A couple of years back i found a stash that had been stolen from a house,, there was a mixture of things, a jar of small change that had been emptied onto the forest floor, some strange ornaments , some ladies panties, a USB stick and a set of dog tags.. I gathered the lot and brought it to my local authorities, who went through it with me and promised it would be returned to rightful owners..... Never heard another thing about it.. The Dog tags was an item that made me feel emotional, they were obviously very important to whomever owned them, and for someone to come into your house and take them,,, i dunno... hard to imagine what they are thinking.. As i said, never had any word on whether they were ever re-united with the owners, or just left to rot in box in some store room ?? Sort of wish that i had done it myself, not for any congrats, jut to make sure the owner actually got them back... Lesson learned..
The same year, i hired a car and found a money wallet, with 500 in cash inside,, it was in a small door bin , previous customer lost it,, i did it myself called up the guy and met him for the return... Was very thankful and an extremely nice guy.. Offered me a reward, i said not necessary, so he slipped a 50 to my kid who was there,, as i wasn,'t looking...