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Texas Attorney General: We’re Going to Fight UN Gun Treaty
Earlier today, the United Nations overwhelmingly voted on a gun control treaty that would essentially be used to undermine gun rights in member countries. It’s an attempt to attack gun rights through a legal backdoor. If Obama signs it and the Senate votes for it, it’ll then be legally considered law — unless someone*successfully*sues.
And yes, there will be lawsuits. Almost immediately, the Texas attorney general wrote a letter to Obama saying:
“As with most so-called international-law documents promulgated by the UN, the draft treaty is not written using the precise, unambiguous language required of a good legal document… Instead, the treaty employs sweeping rhetoric and imprecise terminology that could be used by those who seek to undermine our liberties to impose any number of restrictions on the right of law-abiding Americans to keep and bear arms.”
We’ve Had Many Pro-Gun Victories Nationally
That Texas and many other states will sue and likely ignore the treaty is good news. Believe it or not, things have actually been going quite well for gun rights over the last decade, even recently. I know, it sounds crazy with all the news that’s reported, but hear me out:
Anti-gun laws have been struck down (DC and Chicago), conceal carry laws have been passed, the assault weapons ban has failed, and the registration attempt will likely fail as well. It’s politically impossible for politicians to attack gun rights — the Tea Party and the general Liberty Movement are simply too active to pass the legislation.
The lies are almost always instantly cut down with the truth through online activism. Any time someone says “online activism doesn’t work”, just remind them of the victories we’ve had — we’re outnumbered on most issues, but on gun rights our ability to raise support and squash the lies is too powerful even for DC so far.
The key phrase is “so far”. This could all change in literally minutes with a few more corrupt back room deals.
On a state level, this simply hasn’t been the case. Many states have beefed up their anti-gun laws, leading to companies and individuals to leave the states — meaning pro-gun states are getting an economic boost.*Apparently* liberty is good for the economy — something we’ve been saying around here for years.
Will the Treaty Be Ratified?
There’s still a fairly good chance the Senate will not vote for the anti-gun treaty. They already passed a non-binding “NO” to the treaty last week. Still, it could go either way. This means our response should be simple — fight it every step of the way, let senators know that we’ll vote against anyone from any party that supports the treaty, and we won’t be messed with when it comes to gun rights.
They can pass all the laws they want, but if they want guns, in the end, they’ll have to take them. Molon labe.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Earlier today, the United Nations overwhelmingly voted on a gun control treaty that would essentially be used to undermine gun rights in member countries. It’s an attempt to attack gun rights through a legal backdoor. If Obama signs it and the Senate votes for it, it’ll then be legally considered law — unless someone*successfully*sues.
And yes, there will be lawsuits. Almost immediately, the Texas attorney general wrote a letter to Obama saying:
“As with most so-called international-law documents promulgated by the UN, the draft treaty is not written using the precise, unambiguous language required of a good legal document… Instead, the treaty employs sweeping rhetoric and imprecise terminology that could be used by those who seek to undermine our liberties to impose any number of restrictions on the right of law-abiding Americans to keep and bear arms.”
We’ve Had Many Pro-Gun Victories Nationally
That Texas and many other states will sue and likely ignore the treaty is good news. Believe it or not, things have actually been going quite well for gun rights over the last decade, even recently. I know, it sounds crazy with all the news that’s reported, but hear me out:
Anti-gun laws have been struck down (DC and Chicago), conceal carry laws have been passed, the assault weapons ban has failed, and the registration attempt will likely fail as well. It’s politically impossible for politicians to attack gun rights — the Tea Party and the general Liberty Movement are simply too active to pass the legislation.
The lies are almost always instantly cut down with the truth through online activism. Any time someone says “online activism doesn’t work”, just remind them of the victories we’ve had — we’re outnumbered on most issues, but on gun rights our ability to raise support and squash the lies is too powerful even for DC so far.
The key phrase is “so far”. This could all change in literally minutes with a few more corrupt back room deals.
On a state level, this simply hasn’t been the case. Many states have beefed up their anti-gun laws, leading to companies and individuals to leave the states — meaning pro-gun states are getting an economic boost.*Apparently* liberty is good for the economy — something we’ve been saying around here for years.
Will the Treaty Be Ratified?
There’s still a fairly good chance the Senate will not vote for the anti-gun treaty. They already passed a non-binding “NO” to the treaty last week. Still, it could go either way. This means our response should be simple — fight it every step of the way, let senators know that we’ll vote against anyone from any party that supports the treaty, and we won’t be messed with when it comes to gun rights.
They can pass all the laws they want, but if they want guns, in the end, they’ll have to take them. Molon labe.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2