I have always read stories about guys who go from bank to bank and then randomly find a good collection that someone turned in. I, unfortunately, do not get to go out and CRH in the wild very often, so I only have a handful of banks that I order from and dump at. Today I was at one of my banks and one of my tellers, that I take very good care of, told me that an older woman had come in the day before and tried to dump a collection, but that their machine would not accept the silver coins........SO she had placed all of them in her coin tray. She asked if I would like to purchase them from her. I , thinking it was probably a few quarters or halves, was more than glad to see what she had. SO, she pulls out her coin tray and all I can see in her dime and quarter rows is solid silver stacked about 3/4 to the top with a few clad mixed in here ant there, and a few silver halves. So I did what any good CRHer would do, and I bought them. While this was not some incredible huge hoard as I have seen sometimes on here, it was huge to me and it really made my day. I know I preach it every once in a while on this forum, but treat your tellers right and they will treat you right in return. The total was 48 silver quarters, 59 silver dimes(4 mercs), 3 90% halves, and 2 40% halves. Hope this happens to everyone at some point in their CRHing experience. Pics below and sorry for the quality, I was having issues with the camera.