Hello all, these finds are from a farm permission a buddy and I have detecting off and on for about 3 months now, whoever we are in that area.
Very old area, this particular farm has 4 colonial homesites on it, 2 still standing and 2 gone forever. Three of the sites had been detected thoroughly before us, but one was never located till we took a chance that a small hump in the field, above a nice spring, was actually more than just a hump.
We were right! Unfortunately the hump was what was left of a cellar hole that had been scraped together and filled in sometime prior this 1968. We found some items around the hump and decided to dig into it a little each time and detect the tailings, this is when we started hitting pay dirt! We dug what we could, but got into the old foundation stones, and just couldn't go any further by hand.
I decided to go back and just detect the fields some yesterday, and to my amazement, the farmer actually scraped the hump off with his skid loader and piled the tailings in a ravine close to the sight. Sorry for the long winded post but I wanted to give more of a back story for most of the items I have been posting on here because alot of them came from this site. So far 15 Colonial copper coins of brittish and and American varieties, several half cents, and many coins and relics. Also 2 of the nicest thimbles I have ever found as far as condition, usually they are corroded apart, or smashed.
Thanks for reading, hope it wasnt too boring.
Very old area, this particular farm has 4 colonial homesites on it, 2 still standing and 2 gone forever. Three of the sites had been detected thoroughly before us, but one was never located till we took a chance that a small hump in the field, above a nice spring, was actually more than just a hump.
We were right! Unfortunately the hump was what was left of a cellar hole that had been scraped together and filled in sometime prior this 1968. We found some items around the hump and decided to dig into it a little each time and detect the tailings, this is when we started hitting pay dirt! We dug what we could, but got into the old foundation stones, and just couldn't go any further by hand.
I decided to go back and just detect the fields some yesterday, and to my amazement, the farmer actually scraped the hump off with his skid loader and piled the tailings in a ravine close to the sight. Sorry for the long winded post but I wanted to give more of a back story for most of the items I have been posting on here because alot of them came from this site. So far 15 Colonial copper coins of brittish and and American varieties, several half cents, and many coins and relics. Also 2 of the nicest thimbles I have ever found as far as condition, usually they are corroded apart, or smashed.
Thanks for reading, hope it wasnt too boring.