That "Little Voice" Pays Off Again, 5 Ring Hunt!! HUGE 10K!!.. Plus Other Stuff....


Silver Member
Jun 20, 2014
Granite, Maryland
Detector(s) used
Teknetics Omega 8000
Teknetics Delta 4000,
Deteknix XPointer,
Fiskar's Big Grip Digger & my old Army Trench shovel for the tough jobs
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
That "Little Voice" Pays Off Again, 5 Ring Hunt!! HUGE 10K!!.. Plus Other Stuff....

I hate to tell another long winded tale but there's a relevant story here.

It started when I went hunting after work yesterday and I just had "that feeling" that something really good would soon show up. I Just KNEW it and I was really in that Zen like "zone".

Unfortunately, the clouds rolled in from the South and it POURED for about an hour. The hunt was off.

That "little voice" kept telling me to go back all day today. I knew I HAD to obey. As soon as I left work, off I went and picked up exactly where I left off. I immediately dug a junk ring and then another plastic kids ring stuck inside a bottle cap. What are the odds?? I dug some more trash and then it happened.

I got a solid 57 and about 6-7 inches down in very wet soil, out popped this monster:

5 Ring Hunt Huge 10K July 7 2015 002.JPG 5 Ring Hunt Huge 10K July 7 2015 004.JPG

(quarter is for size reference and I haven't cleaned it yet)

I thought it was fake at first.

It's a HUGE, heavy 10K and has some kind of red stone in it. It's so big it's too big for my THUMB. I'm not a large man but whoever lost this was. Then again, maybe not and that's why it slipped off.

Don't ask me how but I just knew tonight's hunt was gonna' be good. That intuition never lies.

The ground is really soaked from the incredible amount of rain we've had for the last 5 weeks and targets are practically jumping under the coil. It's amazing.

So after I calmed down a bit I dug a little more clad and two more junk rings for a total of 5 rings. That's a record for me. Puts my ring count up to 33. I also dug a junk rose pin of some kind that fell apart when I brushed off the dirt.

5 Ring Hunt Huge 10K July 7 2015 001.JPG

Then I dug even more clad, a small button and an old 9 mm shell. I also dug some strange iron artifacts not pictured. I'll clean them up tomorrow and see if I can figure them out. They lead me to believe I may be onto an older spot because I've dug a couple of old coins nearby in the past.

5 Ring Hunt Huge 10K July 7 2015 003.JPG

The oldest coin is another 1965 quarter. Still haven't hit a single silver coin yet this year but I'm certainly not complaining in the middle of this ring wave I've been in. I've snagged 7 rings in 5 days, 2 silver, 1 gold. I guess the metal detecting Gods are likin' me at the moment for some reason or another. Whatever is goin' on, I'm grateful.

The entire hunt lasted from about 6:45 until 9:00 PM. Gotta' love these long days. It was beautiful out there tonight.

Thanks for lookin' & Happy Hunting.......

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Upvote 21
great 10k ring!, the others are nice also!!

good hunting!


Congrats on the BIG gold ring! You are tearing it up. Very well done.

Wow! That's one massive chunk of gold you dug up! Great work!
Stone is probably a big garnet, but hey you never know it could be a ruby! :D

Hey, I'd give up the 4 measly little silvers I found this year for a nice big gold ring like that one! I don't find a lot of rings, but when I do they are usually silver and a little lady's ring. I have only found 2 gold ones and they were both men's class rings. Yours is a very nice one!

Ka - Ching and ring a ding ding .. nice going

Hey, I'd give up the 4 measly little silvers I found this year for a nice big gold ring like that one! I don't find a lot of rings, but when I do they are usually silver and a little lady's ring. I have only found 2 gold ones and they were both men's class rings. Yours is a very nice one!

I shall pray to the detecting Gods to guide you to a nice gold ring; the biggest and purest one that ever graced the pages of T'Net. Maybe I'll even sacrifice a chicken while I'm at it just for good measure.

But I did get really lucky with that one. I truly thought it was a fake; like it was too good to be true. We both know how these things come in waves; good spells and terribly LONG dry spells.

For instance I haven't dug a silver coin since last August and the drought is still ongoing. I would love to find a nice Merc or a Rosey or any dang silver coin. I would love to find your "4 measly silvers" right about now. To me, they would be (and ARE) a great treasure.

Then again, we always want what we can't have right?? That's human nature for you.

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Ka - Ching and ring a ding ding .. nice going

I tried to get to a jeweler today but didn't make it in time. I need to know if that's a garnet or a ruby.

As far as the "Ch ching" goes, I have yet to sell a single treasure I've dug. I always tell my kids that when I'm dead they can do what they wish with them.

Of course, you never know when these things may come in handy. Nothing wrong with a little cash in the bank.

Have to say that's an awesome golden save there G424. Hope its a real Ruby for you! Don't let that ring get out of your sight bro !

Sent from my XT830C using Tapatalk

Nice looking ring!


Well, I took the monster ring to the jeweler today and asked if the stone was a ruby or a garnet, all the while hoping it was a ruby.

His answer was, and I quote "It's neither; it's synthetic corundum; the same thing they make sandpaper out of; it's worthless".

Well that was a letdown to say the least. Then he said, (and I quote again) "the fact that it's "only" 10K is a dead giveaway, no one would put a ruby in a setting like that and if that were a ruby you could buy this whole store with it".

The lady behind the desk said "at least the gold is worth "something". Then the guy said "It's "only 10K" and she said "Oh" and went back to her phone.

I thanked them and left. They seemed really snobbish as if I had some nerve to request a moment of their precious time. This is the same jeweler that constantly advertises on local am radio urging people to bring in their jewelry for cash. They probably really love buying nice jewelry at rock bottom prices.

Next time I'll just go to the pawn shop. At least they'll admit they're ripping you off under the guise of doing you a big favor.

No matter. In my book it's still a nice find even if it is nothing more than sandpaper fodder. I just may need some sandpaper at some point.

The hunt continues........

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Well, I took the monster ring to the jeweler today and asked if the stone was a ruby or a garnet, all the while hoping it was a ruby.

His answer was, and I quote "It's neither; it's synthetic corundum; the same thing they make sandpaper out of; it's worthless".

Well that was a letdown to say the least. Then he said, (and I quote again) "the fact that it's "only" 10K is a dead giveaway, no one would put a ruby in a setting like that and if that were a ruby you could buy this whole store with it".

The lady behind the desk said "at least the gold is worth "something". Then the guy said "It's "only 10K" and she said "Oh" and went back to her phone.

I thanked them and left. They seemed really snobbish as if I had some nerve to request a moment of their precious time. This is the same jeweler that constantly advertises on local am radio urging people to bring in their jewelry for cash. They probably really love buying nice jewelry at rock bottom prices.

Next time I'll just go to the pawn shop. At least they'll admit they're ripping you off under the guise of doing you a big favor.

No matter. In my book it's still a nice find even if it is nothing more than sandpaper fodder. I just may need some sandpaper at some point.

The hunt continues........

Nice going on the honker of a ring, did you throw it on the scale to find out the weight?

Been there done that at jewellery stores before, if the cash isn't flowing their way it's hit the highway. He did say "It's neither; it's synthetic corundum; the same thing they make sandpaper out of; it's worthless" A person really feels like saying back that they needed a little bit of it to rub off their synthetic polish.

I bet you were tempted to say " Too bad it isn't the ruby you talked about, because if it was, my first act as the new owner of this store would be to find a new employee that isn't so snobbish and would actually be interested in helping customers."

Wonderful ring! :occasion16::wav::occasion16: You're on a good roll!

That snooty jeweler could be wrong about the stone, so take it to a friendlier jeweler for another opinion. My son and I have had good experience with several friendly jewelers, but I did encounter one jeweler whose snout was so high in the air he probably couldn't tell a ruby from a jelly bean, lol. He seemed offended that anyone with a grubby detecting habit even entered his precious store, lol. Or he resented having to stay inside waiting for customers while others bop around on beaches & such digging surprises! Have fun! :icon_thumright: Andi

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