The Magic frog multi-angle sculpture set.

Paleo Lonewolf

Sep 6, 2013
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Lemme see how many can see these ... can't wait to make a fool of some self absorbed know it alls round here when the university guys get here in a few .... good fun!! :notworthy: LOL ;) SANY0012.JPGSANY0011.JPGSANY0010.JPGSANY0009.JPGSANY0008.JPGSANY0006.JPG

this thread moved to the 'rocks/gems' forum for opinions on types
no disrespect meant but these are not artifacts, they are natural rocks
you have every right to collect rocks that are interesting to you
welcome to treasure net


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You sir, and all your ilk on this wanna-be online pawn shop, haven't the slightest ****ing idea what you are looking at. I relish the next few days ... gonna make you douche bags and your site look like a bunch of ******ed buffoons ... hope you guys are all excited, cause I sure am. LMFAO!!

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Oh I am more than serious. These rocks right here are probably going to change everything you people thought you knew about the stone age. You'll hear about it, then you will understand just how blind all you guys are. Tell ya what ... if any of you have 3d rendering programs, enter these pics and have them rendered .... you will likely shat yourself. I guess I'll just have to throw up some of the ones that still have the paint on them for you guys to perceive anything that's not a gas station special. Modern life has blinded your eyes obviously. Pfft.

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Oh I am more than serious. These rocks right here are probably going to change everything you people thought you knew about the stone age. You'll hear about it, then you will understand just how blind all you guys are. Tell ya what ... if any of you have 3d rendering programs, enter these pics and have them rendered .... you will likely shat yourself. I guess I'll just have to throw up some of the ones that still have the paint on them for you guys to perceive anything that's not a gas station special. Modern life has blinded your eyes obviously. Pfft.

You are very, very mistaken. If you sent photos to the "university guys", they will not be coming by at all as they will most certainly see what we see, rocks, just rocks, not artifacts. Why in the world would you think you know more then people with hundreds of years of combined experience dealing with genuine artifacts? These rocks will have absolutely no effect on our understanding of the Stone Age. They are natural rocks. When you eventually find that out, I hope you will stop back and admit how blind you were. We only told you the truth and look what telling you the truth did. It set off a little hissy fit on your part. And all for naught. You could have learned something. You chose to be blind.

The bottom line here is you were not expecting the answer you received. Instead of just getting past your disappointment, you are making matters worse as you have chosen self-delusion over the truth. The people in this section can help you ID what type of rocks you have collected. However, what they cannot tell you is that these rocks are Native American artifacts fashioned by the hands of man. These are simply natural rocks with no cultural associations whatsoever. The sooner you accept that fact, the sooner you can move on from this mistaken interpretation. Right now, you're clearly delusional if you honestly believe what you say above. I believe the self absorption lies elsewhere then the members of the NA artifact forum...

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Looking at the subject heading, and knowing you put this in the NA artifact category originally, I feel justified in wondering the same thing Grim Reaper wondered, namely, whether you are just doing this as some kind of joke to mess with our heads. I mean, really, a magic frog??!!

Here is a Native American sculpture. Native artisans were just as skilled as artisans in other cultures. Can you see the difference between this small sandstone pebble that was modified by the hands of man and misshapen natural rocks without modification by man?


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So .... when I have proven you wrong and exposed you people as the frauds you truly are ... what then? You gonna drive down here and kiss it as fervently as you try and dictate and deny reality because it undermines your profitable load of BS??? You guys are no different than the pawn shop guys who try and shiest everyone into thinking you're opinion is the only one of value. Is there some kinda mea culpa function on this site that allows you all to beg forgiveness for your ignorance I wonder? I respond in kind, btw. You dipchits wanna speak to me in dismissive and disrespectful manor as though you run the world ... news flash, you guys aren't sht ....... sorry nobody has broken the bad news to ya yet, but there it is.

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blah blah blah .... So you say ... we shall see wont we. ;) LOL And yes, I am going to enjoy it profusely.

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blah blah blah .... So you say ... we shall see wont we. ;) LOL And yes, I am going to enjoy it profusely.

You didn't enjoy hearing the truth when told it here. So, no, you won't enjoy it profusely when the "university guys" tell you the exact same truth. In fact, you won't be back with proof at all. You are out on a limb all by your lonesome. I don't understand what was so hard about accepting the fact that you were mistaken. Everybody makes mistakes. Because people show up with rocks all the time, thinking they are artifacts, people get tired of having to explain why they are only rocks. So short replies like "it's just a rock, buddy" are common. You couldn't handle it and put yourself out on a limb. And no qualified archaeologist, and no qualified geologist, is going to back you up or rescue you from the limb you've put yourself on. And it's all your own doing. For a rock that your imagination tells you is a magic frog.

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Charl, you are wasting your time on this guy. He is obviously off in his own little world so let's just let him stew in his own ignorance and ignore him.

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People, see this guy for what he is and don't respond to him, in other words, "No feeding the trolls."

He is obviously trying to elicit an emotional outburst from the membership here, so just pass on by.....

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Many times. And sometimes they're simply out there, as the above link would suggest.
I'll be quiet...

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Hello Paleo, I am retired and spend many hours looking at rocks. Most folks dont see what I see until I tell them what they are looking at. Without a description, no one is seeing what you see. It could be the light, or angle of the camera. I have learned to position my finds so others can easily identify it. The rocks also have no context. Where were they found, what was found with them, how deep, what type of soil. Without hem being documented properly, they are absolutely worthless. I dont need a 3d program to make shapes out of these rocks. Or a imagination to guess they are fossilized stone. Bit I see a pizza box full of spongy looking rocks. We are going to need more to go on here sir.

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Hello Paleo, I am retired and spend many hours looking at rocks. Most folks dont see what I see until I tell them what they are looking at. Without a description, no one is seeing what you see. It could be the light, or angle of the camera. I have learned to position my finds so others can easily identify it. The rocks also have no context. Where were they found, what was found with them, how deep, what type of soil. Without hem being documented properly, they are absolutely worthless. I dont need a 3d program to make shapes out of these rocks. Or a imagination to guess they are fossilized stone. Bit I see a pizza box full of spongy looking rocks. We are going to need more to go on here sir.

Which tells me they are natural and not artifacts. If a Native American wanted to make an Effigy of something then it would look like that something without having to turn it over and over in your hand to see the image. You can pick up just about any rock and see an image in it if you look at it long enough from different angles. I could probably go out in my driveway gravel and find some within a few minutes. Doesn't make them artifacts though.

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Lemme see how many can see these ... can't wait to make a fool of some self absorbed know it alls round here when the university guys get here in a few .... good fun!! :notworthy: LOL ;) <img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/>

I'm a geologist. Went to school and got educated on the subject. I'm also a diehard rockhound. These are your run of the mill good ol' Mother Nature rocks. Sorry to burst your bubble buddy. Nice specimens.

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You sir, and all your ilk on this wanna-be online pawn shop, haven't the slightest ****ing idea what you are looking at. I relish the next few days ... gonna make you douche bags and your site look like a bunch of ******ed buffoons ... hope you guys are all excited, cause I sure am. LMFAO!!

Nice chunks of Limestone you have there Paleo.

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