The American Way Of War; Guided missiles, misguided men and a Republic in Peril


Jr. Member
Jul 29, 2008
Jupiter, FL
Detector(s) used
Fisher CZ 20
Primary Interest:
Beach & Shallow Water Hunting
I should have stuck with fiction! From the words of George Washington, Jefferson and Monroe, to what's been happening in the world today, this book covers it all thoughtfully and scariest of all, truthfully. How did we come to have a DOD budget of $500 BILLION dollars? Where does it all go. Eisenhower's 1961 final address to the people warned all not to trust the Military - Industrial Complex, for it's ability to corrupt with impunity. He pulled one word out of that speech that's entirely applicable today - Congress. Today, we can add the executive branch as well.
Ever heard of Marine Corp Major General Smedley Butler? Or the October 1940 McCollum report to FDR? Butler said "War is a Racket". McCollum gave Roosevelt an 8 point plan to bait the Japanese to attack the US, which Roosevelt promptly put in place, including moving the Pacific Fleet out of San Diego to Pearl Harbor, much to the chagrin of his Admirals (Pearl had no infrastructure to care for the fleet - it all had to be built). BTW - Smedley Butler was the most decorated man in US military history - twice the recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor (The only man ever to have been awarded the CMA, and lived to tell about it!). A book every citizen should read and pass onto a whole bunch of friends - perhaps we can effect real change before it's too late for us (and the US).

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