Tell this NJ man ( IT COULD NEVER HAPPEN ) to him..................


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Dad: This Picture of My Son Holding a Gun Triggered a Visit from NJ Police, Family Services

Mar. 19, 2013 11:23amMike Opelka928


Did this photograph spark a police action that tried to enter a New Jersey home without a warrant? That’s the story being told on a website dedicated to “Open Carry” in the state of Delaware. The title of the story, “The fight has officially been brought to my front door.”

Image: Delaware Open Carry

The young man in the photo is the 11-yr-old son of Shawn Moore. The gun is a .22 rifle, a copy of the AR-15, but a 22 caliber. The photo was posted on Facebook by a proud father. That Facebook posting apparently triggered an anonymous call to New Jersey’s Department of Youth and Family Services (DYFS). On Friday night, March 15th, two representatives from the state’s social services office (along with four local police officers) came to the Moore home and demanded to see the family’s firearms.

According to Moore’s lawyer, Evan Nappen (an attorney with considerable expertise in NJ’s very strict gun laws), the situation was “outrageous.”

Here’s what Moore alleges on the Delaware open carry forum:
•NJ’s Department of Youth and Family Services (DYFS) came to his home, accompanied by police officers. They claimed to be responding to a call about a photo of a young boy holding a firearm. (photo above)
•Without a search warrant, DYFS demanded entry into Moore’s home and access to all of his firearms. Moore was not initially there, but his wife called him.
•With his lawyer listening to the exchange on the phone with police and DFYS, Moore denied entry to his home and access to his safe where he stores his guns.
•When Moore requested the name of the DFYS representative, she refused to give it to him.
•After threatening to “take my kids,” the police and Family Services worker left — “empty handed and seeing nothing.”

In an exclusive interview with TheBlaze, Mr. Nappen — the attorney who was listening to the entire incident via Moore’s speaker phone — added more details:

•The DYFS worker repeatedly demanded access to the house and for Moore to open his safe where the firearms were stored. She said that the guns should be catalogued and checked to make certain they were “properly registered.” (NJ does not require registration, it is voluntary.)
•The four police officers acted professionally, they were there at the request of DYFS.
•The worker refused to identify herself. Mr. Moore demanded that she giver her name. She refused and ran away.
•As of Tuesday morning, Mr. Nappen believes that DYFS is still pushing for an inspection, “which is not happening.”

Mr. Nappen also shared few very important facts about this case. For instance, Shawn Moore holds three very significant firearms designations:
•NRA Certified Firearms Instructor – One of the toughest certifications to attain, requiring skills with the weapons as well as teaching.
•NRA Certified Range Safety Instructor
•NJ State Certified Firearms Hunting Instructor

Shawn’s son is also someone who has been certified by the state of New Jersey. In order for a person under the age of 18 to go hunting in New Jersey, they must be accompanied by a parent or adult supervisor, and they must also pass a state firearms hunter safety test. The young Mr. Moore passed the test and his father was NOT his instructor.

Sounds like the DYFS went way beyond her authority, I would also have refused entry without a search warrant...... Smart to have the lawyer on the phone, wish they had had a video camera though....

Also sounds like they are from a Anti-Gun location . It's a tradition in my town to submit pictures to the local news paper of youth holding thier firearm with the deer they harvested . Good Lord would thier DYFS have a field day here in rifle deer season !......:BangHead:

:icon_scratch: Where's all the anti-gun posters defending this 'win friends and influence people'move ?



A) cute kids you have
B) nice weapons stash you have!
C)It sure is nice to see you proudly showing your weapons and family for us
D) Do you have to store them(guns) in a crypt in the palace?


You would think your time would be better spent fighting for the safety of women there than wasting our time here on something you have no control on at all, does crime that close to you not bother you, or is it just too close for you to want to do anything about it....?

February 10, 2013

Which Country has the Highest Rape Rate in the World?

After thinking over the question for five minutes, you might come up with South Africa or some other third world country as your answer. However, the real answer might shock you.

Who has the highest number of rapes in the world?

The title sadly goes to Sweden, which now sees one out of every four Swedish women being the victim of rape.

Is this the result of the rapid influx of Muslim immigrants who continue to form a larger percentage of the Swedish population?

From the Counter Jihad Report:
With Muslims represented in as many as 77 percent of the rape cases and a major increase in rape cases paralleling a major increase in Muslim immigration, the wages of Muslim immigration are proving to be a sexual assault epidemic by a misogynistic ideology.

The escalation of rape in Sweden is so bad that in July of last year there were an average of five rapes a day reported in Stockholm. Think about that for a minute; five women being raped a day in a modern civilized city. This isn't Afghanistan or Mexico we're talking about; it's Sweden.

The fact that the quantity of rapes is increasing due to the increase of Muslim immigrants is in itself disturbing. As of 2008, Sweden's rape statistics were up to 53.2 per 100,000 population. Sadly, they are most likely higher as the Muslim population continues to grow without any willingness to assimilate into Swedish society.

The only way to fix such a problem is either halt immigration altogether, or to bring down the law on Muslim immigrants who are unwilling to obey. However, such actions force Swedish officials to recognize the root of the problem - Islam. And we all know how government officials react to that.

John-Pierre Maeli writes weekly on his blog, The Political Informer. You can learn more by following him on Google+

Blog: Which Country has the Highest Rape Rate in the World?

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Being a child was involved you will never hear about it. Be glad children services checks, and they should check more homes. I truely hope this was not over a picture and a gun. I personally think natural gas is more dangerous than a gun. Hold the beans please.

A proud Mother or Father hunting with their Daughter or Son is a very proud tradition on this land that we are "ALL" afforded to share. A photo in relation to hunting and harvesting food is warranted for sure.... Having a child holding a replica of an "Assault Type Firearm" in relation to hunting and for the sake of the child looking like a Manifest Destiny Rambo of sorts, say's neigh to good hunting and gun ownership practices in relation to children? If my Daughter ever would need more than 2 rounds to dispatch a wild animal.... She would not be allowed to shoot at large game until her aim was "true" and proficient.


You would think your time would be better spent fighting for the safety of women there than wasting our time here on something you have no control on at all, does crime that close to you not bother you, or is it just too close for you to want to do anything about it....?

February 10, 2013

Which Country has the Highest Rape Rate in the World?

After thinking over the question for five minutes, you might come up with South Africa or some other third world country as your answer. However, the real answer might shock you.

Who has the highest number of rapes in the world?

The title sadly goes to Sweden, which now sees one out of every four Swedish women being the victim of rape.

Is this the result of the rapid influx of Muslim immigrants who continue to form a larger percentage of the Swedish population?

From the Counter Jihad Report:
With Muslims represented in as many as 77 percent of the rape cases and a major increase in rape cases paralleling a major increase in Muslim immigration, the wages of Muslim immigration are proving to be a sexual assault epidemic by a misogynistic ideology.

The escalation of rape in Sweden is so bad that in July of last year there were an average of five rapes a day reported in Stockholm. Think about that for a minute; five women being raped a day in a modern civilized city. This isn't Afghanistan or Mexico we're talking about; it's Sweden.

The fact that the quantity of rapes is increasing due to the increase of Muslim immigrants is in itself disturbing. As of 2008, Sweden's rape statistics were up to 53.2 per 100,000 population. Sadly, they are most likely higher as the Muslim population continues to grow without any willingness to assimilate into Swedish society.

The only way to fix such a problem is either halt immigration altogether, or to bring down the law on Muslim immigrants who are unwilling to obey. However, such actions force Swedish officials to recognize the root of the problem - Islam. And we all know how government officials react to that.

John-Pierre Maeli writes weekly on his blog, The Political Informer. You can learn more by following him on Google+

Blog: Which Country has the Highest Rape Rate in the World?

What exactly makes you think i DON'T do anything about it here? The fact that i waste an hour a day on here apparently? What can i do anyhow? Stockholm's an 8 hour drive from me, makes it awkward to do my Charles Bronson impressions!

I know it irks you no end that i'm ENTITLED to comment on American (or any) issues here, and just like Sweden...that's not my fault! Sweden decided to open the floodgates on immigration, now they're paying for that, just as America did, is and will.
Your bosses decide to keep this as a "International site", that's not my fault either, so "anti-anything not American" people like yourself get upset and highly agitated when we comment. Both situations are out of my control. As you know full well, so why keep beating the same bush? :dontknow:

Dano, I did not say you can't post here, I have never said you can't post on these forums, what I have said was "as a MEMBER only, not a moderator" your opinions on our American Bill of Rights and gun rights do not matter to majority of us since your not an American citizen...

You live in the Rape capital of the world, it would seem your time would serve more good addressing that horrible issue that you do have some control over as you can be active in fighting it with out a gun rather than bashing Americans on OUR rights written into OUR Bill Of Rights....

You can even address it here on TN forums since we are world wide, you do not even need to go to another forum to speak out and try to bring some awareness to anyone living in Sweden who read our forums, to live in the Rape capital of the world Sweden could use your help.

Rape is the most despicable crime short of murder that can be committed against a woman, girl or child

Again as I have told you in the past any member can post in any forum. unless they constantly cause problems in a specific forum.

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Time for Dano to saddle up and start attacking random people that look like they practice the Muslim faith??? I look Arabic and have been mistaken for a Muslim so please don't get me with your Crossbow Dano. Saddle up and ride brother, saddle up and ride....

If I post my thoughts on the muslim rape thing I am sure I would be banned for life as it would not be censored at all! I agree with TH rape is disgusting and just shy of murder and in some cases...worse! Anyone who commits these acts should be put to death...I will stop now before I really get wound up about it.
Sharia law is coming...

I saw nothing wrong with the picture of the young boy holding the rifle. Finger was not even on the trigger.

No finger on the trigger of the pop tart gun either..still got him in trouble! Americans are known for over reacting, it's a National trait from ALL sides! It'll blow over soon and it'll be back to Lindsey Lohan or Paris Hilton again as normal.

No finger on the trigger of the pop tart gun either..still got him in trouble! Americans are known for over reacting, it's a National trait from ALL sides! It'll blow over soon and it'll be back to Lindsey Lohan or Paris Hilton again as normal.
I am sure your right as it will blow over. Maybe one of those two will have a "wardrobe malfunction"? :laughing7:

Dano, I did not say you can't post here, I have never said you can't post on these forums, what I have said was "as a MEMBER only, not a moderator" your opinions on our American Bill of Rights and gun rights do not matter to majority of us since your not an American citizen...

You live in the Rape capital of the world, it would seem your time would serve more good addressing that horrible issue that you do have some control over as you can be active in fighting it with out a gun rather than bashing Americans on OUR rights written into OUR Bill Of Rights....

You can even address it here on TN forums since we are world wide, you do not even need to go to another forum to speak out and try to bring some awareness to anyone living in Sweden who read our forums, to live in the Rape capital of the world Sweden could use your help.

Rape is the most despicable crime short of murder that can be committed against a woman, girl or child

Again as I have told you in the past any member can post in any forum. unless they constantly cause problems in a specific forum.

"The Swedish police recorded the highest number of offences - about 63 per 100,000 inhabitants - of any force in Europe, in 2010. The second-highest in the world.
This was three times higher than the number of cases in the same year in Sweden's next-door neighbour, Norway, and twice the rate in the United States and the UK. It was more than 30 times the number in India, which recorded about two offences per 100,000 people.
On the face of it, it would seem Sweden is a much more dangerous place than these other countries.
But that is a misconception, according to Klara Selin, a sociologist at the National Council for Crime Prevention in Stockholm. She says you cannot compare countries' records, because police procedures and legal definitions vary widely.
"In Sweden there has been this ambition explicitly to record every case of sexual violence separately, to make it visible in the statistics," she says.
"So, for instance, when a woman comes to the police and she says my husband or my fiance raped me almost every day during the last year, the police have to record each of these events, which might be more than 300 events. In many other countries it would just be one record - one victim, one type of crime, one record.

So there's a lot that official statistics don't tell us. They certainly don't reveal the real number of rapes that happen in Sweden, or any other country. And they don't give a clear view of which countries have worse crime rates than others."

BBC News - Sweden's rape rate under the spotlight

shouldn't each case be part of the statistics? Or is a package deal more appealing?

I'm sorry, but in keeping with the great tradition.

You have no right to comment on this story unless you live in New Jersey :laughing7:

Your comments are meaningless unless you live here, got that :tongue3:

No finger on the trigger of the pop tart gun either..still got him in trouble! Americans are known for over reacting, it's a National trait from ALL sides! It'll blow over soon and it'll be back to Lindsey Lohan or Paris Hilton again as normal.

Very accurate! Thanks for showing that even across the pond folks can see that many over react to perceived threats.

I somehow think that you believe the response of some over the threat to our Second Amendment is also overreaction. It isn't.

I used to like poking my friend's bulldog with a stick to wake him up. He'd growl sometimes, other times he's snap . . . but he never did anything about it beyond that. There comes a time when you poke the bulldog and he has had enough of it and bites the crap out of you.

The antigun folks have been doing their poking for decades --- in fact over half a century. Time for being nice and giving a warning growl is over.

As Chad Brock said: "It ain't the bark, it ain't the growl. It's the BITE that hurts. Thunder's just a noise boys, Lightning does the work."


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