Silver Member
I recently ventured out into Montgomery County Kentucky, hoping to find a mid 1800's home site along the banks of a large creek. In 1879, the home belonged to Mrs. Brockway. Based on an old map, a current map overlay and the features on the ground, I was certain that finding it would be a slam dunk. Well, not so easy. In the vicinity of where I thought the site should be sits a small modern tobacco barn with a tin roof. I've hunted around them before, they are a nightmare...nails on top of nails, so I stayed well clear of it. I was finding the occasional iron target in a 20 foot perimeter around the barn but nothing that said to me that I had found the place. I increased my perimeter and the targets became less frequent. Time to drop back and punt. The barn provided a nice relief from the sun on an otherwise unseasonably warm day for October. So, I dug my map out and started another "feature" search of the land around the creek...maybe I had missed it by a hundred feet? Maybe it was a little higher on one of the knobs?