the big blow coming-when crh get featured on tv

Aug 27, 2006
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dear fellow crh.we dont know how good things still are.the big blow coming is the popular cable show.about finding valuable has covered such obscure valuables as morel mushrooms and long before they finally get around to crh? if u think this board or the WET article has increased competition,wait until its on tv.i left daily metal detecting back in 1986 to pursue the greater percentage rewards offered in crh. im thinkin might be time to buy a good water hunting detector,or bone up on gold panning knowledge.since gold is up big.dont get me wrong,i will continue to crh as long as i can .i love th-ing and will always do in some form. but as i realised in 86 i wasnt bring in much silvers w the only took about 5 yrs after the release of the silent search TR detectors to end the great silver rush in land long can crh produce great finds if evryone knows about it?so i will continue to crh .but am prepareing for the future. if anyone has ideas how to stop tv from ever getting around to covering crh?.maybe we could send LEJ to the tv show.she could show them the silver she found and that would dazzle them. then she replace the current female host and report on treasure everywhere but never ever CRH.!!!!

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That's a very good point Scrounger. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with other people getting into the hobby at all. In fact, I just encouraged my roommate to join in on the hunt with me. The main thing we all have to realize is that there is only a finite supply of Wheats, War Nickels, Mercs, Franklin halves, etc. Once they are out of circulation, that's it, no more. Sure, people will put some back into circulation but that will be on a very limited basis. If people want to keep this hobby around, we have to exercise some sort of restraint on how many people we tell about it. The more people we tell, the more competition we have and our finds will become more scarce.

My second concern is the new CRH'ers who don't know the unwritten rules of CRH. For example one I think we could all agree on is not taking your rejects back to your supply bank. First, you'll probably get your own rejects back. Second, it probably ticks off tellers when they order ten boxes on Monday, thinking they won't have to deal with them, then on Tuesday that CRH'er is standing at their counter with ten boxes of hand rolled halves ready to cash them in. Another unwritten rule is be polite to your tellers no matter what. If enough CRH'ers make the wrong people at their respective banks mad, it could force some sort of policy change for their banks and there goes CRH.

In closing, just be smart about this hobby and don't do stupid things that could create an abrupt ending to this great hobby that has brought myself and many others so much joy.

yes good point follow the rules. know several good banks ruined by improper dumping.spread it out over several banks.and times.personally i never dump more than 3k at once.

Is there an actual broadcast planned any time soon or this speculation?

i heard from a dealer at a flea market.who had coins for sale.bought a small non coin item from him.i was paying in halves from an unopened roll when several walkers tumbled out.i usually open my rolls in private,but wasin a hurry.always tryin to pay in halves so i have less to return.though.he said he read the WET article.and had heard that topic would be covered on the show,because they had also seen the article. i should have been more careful and questioned further.but got distracted by a big box of late 60s early 70s sports cards at 3 for a dollar. plus had 80 orso rolls from said bank and thinking about more silver.when i thought about it later,i could kick myself for not asking more right now IS HERESAY.maybe i shouldnt have mentioned it.i thought the community should know. i sure wish the WET article has never neen written .grrrrrrr. so i post now.and last answer.hey everyone who reads this dont reply.the listing will bury.

Just send them a link to this article

and highlight the last part where they say
They've also been sorting through $14 million worth of half-dollar coins from throughout the country to cull silver coins made before 1964.

"I think we've recovered the last of the silver coins," says Luhrman. "Our process is very thorough."

This is a very appropriate subject. It is going to happen sooner than you think.

Just last night I got a call, on my cell, by a reporter from National Public Radio. She wanted to interview me for her radio show. The topic is penny hoarding. She tracked me down through another forum I post on. I politely declined for two reasons. I do not do very well when it comes to public speaking and number two (which I did not tell her) I do not want to dilute the amount of copper that I am getting from banks. If even if a small amount of her listeners try it a few times it could sour banks on us even more than they already are.

As far as I know she knows nothing about CRH, but that topic could be next. It just takes one person to drop a hint and CRH is much more participated in than penny hoarding.

Good going Dan! I suggest we all follow his lead. But if anyone gives in and consents to an interview, downplay our successes! Silver's steady upward trend is bound to stir more interest in what we're doing.

Immy said:
.... downplay our successes! .....

What's there to downplay, as I already pointed out, Jackson Metals got all the silver last year. It's been downhill since then.

You're telling me...... I haven't found a single silver coin since Jackson finished their searches.

A TV episode? Hmmmm. And possibly an NPR radio interview? ohhhh.

Maybe I'll contact them and see what I can do. :-)


jrf30 said:
.....and possibly an NPR radio interview? ohhhh.
I got a followup email from her the next day. Not only did she want to tell about the hobby she wanted to explain how to approach banks and get rid of zincs.

I would be stepping on my own toes if I explained how I do it all. This forum is mostly treasure hunter types. Think what would happen if the average person (does that make us above average?) tried to do CRHing for cents.

The thing to really consider is the barrage of people asking for change at the banks will cause policy changes. A few banks around here have started charging for coins just due to a few people asking for coins. If the amount increased even 10 fold to say maybe 30 to 50 people slamming the banks it will only take a couple weeks for the volume and number of ins and outs of coins to be noticed as an expense that must be covered they will pas it on too the customers ordering.

In this currently hypothetical situation of CRH was featured and lots of people started doing it we would see a massive hit, a few weeks of intense searching and then a lot dropping off after the damage was done.
there will be fees to get the coins, and fees to get rid of the coin. The profitability and fun will go away very fast.
It could be that such fees will never go away. And ensure the a death of the hobby. It could be years before anything piles up again, If everyone just stopped. I have noticed the damage here. Searching halves of late has been as good as quarters. Squat.
Will new stuff come into the system...of course, But how much is the key. It may be another 10 to 15 years before we see what was there in the past. When most of the baby boomer's start really dieing off and hordes get inherited and deposited.

The only hope for CRH is a worsening economy, leading to digging deeper to pay bills, more depression and drug use to increase theft and deposits. Fact is. More ignorance is needed, as well as desperation and substance abuse and even death for this hobby to be lasting. This way CRH's can profit from these events.

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