I found this today and could use some help identifying it. It's a little smaller than a quarter. Found in Mississippi along with other early 1900's coins. Thanks for any suggestions or info.
like mick said, it's a Chinese cash coin. probably late 1800's. They were made from the 2nd century BC until 1911 (I think). There's a way to determine approximate date by the characters on them, but it's too confusing and time consuming for a simpleton like me
Ch'ien-lung is thought of as one of the most brilliant rulers in Chinese history. He was a patron of the arts, which reached a very high level during his reign. His is also one of the few Chinese emperors to abdicate the throne, which he did to honor K'ang Hsi (his father) by ending his reign just before it would have exceeded the length of K'ang Hsi's reign.
There are two basic series to the coins of Ch'ien-lung. The primary series has the regular Ch'ien-lung inscription, produced at many mints throughout his reign. The second type is referred to as the Shan-lung commemorative issue, with two upright strokes added to the bottom of the character "Lung", and is thought to have been issued during the period from his abdication in 1795 to his death in 1799. (Can anyone confirm this for me?)