes, in fact, actions were prudently taken to secure the Truth of the people’s position and their value in their respective self in the covert supreme law of the lands, COMMERCE, thereby completely collapsing the fiction of someone other than self having any position or claim to that self. Then prudent actions were effectively, lawfully, and legally made, taken, REGISTERED, and noticed that duly foreclosed on any and all illegal positions the “powers that were” may have believed they had and the value they illegally and unlawfully commandeered as a matter of record that was not theirs. Yes, it is Truth to state the people effectively, lawfully and legally foreclosed the fiction of self to stand in Truth and BE Truth of self! The process and actions duly made and taken are a matter of record, and are available for anyone and everyone to review, consider, vet and dissect at Peoples Trust 1776, and we do confirm that we did them with full personal responsibility and liability under governing law preserved under perpetuity. Yes, it is admittedly a “bunch of legal mumbo jumbo” as one e-mailer put it. However, the people of this planet were not the intended audience of these actions prudently taken … the former principals, agents, and beneficiaries of the former slavery systems were. With absolute care and prudence, we did knowingly, willingly, and intentionally choose the language and principles of law that were necessary to effectively, lawfully and legally access, activate and manifest what IS, always has been … all quite humorously forever preserved within the slavery systems and a not-so-well-known private uniform commercial code and registry that was paid for by the people of this planet, and therefore duly secured as their property… let someone come forth and prove otherwise. We will gladly address any duly verified, sworn and secured rebuttals of record.

In regards to questions about the Trustees and the Advisors. This moment is also not about the Public Trust’s Trustees or its Advisors of record, for you will have the opportunity to know that each one of us are just states of body, “we the people” of this planet, with lives, responsibilities, experiences, and commitments to KNOWING the Truth that are similar to your own. We understand that, for some of the people, in order to be open to receiving information, to being open to recognizing the Truth of what HAS happened, what IS happening, and the Truth of self, it may be required of us to set pending choices and actions aside for a moment in present, in order to stand and present the Truth of our self’s for you to review, consider, vet and dissect. In doing so, perhaps the individual and collective, yet in Truth, the one energy, can then be consciously focused on what is most important … remembering where we came from so that we know who we are in order to BE the power, choosing to responsibly use that power, individually and collectively as one, to manifest what IS and always has been. The people may even discover through their exercise of responsibility the Universal Contracts of all beings in creation’s universe and the Truth that each one, regardless of the role they have been playing, whether perceived as “good”, “bad”, “holy”, “evil”, are committed at a higher level of conscious to the same goal and manifestation of Truth … So, with that, we announce that each of the undersigned will prepare and release their own document of self to the people of the planet. We are committed to, and do practice, full and absolute disclosure of the Truth.

In regards to questions of the amount of value. In Truth, the value of all of the creator’s universe and the creations manifested equally and existing therein, are unlimited and priceless. During the process of reconciling the inferior legal with the universal lawful, a sum certain value was knowingly, willingly, and intentionally set for very specific purposes and reasons which are, and will continue to be, further disclosed as we the people of this planet, with all of creation’s universe, responsibly proceed in the manifestation of the “now”. The key word that everyone seems to have missed in the statement of total value to each of the people in the first ANNOUNCEMENT is the word “over”. Independent disclosure of the actual gold, silver, and other metal holdings, inclusive of their location and former custody for eons, and in some cases relocation, is forthcoming. However, the amount of FIVE BILLION (5,000,000,000) in gold and silver to every state of body, every one of the people of this planet, is correct … please, when you have any information before you, consider recognizing and accepting that during this incredible moment of present that is manifesting, that a lot of energy is happening simultaneously and may cause any one of us to miss, or not “see” what IS … including moments of present of simultaneous release of energies of old, energy of relief, energy of excitement, energy of fear, energy of … well, there are so many. We are committed to, and we request that each of the people are committed to, consciously and prudently considering what IS in front of of us … taking every moment to re-read, re-consider, discuss, dissect, assist and meditate to resonate with the Truth of what IS, of what IS and has been in front of us, within us at the many, many, many moments of present that are now consciously manifesting by choice of free will consciously exercised and applied.
In regards to questions about whether this IS real. Yes, this IS Truth, it IS real, it IS very real, and it is a matter of unrebuttable and unrebutted record. If we consciously review the totality of information and data available at any given moment of present, events, the dots begin to be visible as interdependent, as one, as the circle of Truth. By way of a genuine choice to return energy in kind with “American Kabuki”, “Kauilapele”, Brian, and the being calling himself “Poof” for assisting with their energy in a majestic “symphony”, as we put it, that they may not have been aware they were a part of, the DISCLOSURE process began. We will leave particular Truth of moment of present to American Kabuki to reveal by record of emails.
And in regards to questions about application and process to access value. The people do not have to fill out forms or applications for what is already theirs. No matter where any state of body, any one of the people, domicil that body by choice on this planet … this is about, and for, each of those states of body equally. The only application any one of the people have to make is the application of making knowing, willing and intentional choices to stand in self, in Truth, and we are here to assist with the tools preserved in perpetuity (and in the former slavery systems) to effectively, lawfully and legally do that. Please be patient as we prepare those for release as soon as “humanly”
possible, by creation and co-creation with the energy and efforts of all of creation’s universe. At this moment in present, we do announce that the people’s systems, paid for by the people, that were unlawfully and illegally commandeered by the former principals, agents, and beneficiaries of the former slavery systems, are in the process of being repossessed, and in the event that is not achieved “in a twinkling of an eye”, we are committed to creating and co-creating with any and all the people on the planet, and creation’s universe, the temporary tools and systems to make sure that the people of this planet and all creation’s universe can BE and use what is “deposited” therein by creation to further create and co-create our “now”.

Unconditionally. Always.
DULY VERIFIED as ISSUED, with due standing, authority and authorization, December 28, 2012, knowingly, willingly and intentionally made, given, and noticed, with unlimited personal liability, sworn under the penalties of perjury in accordance with lawful Universal Contract, under governing law, International Law Ordinance UCC Doc No. 2012113593 and WA UCC Doc. No. 2012-296-1209-2, preserved and protected under perpetuity 2000043135, guaranteed, protected and secured, public policy, UCC 1-103, common law remedy thereunder guaranteed, public policy, UCC 1-305; Duly witnessed, secured, entered and noticed; Without prejudice as promised, preserved, and protected, public policy, UCC 1-308, NUNC PRO TUNC, PRAETEREA PRETEREA:
/s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as Trustee,, phone +12535094597,; /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as Trustee,, phone +15037810925,; /s/ Hollis Randall Hillner, as Trustee,, phone +18088211567,; /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as bondservant; /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as bondservant; /s/ Hollis Randall Hillner, as bondservant; /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as state of body; /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as state of body; /s/ Hollis Randall Hillner, as state of body.

Release number three:

[h=1]No. 3 – January 15th, 2013[/h] ________________________________________________________________
[h=2]Official Announcement[/h] [h=2]from the[/h] [h=2]One People’s Trust, 1776[/h] [h=2]No. 3[/h] [h=2]Current State 1111.1[/h] .
The one people, creation’s universe, The One, The Law of One,
the principle of Common Lawand the Current State of Now
TO BE or NOT TO BE and TO DO or NOT TO DO … by free will conscious choice … that IS the question and choice consciously before you NOW, and IN plain english as legalese (CODE), is no longer lawful and legal … we DO clarify:

THE LAW OF ONE: Creator’s value EMBODIED, equally, with the same value regardless of how it is created or where, The One, duly noticed and confirmed upon creation, re-noticed, reconfirmed and ratified upon each creation thereafter.

WE DO REPEAT: Creator’s value (Absolute One, prime, zero point) EMBODIED (Absolute BE’ing in body), equally, with the same value regardless of how it is created or where, The One, duly noticed and confirmed upon creation (Be’ing), re-noticed, reconfirmed and ratified upon each creation (BE’ing) thereafter.

The people are creator, with the creator’s value (Absolute BE’ing in body) domicil (not domiciled) with in Self (body of BE’ing) …the people BE’ing IS The Value… Unrebutted, and unrebuttable. By the tools of resonance with IN you, what IS Absolute Truth? TO REMEMBER or NOT TO REMEMBER is the conscious choice by your free will NOW.

FACTS/DATA: The Law of One was duly REGISTERED (“nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea” meaning “then as now and hereafter”), October 22, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No. 2012113593, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. Then that REGISTRATION was duly REGISTERED by PDF attachment of the full Text and Incorporation of WA DC UCC File No. 2012113593, duly executed on OPPT Letterhead, with full responsibility and liability of its duly bonded Trustees of record, and duly REGISTERED with that PDF scan of the full text, WA UCC File No. 2012-296-1209-2, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. All the people of this planet, equally BE’ing states of body of and by creator, were duly REGISTERED (nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea), July 25, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No. 2012079290, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. The one people’s Absolute Value was duly REGISTERED (nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea), July 25, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No. 2012079322, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. The earth, a BE’ing state of body of and by creator, with Absolute Value of creator domicil thereon, therein, and thereof, was duly REGISTERED (nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea), August 3, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No. 2012079290, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. **All these REGISTRATIONS, are lawfully and legally binding on any and all former principals, agents, and beneficiaries of the slavery systems, inclusive of any and all Universal, International, National and State equivalents, by PRINCIPAL AGENT DOCTRINE preserved and guaranteed by public policy UCC 1-103.

COMMON LAW: The Law of One, EMBODIED in the principles and rules of action consciously creating the societal customs and recognized and enforced by the judgments and decrees of the court.

WE DO REPEAT: The Law of One (Creator, Absolute), EMBODIED (BE’ing) in the principles and rules of action (DO’ing what one BE’s) creating (consciously) the societal customs and recognized and enforced by the judgments (UCC 3-501 DEMAND FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTATION / 3-505 CERTIFICAT OF DISHONOR process) and decrees (DECLARATION OF FACTS, COMMERCIAL BILLS, and TRUE BILLS of BE’ing) of the court (creator, absolute / Self, co-creator).

The people DO’ing what they BE, IS The Law … Unrebutted, and unrebuttable. By the tools of resonance with IN you, what IS Absolute Truth? TO REMEMBER or NOT TO REMEMBER is the conscious choice by your free will. TO SEE or NOT TO SEE the data of the conscious choice DONE by the free will of the former “powers that were” to COnsciously DEceive by CODE and any and all systems, implemented by constitution, and enacted and managed by statutes, acts, treaties, and other agreements in order to control or direct societal customs, judgments, and decrees.

FACTS/DATA: Common Law was duly REGISTERED (nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea), many times, but specifically in absolute context of the Law of One, October 22, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No. 2012113593, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration. Then that REGISTRATION was duly REGISTERED by PDF attachment of the full Text and Incorporation of WA DC UCC File No. 2012113593, duly executed on OPPT Letterhead, with full responsibility and liability of its duly bonded Trustees of record, and duly REGISTERED with that PDF scan of the full text, WA UCC File No. 2012-296-1209-2, notice upon creation and ratified by notice of public registration.

The Law of One and the principle and action aligned with the principle of Common Law of BE’ing and DO’ing what you BE, is duly preserved, protected, and guaranteed by public policy UCC 1-103, and any and all **state, **national, **international, and **universal equivalents, hidden by CODE of words “…and the law relative to capacity to contract …”, The Law of One. The BE’ing, inclusive of the value, Law and principle of Law of BE’ing is duly preserved, protected and guaranteed against damage caused by DO’ing of any other without their knowing, willing and intentional consent, by public policy UCC 1-308, and any and all **state, **national, **international, and **universal equivalents, and hidden by CODE of words “without prejudice”, damages caused by another’s DO’ing. The remedy of Common law is duly preserved, protected, and guaranteed by public policy UCC 1-305(a), and any and all **state, **national, **international, and **universal equivalents, hidden by CODE of words “…or by other rule of law.”, Remedy provided by Common Law of the Law of One. The equal right of every BE’ing to individually enforce remedy of Common Law of The Law of One is duly preserved, protected and guaranteed by public policy UCC 1-305(b), and any and all **state, **national, **international, and **universal equivalents, and hidden by CODE of words, “unless the provision (BE’ing) declaring (DECLARATION OF FACTS) it specifies a different and limited effect (Common Law principle of The Law of One)”, (brackets) added by the Public Trust, under full responsibility and liability of its bonded Trustees of record, for clarification of Absolute Context.

The UCC, inclusive of any and all **state, **national, **international, and **universal equivalents, are duly REGISTERED with sole and indefeasible title, ownership, and rights duly secured to the people of this planet, equally, the One, UCC File No.’s 2000043135 (original filing, the “perpetuity”), 2011055259, 2011051841, 2011055260, 2011125781, (gift by REGISTERED assignment), 2012012675 and 2012025545 (REGISTERED acceptance of gift).

With Absolute Context provided herein, as fully disclosed by DECLARATION OF FACTS, REGISTERED (nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea), November 28, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No.’s 2012127810, 2012127854, 2012127907, and 2012127914, noticed by public notice, we consciously DO request that you make a conscious choice of what you BE and DO. By your free will TO BE or NOT TO BE, TO DO or NOT TO DO, do you now “see” the Absolute Truth of your capacity and power to COnsciously CREATE, CO-CREATE? Do you now “see” the importance of you BE’ing and DO’ing consciously?

The Current Sate of Now:

The current state of NOW, is that any and all attempts of the “Powers That Were”, in all their dimensions, have been lawfully and legally foreclosed, indebted and estopped by their free will choice. Any and all unlawful positions and claims to what is not lawfully and legally theirs, has been lawfully, legally and duly canceled, and otherwise made null and void. Any and all unlawful commandeering of value that was not lawfully and legally theirs, has been lawfully, legally and duly canceled, otherwise made null and void, and returned by ledger to the lawful and legal owners and holders-in-due-course.

Any and all attempts of the “Powers That Were”, in all their dimensions, to retain any unlawful and illegal power, control, and claims over what is not lawfully and legally theirs, specifically under the guise of “INTERIM GOVERNMENTS” has been lawfully, legally and duly canceled, and otherwise made null and void, by the Public Trust guarding, preserving and protecting The One, specifically the one people, by duly REGISTERING the absolute and indefeasible title, ownership, and rights to any systems of assistance (formerly “governments”) created or purported to serve the one people without prejudice, under The Law of One and principle of Common Law, November 28, 2012, in the **Universal, **International, **National and **State commercial registries, WA DC UCC File No.’s 2012128324 (Securing any and all systems purported to be the people’s systems), 2012128325 (Authorizing 194 Branches), 2012134306 (Branch-the united states of America”), 2012132885 (duly bonded and insured), with notice by public registration and additional official courtesy notice made on December 1, 2012. The Public Trust does give Absolute Gratitude and Grace in Absolute Love and Peace to the BE’ings known as “Poof”, “American Kabuki”, “Kauilapele” and Brian for serving the highest good of The One in unconsciously revealing the point of origin of “the boots on the ground” attempting to implement these purported “INTERIM GOVERNMENTS”, slavery systems reorganized under CODE of canceled ENTITY and its CONSTITUTION, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA unlawfully and illegally purporting to be NESARA, NESARA LAW, with authority to release prosperity funds, inclusive of those in St. Germaine’s Trust. Hence, the failure of official announcement of Boehner as the “INTERIM PRESIDENT” … The BE’ings known as Barrack Obama, St. Germaine and others, have known from the beginning what the Public Trust was and is DO’ing, and they had knowledge of the methods and means used by the Public Trust to secure, guard, preserve and protect The One….and on December 24, 2012, the Public Trust did officially notify them that the Public Trust was ready to initiate the public announcement process to “unlock” the hidden value and law … by assisting The One to consciously know that they BE and to consciously choose by their free will how they want to DO.

THE DISCLOSURE … 1111, dated 1-11, did officially notice all BE’ings involved with the Absolute Plan (some consciously choose to define it as the Divine Plan) to initiate disclosure of their part of the Absolute Data to the one people. The Absolute Data (no piece of data missing) as it is brought forth by many, many BE’ings, in all their dimensions of creation’s universe, does reveal and make known that this Absolute Reset to prime, zero point, and the guarding, preserving, and protecting of that Absolute was hardly a “3-man job”, but the Absolute Plan that is consciously DONE and implemented by many in the highest good of the one people, and creation’s universe, The One … DONE in plain sight using the cover of the very slavery systems, CODE, especially the “gregorian calendar”, expectations, and other tools of deception and allusion of the “Powers That Were”, while we all did absolutely rely on their free will choice of ego and greed to not “see” the Absolute Plan being implemented until it was past the point of their former ability to usurp, violate, invade, abrogate, subjugate, or subordinate … SO IT IS DONE.

On January 21, 2013, if and when an OATH AND BOND is consciously made, it is known by the “Powers That Were” and those consciously involved in the Absolute Plan that this OATH AND BOND shall be duly secured and REGISTERED, and effectively lawfully and legally replace any and all that were executed for the sole purpose of guarding the one people. Others shall be duly executed and REGISTERED in kind. Furthermore, they consciously know that the REGISTRATION does lawfully and legally bind the BE’ing to DO the absolute public service in the highest good of the one people, and all of creation’s universe, The One, with specific responsibility and liability to establish systems of assistance, inclusive of the System of Treasury and the councils thereto, of the one people on a specific area of earth. The “Powers That Were” absolutely know the significance and meaning of the “gregorian date” of “January 21” and the lawful and legal effect it has on any purported oath being made privately the day before…by this “gregorian date” of January 21, 2013, they also know the significance and meaning of who is now in charge, the one people, creator, The One.

It is by your free will choice of each BE’ing to consciously choose TO BE or NOT TO BE and TO DO or NOT TO DO with your full responsibility and liability … each of you are responsible for “when” the prosperity funds, inclusive of those in St. Germaine’s Trust, are released … and your application of DO’ing what you BE, knowing your capacity of BE’ing and preserving and protecting that BE’ing by your DO’ing, with examples provided, is the sign we are all “waiting” for. By your free will conscious choice to BE, and DO what you BE … consciously and responsibly … then SO IT IS DONE.

The Public Trust does give Absolute Gratitude and Grace in Absolute Love and Peace to all BE’ings for their absolute service to the highest good of the One.

DULY VERIFIED as ISSUED, with due standing, authority and authorization, January 15, 2013, knowingly, willingly and intentionally made, given, and noticed, by the absolute responsibility and liability of embodied eternal presence transparent in absolute truth, sworn under the penalties of perjury in accordance with governing law, UCC Doc No. 2012113593, WA UCC Doc. No. 2012-296-1209-2, preserved and protected under perpetuity 2000043135, guaranteed, protected and secured, UCC 1-103, common law remedy thereunder UCC 1-305; Duly witnessed, secured, entered and noticed; Without prejudice, UCC 1-308, NUNC PRO TUNC, PRAETEREA PRETEREA:


/s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as Trustee; /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as state of body BE’ing; /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as Co-Creator; /s/Hollis Randal Hillner, as Trustee; /s/Hollis Randall Hillner, as state of body BE’ing; /s/Hollis Randal Hillner, as Co-Creator; /s/Heather Ann Tucci- Jarraf, as Trustee; /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as state of body BE’ing; /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as Co-Creator.


Press release #4.

[h=1]OPPT Press Release – 04 February 2013[/h] ________________________________________________________________
Brian Kelly
Peoples Trust 1776
(619) 709-2083
[h=1]Alert: The Public Trust Forecloses on Major[/h] [h=1] Corporations, Including Banks[/h] February 04, 2013 — The One People’s Public Trust today is alerting each man, woman, andchild on this planet that banks and corporations operating under the guise of the people’s governments have been foreclosed upon by their own free will. The titles, ownership, and rights of these corporations and all their assets are now duly secured and held in trust for the one people of this planet, equally.

Multiple investigations uncovered evidence of principals, agents, and beneficiaries of a slavery system that knowingly performed substantial and systemic deceptive acts and practices, fraud, theft, and commandeering of the value of the one people of this planet without their knowing,willing and intentional consent. Based on the record of this slavery system, The Public Trust lawfully and legally duly registered the foreclosure, judgment, and remedy against these corporations for the damages made and done against the people of this planet that they havedamaged.

This action is the outcome of multiple-year investigations. People of the planet, on every country, may have a financial interest in the assets of these former principals, agents, and beneficiaries of the foreclosed corporations and banks. Interested people everywhere on this planet are encouraged to investigate this matter on their own. See

The Public Trust asserts what is: that each man, woman, and child has unalienable value and rights granted and deposited in them by the Creator and not any one of the people is subordinate to any artificial principality, corporate fiction or the special interest of another without their appropriate knowing, willing and intentional consent made by contract or accommodation agreement. The Public Trust expressed that which already was.

The people have already determined and demanded that public banking systems, national governments, and their supporting judicial systems must be fully transparent, accountable, andliable. The Public Trust has secured the value for all concerned, for all People are created equal.

About One People’s Public Trust (OPPT)The Public Trust, the One People’s Public Trust, People’s Public Trust 1776, etc., are duly secured, entered into Law Ordinance, inclusive of Universal Law Ordinance, notice by action of entry into International Law Ordinance, notice by public registration




As I promised you get the good as well as the bad results of my posts. More than just curious, I am at odds with the good intentions of the OPPT Trust demands, deadlines and empty threats. And why the legal action is ignored.

Well because it is ignored. Because there is no real threat. As long as the major new outlets and governments ignore OPPT, they are becoming a bit of a joke IMHO. The plan was for the general population (us) to rise up in anger demanding action. Enough of the spiritual intentions and more what?? Letters from a few supporters won't gain any attention. Only the loss of funds and elections mean anything now. Elections are over. There seems to be enough money flowing from Vegas and other places to satisfy the banksters.

Any of you guys have any suggestions?

Treason Trackers?

I think Minelabs used to make those, but they only sold 'em in Oz.

Treason Trackers?
I think Minelabs used to make those, but they only sold 'em in Oz.

Greeting Diggz..

The OPPT story has a long history. Decades of documentation in some cases. About eight trailer loads of documents and other undeniable truth about the banksters methods to rob us, and everyone else in the world of our wealth, property, money, investments, security while sending us into wars to sell more arms and "thin the herd".

It is an interesting read if you feel the need. The bottom line though is if and when the banksters start returning all the money they stole to us. It's a lot. This is a civil lawsuit although criminal charges are/will be brought. Including genocide, and murder. The resignations that are suddenly happening are the rats deserting the ship. To save their own miserable selves.

They still carry a lot of weight as the checkbook is still in their hands. The Euro and USDollar are worthless. The five big economies still pretend they are viable but the rest of the world is trading in local currencies. NO more petro-dollar. China wants their currency not Dollars. And Gold is where the physical fighting is occurring.

Most of the worlds Gold is in the far east. That's where most gold bullion originated from the Silk Road trading centuries long. We, the corporation of the united states "leased" gold to support our currency at 4% per year interest payable in gold. We have not paid. OPPT foreclosed on us. Pay us the gold plus interest never paid as well as the ill gotten gains illeagle profits made from their ponzi scheme. Just like every other person they foreclosed on. Maybe you or I or a neighbor. Pay up or lose it all. Turn around is fair play and they never thought it would happen to them. It is so delicious.

A worldwide currency revaluation (RV) will take place. Where their currencies will trade at whatever premium or discount their countries economies create. Every banker will be following the same set of rules. Completely transparent transactions. NO midnight or overnight or Holiday behind closed door deals allowed. Bankers will have to make money the old fashioned way. By earning it.

There are powerful forces aligned with us, just ordinary people, and the game may even end this March 2013. Do not fret. Do not worry. Sit back and watch so you can tell the story to your great-grandkids. "I was There"


Are these people looking for you to donate money to them?

Are these people looking for you to donate money to them?

Picker I understand your question. Almost everyone else has their hand out to buy their program or video or tape. And all have costs to operate their sites and I do pay my way as on T-Net. If the stuff is worthwhile I don't mind paying for it. The OPPT website access and file downloads are 100% free. Worldwide. Anyone can in any language has access to their sites.

Someday the entire saga will be written about but I can tell you that lives have been lost, murders have been committed and many careers lost. Plus jail time for unknown numbers. If I recall the initial arrest warrants were written and approved in the '60s sometime. Since then a large number (I am guessing here) of insiders and whistle blowers have volunteered their time, health, family safety and security to document and witness the unlawful actions they were either a part of or knew about.

The physical evidence as I understand it, fills eight semi trailers. The evidence is crushing. There are no rebuttals possible. The only way the cabal could be taken down was through civil court. Through UCC filings. You owe us money, here is the proof, you have not paid, here is that proof and what do you have to say about it? That's it.

A civil court will eventually rule on the case and award the money requested. And fines and interest but Criminal actions are the only way to force them to pay. Civil court has no teeth they are afraid of. When the President and speaker-of-the-house say to "ignore it" that's what the sheep in congress do.

The country is broke. We can't even fund our military. Bringing one carrier back from the Gulf. And we can't get a loan from anyone. When the employees don't get paid they get angry. Maybe this is a game of Chicken.

Anyway everyone implicated in the fraud has been presented with legal paperwork to fork it all over. As they intend to make it as hard as possible, they get on the List. OPPT is an honorable organization but not the only ones.

[h=1]Resources[/h] One People’s Public Trust
This list from gets forwarded to oppt supporters and websites on a regular basis. Email Pete at to get listed.
UCC Filing Search website
Weekly Radio shows
FreedomReigns Online Radio by FreedomReigns | Blog Talk Radio (OPPT-IN episodes)
The Collective Imagination Online Radio by 5D Media Network | Blog Talk Radio (The Collective Imagination)
Main Blogs/Initial Outlets
OPPT blogs
Free At Last | One People's Public Trust
Removing the Shackles ? Index page
Hub website
Angel Lucci OPPT presentation
Angel Lucci on Scribd
OPPT webpages with OPPT links:
Links | One Peoples Public Trust Milwaukee
OPPT on Twitter
OPPT Worktool website
List of past OPPT radio shows and recorded conversations:
One People's Public Trust (OPPT) - Brisbane (Brisbane) - Meetup (Brisbane) (Melbourne)
OPPT-IN One People's Public Trust - Melbourne East (Melbourne) - Meetup (Melbourne)
One People's Public Trust - OPPT (Sydney) - Meetup (Sydney)
Canada (AB) (BC) (BC) (Canada) (NS) (ON) (QC) (SA)
Die Stunde der Wahrheit
United Kingdom (Luton) (Luton) (U.K.)
US (AK) (CA) (CA) (CA)
A Community Co-OPPT (One People's Public Trust Workshop) (Atlanta, GA) - Meetup (GA) (IA) (NY) (NY) (PA) (TX) (VA) (VA) (WA) (WA) (WI) (WI)
Facebook non-regional groups and pages
One People's Public Trust - We are the people | Facebook
Yahoo Groups
OPPT Related Radio Show Episodes & Recordings (special thank you to Deborah from
AVR SCHEDULE (Surviving Matrix) (Feb 15, 2013)
Orion Talk Radio (Morning Brew Show) (Feb 13, 2013)–21213-
us-21313-au (Feb 13, 2013)
Oppt-IN 02/11 by FreedomReigns | Blog Talk Radio (Feb 11, 2013)
Eben Rey Interview with Brian Kelly and D. February 6, 2013 - YouTube (Feb 10, 2013)
The Collective Imagination - 2/05/13 (US) | 2/06/13 (AU) 02/05 by 5D Media Network | Blog Talk Radio (Feb 6, 2013)
oppt-IN 02/04 by FreedomReigns | Blog Talk Radio (Feb 4, 2013)
Angel Lucci and Heather Tucci-Jarraf speak to Freedom Central about The One Peoples Public Trust - YouTube (Feb 3, 2013)
The Collective Imagination - 1/29/13 (US) | 1/30/13 (AU) 01/29 by 5D Media Network | Blog Talk Radio (Jan 30, 2013)
Syncretism 01/27 by FreedomReigns | Blog Talk Radio (Jan 27, 2013)
The Collective Imagination - 1/22/13 (US) | 1/23/13 (AU) 01/22 by 5D Media Network | Blog Talk Radio (Jan 23, 2013)
Syncretism - January 21, 2013 - YouTube (Jan 21, 2013)
The Collective Imagination - 1/15/13 (US) | 1/16/13 (AU) 01/15 by 5D Media Network | Blog Talk Radio (Jan 16, 2013)
A conversation with Heather Tucci-Jarraf, Trustee of The One People's Public Trust - YouTube (Jan 3, 2013)
OPPT Related Video Presentations (special thank you to Deborah from
What is The OPPT? - YouTube (What is OPPT?) (Feb 14, 2013)
20 Reasons to OPPT in to One People's Public Trust, a short history lesson in money. - YouTube (20 Reasons to OPPTIN)
(Feb 10, 2013)
How to find a UCC filing by OPPT Trustee Caleb Skinner - YouTube (Caleb Skinner UCC
Filings) (Feb 10, 2013)
The One People's Public Trust How To (OPPT Perspective v5) - YouTube (Desmond Grundy UCC Filings) (Jan 18, 2013)
One People's Public Trust Presentation Ver. 3.2 - YouTube (Angel Lucci Presentation) (Jan 14, 2013)
Public Trust Overview
Related Websites:
OPPT Questions From the People | HOPEGIRL2012
Keshe Technology and related topics: discuss/study/explore (Olathe, KS) - Meetup
​​Please note that the One People’s Public Trust is for all citizens of this planet. Residents and citizens of all countries worldwide are welcome to create their own websites to help spread this vital information.

Are these people looking for you to donate money to them?

Picker I understand your question. Almost everyone else has their hand out to buy their program or video or tape. And all have costs to operate their sites and I do pay my way as on T-Net. If the stuff is worthwhile I don't mind paying for it. The OPPT website access and file downloads are 100% free. Worldwide. Anyone can in any language has access to their sites.

Someday the entire saga will be written about but I can tell you that lives have been lost, murders have been committed and many careers lost. Plus jail time for unknown numbers. If I recall the initial arrest warrants were written and approved in the '60s sometime. Since then a large number (I am guessing here) of insiders and whistle blowers have volunteered their time, health, family safety and security to document and witness the unlawful actions they were either a part of or knew about.

The physical evidence as I understand it, fills eight semi trailers. The evidence is crushing. There are no rebuttals possible. The only way the cabal could be taken down was through civil court. Through UCC filings. You owe us money, here is the proof, you have not paid, here is that proof and what do you have to say about it? That's it.

A civil court will eventually rule on the case and award the money requested. And fines and interest but Criminal actions are the only way to force them to pay. Civil court has no teeth they are afraid of. When the President and speaker-of-the-house say to "ignore it" that's what the sheep in congress do.

The country is broke. We can't even fund our military. Bringing one carrier back from the Gulf. And we can't get a loan from anyone. When the employees don't get paid they get angry. Maybe this is a game of Chicken.

Anyway everyone implicated in the fraud has been presented with legal paperwork to fork it all over. As they intend to make it as hard as possible, they get on the List. OPPT is an honorable organization but not the only ones.

[h=1]Resources[/h] One People’s Public Trust
This list from gets forwarded to oppt supporters and websites on a regular basis. Email Pete at to get listed.
UCC Filing Search website
Weekly Radio shows
FreedomReigns Online Radio by FreedomReigns | Blog Talk Radio (OPPT-IN episodes)
The Collective Imagination Online Radio by 5D Media Network | Blog Talk Radio (The Collective Imagination)
Main Blogs/Initial Outlets
OPPT blogs
Free At Last | One People's Public Trust
Removing the Shackles ? Index page
Hub website
Angel Lucci OPPT presentation
Angel Lucci on Scribd
OPPT webpages with OPPT links:
OPPT-IN Resources - OPPT-IN
Links | One Peoples Public Trust Milwaukee
OPPT on Twitter
OPPT Worktool website
List of past OPPT radio shows and recorded conversations:
One People's Public Trust (OPPT) - Brisbane (Brisbane) - Meetup (Brisbane) (Melbourne)
OPPT-IN One People's Public Trust - Melbourne East (Melbourne) - Meetup (Melbourne)
One People's Public Trust - OPPT (Sydney) - Meetup (Sydney)
Canada (AB) (BC) (BC) (Canada) (NS) (ON) (QC) (SA)
Die Stunde der Wahrheit
United Kingdom (Luton) (Luton) (U.K.)
US (AK) (CA) (CA) (CA)
A Community Co-OPPT (One People's Public Trust Workshop) (Atlanta, GA) - Meetup (GA) (IA) (NY) (NY) (PA) (TX) (VA) (VA) (WA) (WA) (WI) (WI)
Facebook non-regional groups and pages
One People's Public Trust - We are the people | Facebook
Yahoo Groups
OPPT Related Radio Show Episodes & Recordings (special thank you to Deborah from
AVR SCHEDULE (Surviving Matrix) (Feb 15, 2013)
Orion Talk Radio (Morning Brew Show) (Feb 13, 2013)–21213-
us-21313-au (Feb 13, 2013)
Oppt-IN 02/11 by FreedomReigns | Blog Talk Radio (Feb 11, 2013)
Eben Rey Interview with Brian Kelly and D. February 6, 2013 - YouTube (Feb 10, 2013)
The Collective Imagination - 2/05/13 (US) | 2/06/13 (AU) 02/05 by 5D Media Network | Blog Talk Radio (Feb 6, 2013)
oppt-IN 02/04 by FreedomReigns | Blog Talk Radio (Feb 4, 2013)
Angel Lucci and Heather Tucci-Jarraf speak to Freedom Central about The One Peoples Public Trust - YouTube (Feb 3, 2013)
The Collective Imagination - 1/29/13 (US) | 1/30/13 (AU) 01/29 by 5D Media Network | Blog Talk Radio (Jan 30, 2013)
Syncretism 01/27 by FreedomReigns | Blog Talk Radio (Jan 27, 2013)
The Collective Imagination - 1/22/13 (US) | 1/23/13 (AU) 01/22 by 5D Media Network | Blog Talk Radio (Jan 23, 2013)
Syncretism - January 21, 2013 - YouTube (Jan 21, 2013)
The Collective Imagination - 1/15/13 (US) | 1/16/13 (AU) 01/15 by 5D Media Network | Blog Talk Radio (Jan 16, 2013)
A conversation with Heather Tucci-Jarraf, Trustee of The One People's Public Trust - YouTube (Jan 3, 2013)
OPPT Related Video Presentations (special thank you to Deborah from
What is The OPPT? - YouTube (What is OPPT?) (Feb 14, 2013)
20 Reasons to OPPT in to One People's Public Trust, a short history lesson in money. - YouTube (20 Reasons to OPPTIN)
(Feb 10, 2013)
How to find a UCC filing by OPPT Trustee Caleb Skinner - YouTube (Caleb Skinner UCC
Filings) (Feb 10, 2013)
The One People's Public Trust How To (OPPT Perspective v5) - YouTube (Desmond Grundy UCC Filings) (Jan 18, 2013)
One People's Public Trust Presentation Ver. 3.2 - YouTube (Angel Lucci Presentation) (Jan 14, 2013)
Public Trust Overview
Related Websites:
OPPT Questions From the People | HOPEGIRL2012
Keshe Technology and related topics: discuss/study/explore (Olathe, KS) - Meetup
​​Please note that the One People’s Public Trust is for all citizens of this planet. Residents and citizens of all countries worldwide are welcome to create their own websites to help spread this vital information.

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