The Inevitable Encounter with Parks Dept.Employee


Full Member
May 21, 2005
Heres how it went, woke up this morn.,54 degrees,ahh! nice temperature I 'll do a little MDing on the way to the resturant. For some reason I thought today that I would run into a cop or someone, just had that feeling so I left my diggers at home and would just hit the sand pits. What can they say if you dont have anything to dig with. Found 3 nickles and then I heard a vehicle coming down the park service road, they stopped, looked at me and walked the other way, I figured maybe I'll just leave, they were between me and my truck so as I passed them I said Hi. The one that was the boss said you know what you should do with that detector? I said what, he said you should take it over by the beach that's where all the good stuff is! Theres nothing but piddly stuff over here. He said people drop all kinds of stuff in the water he said he knows he used to MD. that spot himself. I thought what the hell I never expected them to tell me the best spots, I thought they would say hit the road! I asked about any regulations he said just put the plugs back. Not at all like I thought my first encounter would go.

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Sounds like you got it as good there.

As I do here.

Their not all bad.


I think most park dept employees are pretty nice people. Every once in a while you get one that thinks he's a cop and it's his job to save the world though. Last time I got a hassle from one I showed him my badge and said, let me see yours. He didn't have one! All at once he had a whole different attitude. We have park rangers in our state park, loosely affiliated with the Corps of Engineers and the State Dept of Public Safety. They are authorized to enforce safety regs but not law enforcement per se. Sometimes they forget and have to be reminded. All in all I really haven't had much problem from any of them, just a couple over the years. Glad your encounter was a good one. JIM

I am lucky here in RI as well. I have never once been approached by city park workers or Park Rangers. They don't even pay any attention to me, for good or bad. Too busy keeping up with the punk teenagers around here I guess to worry about people metal detecting.

I get approached, but it's usually to BS, and / or, give me suggestions on areas to search.

? I'v never been asked to leave, by anyone involved with the parks.

and only once by a Citizen, who tried to BS me into thinking I was breaking the law.
Didn't work tho ;D

Police & park commitee member were close enough to DOUBLE CHECK my rights.

Great story! See, not everyone thinks we are horible lawn destroyers!
I have yet to have a run in with the authorities but I don't think it will be negative.

As long as I don't get to meet Cartman - "Respect My Authorita!"? (Ah, someone at work just did an impression of him, and now I can't get that stupid saying out of my head!)


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I thought he said "Respect my authorita!" and then starts to club em... because he cant pronounce authority......anyway HH Jonathan

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