Bronze Member
Well, the big hunt begins next weekend! My friend and I will be hunting some woods on his property in Danielson, CT that we have researched and found to have been part of a colonial era farm. The farm operated possibly as early as the late 1600s thru the early 1800s, when the farms started dying off and the mills sprung up. His property extends beyond his yard about 200 yards into the woods. About 100 yards in is a long section of stone wall. The stone wall has an opening, like an entrance, leading into a clearing that we believe may have once been a home or some type of structure. There are also 3 trees arrayed around the clearing that are much taller, hence older, than the rest of the woods around it. The stone walls runs in a rough rectangle around this clearing, and beyond this rectangle, continues on through the woods. We have been mapping out a stategy for this site for a while now, and we are going to start the hunt next Sunday, and for as many more Sundays as it takes to cover the area. We also have his neighbors permission to follow the stone wall and hunt the woods on the neighbors property. I'll update next weekend with results, as well as some pics of the target areas. Anyone ever attempt a site like this?? Any tips on what to look for, or how to hunt it, given the age of the area? Thanks in advance!!!