This Yard Was A Mess, But Some Finds


Bronze Member
Jan 8, 2007
Hazelwood, MO
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
White's Prizm II, White's Coinmaster
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Hi all, I called on another yard this morning and searched it for about 2 hours, it really got cold and windy but I couldn't resist the chance of searching another neighborhood yard.

Here's the house I checked today. The types of houses I've been getting permission to search from the RE agents are smaller ranch homes with fairly small yards. Of the 5 yards I checked this week, this house/yard was in really bad shape..there was even a sign on the door posted by the city saying the house was not fit to be inhabited. Needless to say, I didn't think I'd have any trouble with the RE agent on this particular site.


I didn't find a single silver coin in this yard, but I did find 3 had a small hole in it. Total for this yard was 90 coins..69 Lincoln Memorials, 3 Wheats, 7 clad quarters, 9 clad dimes and 2 nickels. I also dug up a spoon (may be silver plated?), a toy car, a 1960's Shell coin (anyone remember those?), a fired bullet, a reading medal and a few other small items..I was hoping for a ring so I had the disc down and dug up lots of trash targets and pennies..this particular yard really exhausted me!






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You must be tired :D lots of clad ehh for a small yard.I like the shell coin and the medals.Looks like you got a whistle to.
WTG & HH ;)

Dang, your shell coin game token looks a heck of a lot better than the couple I have found! I can barely read mine.

Looks like you had a nice day of hunting. Man there must be a thousand or two of those kind of homes in my area. That would be alot of hunting.

HH, Ringfinder


Was it meth lab at one time. When out searching we need to be careful of waste from meth labs being discarded anywhere they get by with it. Just a thought.

i never would have stopped there ,,looks too 70s......if this is the type house you been hittin em at,, i need to re-think .... ;D ;D

Green1 said:
i never would have stopped there ,,looks too 70s......if this is the type house you been hittin em at,, i need to re-think .... ;D ;D
I wouldnt have hit it either,unless I knew that it was built on the site of an older home....Most of the time alot of fill was brought in for these newer yards and I dont find anything worth it....but you look like you pulled a couple of nice items out.

there was even a sign on the door posted by the city saying the house was not fit to be inhabited.....

??? That house doesn't look allll that bad!

Nice finds though! Congrats! Nana :)

Sure looks like a silver spoon to me...can we see more of the hallmarks?

Green1 said:
i never would have stopped there ,,looks too 70s......if this is the type house you been hittin em at,, i need to re-think .... ;D ;D

The house was built in 1959 as were all the homes in this neighborhood..I've had a blast searching these yards, and have found wheats, silver coins, even a buffalo nickel and large silver ring a few days ago.

Nick Papageorgio said:
Hail to NATMAN...KING OF THE CLAD...HIS HOLINESS OF HOTWHEELS...THE TITAN OF TOKENS...Great digs Natman, Congrat's...Keep it of those yards is gonna get you THE GOLDEN RING...I'm rootin for ya'

Nick you've been keeping up with my posts, haven't you? You're too kind..thanks for the inspiration..after this past week I feel more like the "SIRE OF SORENESS"!


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