The Bechnick"Strikes"a pose...
Greetings all,Well this is what I have to see in the old mirror every morning...makes you want to go out and hunt..or whatever,We teach Karate on the Beach when we are not hunting them...I hunt almost every day here,if any of you guys or gals come down for a visit please PM me and I will take you to some great spots here....Great forum...see you all later...the Beachnick
Greetings all,Well this is what I have to see in the old mirror every morning...makes you want to go out and hunt..or whatever,We teach Karate on the Beach when we are not hunting them...I hunt almost every day here,if any of you guys or gals come down for a visit please PM me and I will take you to some great spots here....Great forum...see you all later...the Beachnick