I disagree that it looks nothing like gold. A few years ago I found a gold chain & cross under the backseat of an old car in a black nylon bag (had to have been there since the 80's). A large chain & cross & when I pulled it out I thought there is no way this was gold (even tho it sure as heck felt like gold). The chain was marked 14K Italy & the crucifix was marked 14K & 585 in 2 different spots on it. They were tarnished, looked a lot like that piece looks (color wise) a bronze(ish) dull almost black color. I took some super fine grit sand paper & sanded a little on the edge of the clasps & underneath was nice bright shinny gold. I then tried to clean both items without any success. I resorted to mothers aluminum polish & my Dremel with a polishing attachment. With a lot of work that chain & cross came clean & looked amazing just as gold should. There was like a .3 gram difference in weight before & after polishing it so I didn't take much off it. I suspect this chain & cross saw a lot of well water or pool water (chlorine) when it was worn & then was put away uncleaned in a bag it also reacted with. The items were indeed 14K gold & I think most would have thought there is no way it would have been.