The pattern of health


Hero Member
Jul 13, 2005
Detector(s) used
MINELAB 2100, L-Rods
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Since every atom is assigned a specific frequency number, it must also have a specific frequency pattern to match. Are we just one specific shaped numbered, smell atom? Or multiple smell atoms.
Do we only exist as one frequency specific per person, or a matrix of frequencies. I will soon do that dowsing test. When someone stops by, I'll see if I can dowse iron specific, connected to him.
But we are a matrix of frequencies, and also specific, forming all familiar connections as well, in the quantum world.
Is disease a bad frequency?, accumulating of bad frequencies, or no frequency at all. Did lifes frequency leave the atom, and it wont vibrate no more? Isn't death only the lack of life, we drain too much Chi and die.
But patterns supposedly make us up, healthy patters we assume. What is a unhealthy pattern? Is it cancer?, or is cancer no pattern?
Some dowsers have dowsed sickness in people, but they aren't all called dowsers. To dowse feeling a sickness, must be like feeling a diffrence. A diffrence from good or bad, between resonating to non resonating cells, the feel of the center of the sickness, the drain that's draining your life energy away. Who knows, I'm not one of them!
But, to distort a good healthy pattern in a single cell, and it just so happens to take the shape of a master key frequency pattern, a bad pattern, what do you think would happen? It would open a Chi dump hole into the quantum world. As your life energy drains out, the hole gets deeper, we drain faster, then gone.
I don't know how to prevent that. Some medicines must work, the hole closes, we no longer drain Chi, and begin to recharge our life.
We're alive with life, with happy numbers, that make happy shapes and patterns.. Food for thought to comment on if you want..

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