This dredge was stolen last night off of the Rogue

Those of you in Southern Oregon and or Northern Cali, keep your eyes peeled.

Marvin Garry Lampshire
[/h]8 mins ·

here is a picture of the Dredge that was stolen just days before it happend

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You should question your local FS and any enviromental nutjob groups nearby, I dont really see homeless junkies running off with a couple hundred pound machine without a vehicle. That also means you are looking for people, not a person. If it was left tied on the river, have you checked down river to make sure it didn't just come loose?

this is EXACTLY why I camp close to (used to be) my 4 inch dredge! some o the Wacoenviromentalists love to go down stream and either bust up these dredge engines or just cut them lose and the dopers love the engines to pump water to theyre cash crop!

Not my dredge, but it was chained and locked to a tree, and the tree was cut donw with a chainsaw. Either meth heads or green heads. Better game cam your gear until these a holes can be strung up...

IF the thieves sell this anywhere , I really doubt that they would be STUPID enough to sell it as is ! I think they would either use the pump/engine combo to irrigate their cash crop or sell it off in pieces OR mix the parts with other equipment to keep it un-identifiable as much as they can. I checked with my homeowners insurance and my dredge would be covered under my H.O. ins. check it out on yours!

With the way things are going I would not be surprised if it were stolen and disposed of for this bogus war against dredging.
I hope that it does turn up though, what a horrible loss. :(

It would tickle me to no end if these thieves were caught and the dredge was returned in any condition and the thieves pictures were posted all over the net!

Can we still dredge rogue ? I thought it was closed down all the way?

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Welcome to Treasure Net jayhaws20 sorry nobody answered your question. I do not know the answer but keep asking.

You should post this pic and information with the local clubs, like Bohemia Mine Owners Association as well as the others in the area. BMOA has an excellent Mine Patrol that would easily spot something like that. Not your avg machine there, I hope you get it back. Likely the culprit grabbed it via boat. Possible there might be cam footage at the local docks. I would also keep an eye on Alaska's Craig's list. This reminds me to put my ODL # on my machines, I have never done that before but may be a good time to start. Game cams are cheap now. Best of luck to you.

Can we still dredge rogue ? I thought it was closed down all the way?
may be added to the 303d list next year but is closed for the season. tributary's close sept. 15th
in water work timing; InWater_Work2008.pdf
there is also the moratorium from 2016 to 2021, hopefully something will happen before next season.
Quartzville creek is open till Oct. 15th
and Brice/Sharps creek is open till Nov. 30th
Parts of Brice Creek are open to the public through Mineral Withdrawal as a “Free Use Site.”
GPAA has has two claims up brice and two up Quartzville
you can join a club that have claims you can camp and are able to prospect on.
Willamette Valley Miners - You Struck Gold!

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At least Gary got to do some dredging after his dredge was stolen.

theres a few rewards out for stolen dredges. redding c-list has a couple for sale with no pics, same diameter as the ones stolen. most likely wont find your stolen dredge for sale on c- list but if you dont look you'll never find it.

Sorry Oakview. I hate a thief. Hope you find it. Just curious if insurance could cover an item like this?

This was not my dredge, just posted it so that the nor cal guys and southern Oregon miners could be on the lookout.

Sorry Oakview. I hate a thief. Hope you find it. Just curious if insurance could cover an item like this?

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