WV Hillbilly
Hero Member
My time ranger has a ground monitor meter . It is half moon shaped with 0 in the center and goes from 0 to - 3 on the left and 0 to + 3 on the right . Most of the places I hunt in my area the meter reads - 3 or - 2 . This is in disc program . Wouldn't a 0 reading be ideal . I may be mistaken but I don't think manual ground balance works in disc programs . I haven't had it to long so I'm still learning . It ground balances very easily in all metal mode . Also I've read the time ranger has been upgraded 3 times so if true that means there are 4 different time rangers out there . Is there any way to tell which is the latest version or which version I have ? I bought it new from Kellyco 12 / 06 if that makes any difference . Thanks in advance if you can help .