Okay, I have opened up a little bit here on a number of threads. So I may as well reveal a bit of my liberal side.
I am a combat veteran, Vietnam and Cambodia.
After getting to know the people there (Vietnam), I was absolutely against that war. I am against all war.
Yet I also realize needs under certain circumstances. I have not seen valid reason since WWII. Korea, maybe. Vietnam is a hard pill for me to swallow.
And then it comes down to what the soldiers see.
Even being against the war as a soldier there, it comes down to life or death.
Seeing many die, your friends beside you and all hell in front of you there is only one choice - living or dying. We, as soldiers, the ground men have to make that choice or it is us.
And then after it is all over, some polished up staff officers come in and look it all over, and then fly out again. They get medals to do that, pros that they are.
That's a medal swap, the officer's corp - kinda like Mr. Kerry.....
I hated that.
Came home and kept my mouth shut for over 40 years, and will continue to do so as far as details go.
Even as a conservative. Being a conservative, my concern is about the government and the future of my children.
Let the rest of the world work it out themselves, and let's give them no more arms or money. And when we clearly see that they really do threaten us....
It is our right to vaporize them.
I was a soldier, and I absolutely do not intend any kind of disrespect to any veterans out there. We as soldiers have always done what we had to do - whether for this nation, or for immediate survival.
Respect us for that.